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1. What was your intention for the FMP?

My main intention towards my Finale Major Project was to create a documentary/retrospective

about Ziggy Stardust who is a stage character of David Bowie. I used this documentary to focus on
the mind of David Bowie’s character and show the effects that he has brought across people's lives. I
also made this as part of a passion project of David Bowie.

2. Why did you choose this?

I chose to create this documentary as in previous work we had

worked towards creating a documentary previously for our
specialist subject and it had given me the idea to create one for
my FMP. My previous documentary, it was focused on the
effect on music when there is a music video introduced. I
wanted to give it another try by creating a documentary on
David Bowie as I was originally stuck with ideas on what to
create for my FMP. So, I thought by creating this piece I could
dive deeper into David Bowie's character and have an excuse
for that as well.

3. Which technical/software skills were you confident in before starting the FMP?

In my technical skills, I am confident about using Microsoft software such as Word and documents.
These I have learned throughout my life but had gained more confidence in using them more
towards the 2nd year of this course. With equipment, I was mostly confident about the cameras we
had used throughout the 2 years of this college course due to using them within mostly every lesson.
I hadn’t used one within the 2nd year of this course until my FMP had come around to do my
interviews. When setting up a camera was able to set one up effectively and easily without hassle.
This also includes the camera stands we had used as well as being able to connect and clamp them
onto the cameras effectively. With my confidence in Adobe software such as Premiere Pro and After
Effects and more. I have confidence in them. These were mostly Premiere Pro and Adobe
Photoshop. On the other hand, I wasn’t able to use Animation and After Effects as they are very
technical for me and I have struggled to use them and still do.
4. Which technical/software skills did you need to improve or learn during your FMP?

During the FMP I had to improve upon my script writing as my previous script I had done for my
Special Subject I wasn’t that confident on it and I felt like it lacked confidence and wasn’t explaining
my point properly. I had to also improve upon adobe software such as Photoshop. I had basic skills in
Photoshop but when it came to creating the poster for our exhibition, I had to gain confidence and
skills in how to use Photoshop more efficiently and effectively. I also had to learn to speak more
confidently when recording my script. As I have confidence when it comes to overall talking to anyone
and a group or crowd but I am not that confident when having to record my own voice. I had to also
improve upon my Primary Research as I had done interviews for part of my documentary as well.
When talking about Premiere Pro I didn’t have to really gain any more skills as my editing was around
the same standard as my Special Subject that we had done previously. I wish I had learned more and
developed my production toward my FMP further. This may have gone outside of my Premiere Pro
too and gone into Adobe After Effects as well.

5. What primary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?

When starting up my Primary research I undertook multiple surveys within Microsoft Surveys I asked
multiple questions and they had come out well. This was just to get a brief overview of who I may be
interviewing or just an overall crowd full of people to see what I may need in someone to interview
them for the project. I gathered multiple replies and blogged them and put them on my Weebly
page. But I had then gone back over it and had gathered more replies since then and taken on and
had more full replies but also 2 times the replies. I sent this out to different places online to grab
people's own perspectives and opinions towards Ziggy Stardust who is David Bowie's character. I had
also sent out a post within Reddit about this as well but in its own form to fit the Reddit layout but it
hadn’t managed to pass the moderation for some unknown reason and it took them 3 weeks to
accept it and I hadn’t gotten any replies so I left it out. I
had also done interviews to put into my Finale Project as
well but they can also be used as primary research to
gather opinions as well. I asked 3 questions for them.
But I felt like the questions could’ve been reordered and
also given more detail into them. The feedback I received
from all of them was good and gave me various unique
answers from them. This was also due to age differences
and it had worked out well. I had originally planned to do
4 interviews. 2 Between the ages 17-19 and 2 not my age
around 58-62. I had gathered 2 of my friends around my
age and then I had gotten one of my teachers Michael Bush and my own Father. I had not managed
to interview my father as he was busy and didn’t have the time to do it sadly. I had tried to get him
to do it. But in the end, I hadn’t managed. I wish I had as I could’ve gotten more opinions recorded
about Bowie and his character Ziggy. I already knew his opinions but obviously, my own word
wouldn’t count as Primary Research.

6. What secondary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?

When conducting my Secondary research, I started

by getting a summary and details about David
Bowie's life. Such as where was he born, his
parents, and other details such as what school he
music, and what band he was in first. With my
secondary research, I used many websites that
talked about David Bowie, most importantly his
character Ziggy Stardust. They would talk about
how this character created something special and
had changed music and the music genre rock in an effective way with his style and character on
stage as well as the music he had put out to match this. I also looked into the origins of the album
that surrounded this character and how the character was created. After going into high-depth of
research on the character of the album. I had researched what makes someone iconic but mostly
within the music field. For example, looking up the definition of this as well and looking at other
examples of people with different forms of art media or work. This followed up on the effect Ziggy
Stardust had on the LGBTQ+. It may have not been huge but he definitely was a very prominent and
famous person to come out and talk about this and also express himself. With a lot of this research, I
referred to the BBC 4 Documentary created on Ziggy Stardust that had given me ideas for my script
and other factors I could use with my final piece. This was also talking about his relevancy and
uniqueness in the music genre rock. When I started to write my script, I researched how to write and
form a script properly. This was by me researching through various websites and YouTube videos
again to gather more information that may benefit me, which it did.

7. Which technical/software skills have you used during your FMP?

During my FMP I have used a wide range of skills. For example, Adobe software is frequently closer
to my actual production. I used
Photoshop to create my poster for
the exhibition and the thumbnail as
well. But I also used Canva as well,
which is an online creator for
pictures and posters. But I also
learned how to use premiere pro in
my production of the documentary.
This is down to audio snipping and
cutting and clipping clips throughout
it. When developing my
documentary, I had to use text input
and be able to sink It up properly. I
have also used the camera and
stand to record my interviews
within the green screen room. I
have also used the microphone that plusssgs into the camera to gather better audio. With my
technical skills, I have learned how to structure and create a Microsoft survey properly. For example,
having questions that don’t repeat themselves and stand out from the rest of the questions such as
age or gender are not needed. But asking questions that give a proper effective answer that makes
people go into depth or brings out a proper answer. Also voice recording.

8. How did you use particular technical/software skills during your FMP?

With using Adobe Premiere Pro, I have used to create my overall piece by cutting audio when I
record to be able to place it into the right place for my script. I have also used this to create the
overall piece. I used a base background image of paper as the sort of template throughout the entire
thing so it didn’t seem like a boring basic background with just images all over it. I also used it to
implement my interviews into this. This was more towards the end of this but it still made it fit in.
This is also me cutting clips and adding effects as well. My overall experience with Premiere Pro in
this project is just cutting and snipping certain clips together to match up the storyline. It hadn’t
seemed anything heavy as I had done it previously. I also added in audio and background music and
made it quieter and louder in certain areas to match the tone I was going towards. With my voice
recording, I had written the script from college but recording my script from home I did run into
some slight problems. For example, I had audio cutting and missing. Which I had to record over
again. I had also not fully stuck to my original script and cut out certain parts.

9. How close did you stick to your original Statement of Aims idea?

I Stuck very close to my original plan. My original idea was based on the effect that Ziggy Stardust
has managed to carry across different ages and demographics. For example, my age compared to my
dad's age. This is also highlighting the effect that he has had on rock and glam rock as a whole. The
original plan stuck and hasn’t changed a bit.

10. If you changed your Statement of Aims – why did this happen?

The original plan was about how Kanye West and David Bowie were linked. I wasn’t able to gather
much information and was very absurd. Wasn’t any physical evidence behind it and was just a theory
someone had made. I thought I wouldn’t be able to develop this far as well. The video may also come
out very short too. By changing to my 2nd idea. It made me feel more solidified in what I was going to

11. What challenges did you face on your FMP?

I faced the challenge of doing interviews as I’ve never done them before.

Overall writing a script as I had struggled previously to write one for Special Subject.

Recording my audio because of my stutter. I only stutter when recording my own voice.

Filming within the Green Screen room as I hadn’t done it previously under my own control and

12. How did you meet any challenges on your FMP?

I met the challenge of doing interviews by obviously making some questions that could be asked and I
had sent them to a teacher to have them check if they were suiting what I was needing to do. Also
setting up the equipment and having people actually come and not have to cancel.

With writing my script I struggled as I had come across writer's block quite frequently. I also struggled
to structure each paragraph/section properly. But I had managed in the end to slightly space them
apart to define them from each other. Also trying to have everything grammatically correct.

With recording my audio, I have a major stutter. I am confident when speaking to people but when I
am put across a microphone to record, I stutter highly and struggle to put out words at times. I also
lack confidence highly on this part. Me repeating my script and re-recording it, it eventually gave me
the confidence to continue with it and have it finished. But I had to re-record other parts again as I felt
like I lacked confidence in them as well.

With filming in the green screen room, I had done it before. But I hadn’t done it before on my own and
in my own independence. I ran into some issues with how to turn on the lights in the room and how to
connect and disconnect the microphone from the camera at the time. I did have a teacher to assist me
slightly on those parts I was confused about but I managed to get them done on my own after he had
told me how to do it once.

13. What problems did you face for your FMP? (This might include technical problems or issues
such as time management, for example

The main problem I faced within my FMP was my audio issue. For example, I had issues towards the
start where my audio was cutting and corrupted when in Premiere Pro on certain computers. I also
had missing audio that was in the right places in my folders but was appearing as missing. This was
for my instrumental background music.

I ran into the issue of copyright when trying to upload to

YouTube 7 times but kept failing. This was due to the clip
of David Bowie singing Starman.

I had a problem with slow computers within a certain

classroom 1210. The computers take forever to load and
can crash software if pushed too far.

Writers block for my script. Struggling to structure my

script when running out of ideas a lot.

14. How did you overcome any problems on your FMP?

With my audio problems, they were very easy to fix as I was just able to redownload them from where
I saved them and put them back onto the files and just use them instead. With my missing audio
within my folders. I sadly had to just replace it as well and replace it all back in position on my timeline
in Premiere Pro.

With my copyright issue, I had to completely remove the clip completely. Luckily, I was able to use the
music towards it. I just had to implement a text box of just telling people to imagine it. Sadly, it won't
be as good but it's what I had to go for or I wouldn’t be able to have others view the project and it
would be blocked.

With my slow computers within different classrooms such as 1210 I had asked to move into different
rooms so I could speed up my productivity overall. This did help a lot as I was able to get my final
piece done in time and be able to start my evaluation.

With my writer’s block. If I was to run into it, I would handle it by moving away from my script and
move towards other forms of work such as updating my page or doing the daily blog and improving it.
15. Which skills have you improved during your FMP? (Consider technical, communication,
personal, research skills)

My overall skill set has changed slightly during this Finale Major Project.

My Technical skill set hasn’t changed as much as I was used to being able to use the camera and
camera stand already, But I had learned how to attach and use the microphone that is hooked onto
the camera. I wasn’t sure how it worked but it works by having it slightly above someone with it
pointing towards their chest so it catches the best quality of sound. I have also learned how to use the
green screen room with the lights. I have learned how to use ownership as

With my communication skill sets, I have learned that working with others and gathering information
from them by asking is highly needed and plans out well if you are not to work independently. For
example, when I was researching a lot about David Bowie, I was constantly asking Michael Bush
questions to do with him and what he is most interested in. Another example is when I have run into
an issue, I tend to either google it or most of the time message a teacher or ask a teacher for
assistance to fix the issue. Sometimes they are not able to fix the issue so I am left to research it
online. These can also include the interviews I had to do as I had asked them questions about what I
was mining for in my project, to find a defined answer or overall judgment on David Bowie. This also
includes the Microsoft surveys that I have asked for. They do not require much communication as
people are tending to reply to your survey when they aren’t around but also it is down to where you
post and where I shared it such as teams and other social media platforms for my family and friends. I
had also done this with Reddit as well but the answer wasn’t sufficient so I didn’t feel like including

My overall personal skills have changed a lot as well. This could be down to confidence in recording
my script. Previously on one of my other questions, I had discussed that one of my challenges was
recording my script due to my confidence in Infront of a microphone compared to a person. That has
improved highly as my own way of dealing with that challenge worked. When talking about prioritizing
my work it has improved greatly throughout this FMP. From the start, I had my priorities in check and
had gone through my statement of aims efficiently. But I had prioritized my script and paperwork over
my production and other things. With my time management, I handled it well towards the start but
further down the line it slowly dropped down now towards the end of production and evaluation it has
sped up dramatically. I have also stayed in other rooms to get more work done when my schedule for
college is finished, I still have stayed at college to get work completed.

My research skills, they divide apart from Primary and Secondary Research. For example, within
Primary Research I conducted multiple surveys with more advanced questions than the last year's
FMP. For example, last year was very standard such as what is your age and what is your number
which isn’t needed at all and doesn’t bring in much information for the target audience I am going
towards. But within this year I have asked questions that do matter to my main project such as this
one here. Using these questions towards my development and research they come in very handy I
had also done interviews which is primary research developing face-to-face practically. Also, when I
used interviews as primary research, I gathered a good range of opinions and also brand-new
information to answer the questions within my documentary. People had agreed or talked about how
he is a legend or influential in his field. I haven’t gotten much Primary research done but what I
should’ve done is done a rough-cut draft and sent it out on a survey to gather audience feedback
related to my work. I could’ve also used this to develop more ideas and put more time into my overall
practical work.
When talking about my secondary research skills. They have improved highly. Looking at and
documenting my research through my Weebly page is critical. When researching I try to focus on
keywords compared to my first year where researching wasn’t as important due to me doing a video
project that wasn’t focused on documentation. I tend to gather the majority of my information from
other blog posts and websites that document these topics as well. YouTube is also another place I am
able to gather secondary research. These can be down to facts about Bowie may have lived and who
inspired him to create the character. One main example of researching through websites is the rolling
stones website which I used to find out information on the effect that the Ziggy Stardust character
made on the LGBT at the time and how he stood out from others. I have used a lot of secondary
research to bring together my Final Piece and include it within my script and also within my Weebly
page. This could be down to what I mentioned about LGBT and all the way down to what makes
someone iconic or keeps them relevant within their field.

16. Which part or parts of the FMP did you feel worked well?

I feel like the practical element of my work that worked well was my editing by putting music in certain
parts so it hadn’t seemed bland. Also, I used the paper as my background so it hadn’t seemed as
bland. I wanted to have vibrance and not just have images against black. I also felt that the
background music I had used within the practical mixed in well with what I was going for. With just
having my voice it would’ve lost the viewer's attention. With my written work I felt like my script had
worked well and effectively. It had changed slightly throughout and I hadn’t stayed word to word to the
script so I could give it more vibrance at the time of recording my voiceover. Overall, I felt that my
FMP was better than last year's FMP. This is due to me putting my effort and having more interest in
the subject I was going over this year.

17. What might you do differently?

Overall, with my whole FMP, I would’ve done mostly everything differently. This would be for my
practice and some Written work. With my practical element, I would’ve done the entire layout
differently. If I had more time on my hands, I would’ve aimed to add effects into this by using after-
effects such as the background paper moving and seeming like it is wrinkled. Another example of
this would be images slightly moving and jittering. I would’ve also liked to give it a slight lighting
effect as well. I may have been able to do this through Premiere Pro but I was unsure. Another part
of my FMP I may have done differently was how I worded parts of my script. When I wrote it, I had
read it out to myself and it didn’t make sense when talking but I did not have the time to rewrite it. I
would’ve also done my planning differently as when certain parts came around, I felt as if I was
falling behind schedule slightly. Sometimes this would be by a lesson but other days would be
behind maybe a day or two. Overall, I lacked in the practical element and wish was I able to revisit it
my script as well as I had led of script when recording my vocals. Not everything had stuck to the
script exactly.

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