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Blog Week Nine

What work did you complete this week?

This week I finished the planning stage of my production. I wrote a
prop and equipment list containing all of the necessary items that I
would need to film my music video. Then I went on to complete the
final draft of my shooting script for both parts of the piece. Overall I
am happy with how it turned out. Next I moved on to creating
storyboards and finished this week’s work by updating my research as
advised in my teacher feedback.
What problems did you have to deal with?
I struggled with storyboarding my production as I am not very good at
drawing. This is something I have never gotten along well with since
the start of the course. However, it is a necessary evil that allowed me
to put into perspective precisely how my music video was going to be
shot. Despite being a jarring process, it was definitely worth it and
helped me to think more about the angles and camera movements that
I could use opening up a world of new possibilities. Finally, while I
was writing out my prop list I struggled to find a sledgehammer that I
could use for my production. Thankfully, a neighbour was able to
lend me one for a couple of days when I plan to shoot my production.

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