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Q-1 You are an artist of a self-destructive nature who uses the concept of light and shadow extensively

in your work. In one of your paintings,you paint your younger self and portray the conflict of small vs.

What is it likely to be called?

A)Retroactive B)Nightmare of George V C)David with the head of Goliath

D) Maracana

Answer-c) logic-talkin bout Caravaggio here

Q-2 “Ground control to Major Tom………………………..check ignition an may god’d love be with you”

Which manned moon landing took place after only five days of the release of this hit pop number?

A)Apollo 11 B) Apollo 16 C) Pioneer 0 D) Ranger 3

Ans-apollo 11 logic-it was the 1st manned moon landing,the song was launched 5 days prior

Q-3 Name the artist who once used a technique similar to psychoanalysis during a performance which
allowed people who carried “deep pain inside” to use her as a “mirror” for their emotions and to
communicate with her on a deep ,empathetic level.

A) Yoko Ono B)Marina Abramovic D)Carollee Schneemann D) Sigmar Polke


Q-4 “Mornin’ Mr. Werewolf!” a small boy clad in thick fur calls out and goes past you chirpily.The whole
village calls you that fondly,as your love for wild nature and animals is evident to one and all.

What is it that you’re likely to paint?

A)Horses running endlessly B)Into the wild C) In the ocean of storms D) Habitat

Ans-b)into the wild logic-artist used to live in a village up in the mountains of norway,was called
werewolf fondly,the guy loved the outdoors

Q-5 Which author is likely to use a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias in his story to create an
environment which encourages the reader to explore alternate lives and worlds?

A)Peter Goldsworthy B) Lewis Carroll C) Gabriel Garcia Marquez D) Dougls Adams

Ans-c)Gabriel Marquez logic-story in the resources has a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias

Q-6What is a statistician likely to say to his love?

A)keep counting then,as the one you are tring to find wanders away each day
B)Be it mean, median or mode,you might as well find the love of your life in a toad

C)So stay awhile with me: the person to avoid,alone,is mostly you yourself

D)it comes to the monk in the cell


Q-7 you reside in a town where the dilemma of building houses on top of a pedestrian bridge was solved
in a rather curious manner,by making cubes sit in a tilted fashion on a hexagonal pole and stacking it
over and over.

Where do you put up?

A)Amsterdam B)Venice C)Rotterdam D) Belgium

Ans-c) Rotterdam

Q-8An exotic animal is sent from the wastelands of Egypt to england to get installed at a king’s
menagerie in Windsor,only to lead a short-lived existence. A painter painted the entire entourage.Which
famous painting are we talking about?

A) Tongari-Kun B) The Nubian giraffe C) The Illusionist D) The artsist is present

Ans-the Nubian giraffe

Q-9 This poem wryly undercuts the idea that division is inevitable,it evades categorization even as it
describes divisions created by choice,about the choice the poet did not makemwhich goes on to haunt
him forever.Which poem is it?

A)The road not taken B)hope is the thing with feathers C) Praise D) Kubla Khan

Ans-a)the road not taken by Robert frost

Q-10 A vairiety of a species of thistle cultivated as a food,the edible portion of the plant consists of the
flower buds before the flowers come into,dominantly of greenish color.

Which nutritious vegetable fits the description?

A)Cabbage B)Bittergourd C) Artichoke D) Cauliflower

Ans-c) artichoke

Q-11 Which of the following country’s president stirred up nationalist passions based on an age old
myth to cement his hold on power in 1989,the notion of which came to be known as “myth-poisoned

A)India B) Turkey C) Indonesia D) Serbia


Q-12 Name the Icelandic mythical sea monster whose reported sightings at various places have been a
subject of hot news for years.

A) Loch Ness monster B) Yeti C) Skrimsli D) Chupacabra


Q-13 “They are among us.Blood-drinking,flesh-eating,shape shifting extraterrestrial humanoids with

only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads:to enslave the human race,our corporate
executives,our leaders,everyone is involved in it!! Beware y’all nutheads”

Believers of which ideology are most likely to indulge in such commentaries?

A) Neo-communist B) Lizard people C) Zen D)RSS

Ans-b)lizard people

A-14 A single tweet in America spread an untrue rumour about how Americans were somehow immune
to a virus.

Which disease is caused by the purported virus?

A) Zika disease B) Ebola virus disease C)H1N1 disease D) Influenza


Q-15The supreme creator in the language of the Zulu people,they believe that he brought human beings
and cattle from an area of reeconspiracism C)ds,created everything,from land and water to man and
the animals.

Who is he?

A)Vishnu B) Unkulunkulu C) Odin D) Naba-Zid Wensle


Q-16 The inherent possibility that a statement ,hypothesis or theory can be proven false is called……?

A)bias informatiion B) conspiracism C) falsifiability D) pseudohistory


Q-17A mythological event where a great battle ensues,foretold to ultimately result in the death of a
number of major figures,the occurrence of various natural disasters,and the subsequent submersion of
the world in water

Which event does this question sheld light upon?

A)Kalki B) Maitreya C) Ragnarok D) The great floods

Ans-c) Ragnarok

Q-18 Ramu goesin search for and studies about animals whose existence or survival is disputed or

Which profession does he practise?

A)ufology B) Eugenics C)Cryptozoology D) Alchemy

Ans-c) cryptozoology

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