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Blog Week Six

What work did you complete this week?

This week I looked into the codes and conventions of punk music
videos. I did this by examining four different pieces the breaking
down the mise-en-scene, sound, editing and camera methods. I also
wrote a brief example of each of the aforementioned. Next, I moved
onto researching my target audience. I did this by conducting two
forms of primary research: a survey and a focus group. Each of these
bits of data gathering were then analyzed and arrived me at the
conclusion of who my target audience are. I then used an infographic
to present my findings and make the facts and figures easier to digest.
Finally, I conducted secondary research into props and characters to
allow me to develop these two things in my production planning
which I began over the weekend.
What problems did you have to deal with?
While I was researching different camera techniques I could us in my
music video, I completed a small test shoot, practicing my dolly zoom
method. I did struggle with this as I couldn’t focus on the object and
zoom in on it at the same time, despite trying to do so for about forty-
five minutes. Before I shoot my production, I hope to improve my
technique. Another thing that I struggled with this week was
conducting the focus group. Ironically, it wasn’t as focused as I had
hoped it would be and despite receiving some useful information it
could have been far more productive than it was. I also struggled to
find a location when I began planning my production. However, at
this point I’m not stressing about it because I have a bit longer before
I need to shoot and I’m only at the start of planning.

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