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Hi Zaffar,
In my corporate career, defining success seemed
quite simple step to up the career ladder and a
financial up gradation too. Leaving my job was one
of the best decisions I have ever made because it
helped me to discover what success means to me.
For an online business, it seems easiest to define
success in number of social media followers, web
visitors or the amount of money we make. But other
signs of success excite me much more. I feel
energized when I can help readers and clients find
their desire readings and discover the joy of reading.
I feel happy when I find the right balance between
work and relaxation, when I can take care of myself.
So, my name is Maria Amir and I recently joined a
company .Our company is a publishing child
company of our major holding asset company called
LimeoX LLC registered in USA. We ran this in the
end of 2016.we made this because our competitors
were mostly fake and marketers were running
websites just selling products without any
knowledge , giving fake information. We started this
to provide content to our readers by hiring subject
matter experts. In august 2018 we had a downfall. A
google update was come and we lost our 90 percent
revenue. We almost lost everything our expenses
was more than our earning. But we didn’t lost our
faith. Whether you sell a product or provide a
service, your success is not just about you. Your
clients’ success is your success, too. However, we
changed our content. Together with my co-
author Rao Talha, who put an idea of giving real
information,, I forged ahead and launched. And by
march 2019 we got our 133 percent host double
than the host by the start.
How was that possible? When you share your
knowledge generously on your blog, people come to
trust your advice. And when you write from the
heart, your passion and personality shine through.
That’s how your success story, warts and all, builds
over time. And that’s how readers come to know and
trust you. We finally achieved our milestone in
march 2020. This was the huge success. We
achieved the moto of our company we made it a
half-million-dollar worth company in just a.5 years.

We have promised to provide elite content o the

readers who want an aberrant content we are
working on different projects. Shooting and sports in
one of them. Delivering such professionally catered
services according to their needs would uplift other
businesses that are overlapping to the company’s
Moto. We got a great triumph last month by getting
1 million impressions and approx 100k readers
through google search because of the quality
content provision according to the demands and
Google searches. Initially, it was a virtual company
but back to 6 months, we have opened our first
office in Sargodha city because of the expansion of
our team. We have highly qualified and educated
communicators and content writers to meet our
readers demand. We appropriately polish our
employees with a schooled training that helps our
work fabricating fast into the existed stream of the
market and our team which includes multiple writers,
graphic designers, publishers, editors, and subject
matter experts has promised to get a win for the

As a content creator, you and I share our stories

over time.

My team is expecting timidly and humbly warm

response from you and your team regarding our
success story to be published. In fact it would
enlighten the readers' minds not to give up on
dreams and a way to approach filtered and most
relevant desired content for their projects.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing
back from you regarding our request.

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