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Blog Week Ten

What work did you complete this week?

This week I began shooting with Toby and Ella (my two actors) and I
now have most of the footage I need for my music video. On the
Tuesday, Toby met me at the location and we started filming at 11am.
We carried on throughout the day relying on the precious natural
sunlight to make sure the music video looked how I wanted it to look.
Originally, I had wanted to shoot in the rain but since I had no say in
the weather forecast this week we shot in the blazing hot sun much to
my actor’s discomfort as he was wearing all black warm clothes.
When it came to shooting with Ella, thankfully the weather had toned
down and resumed to slightly more clouded skies and we did not
counter many issues.
What problems did you have to deal with?
While I was shooting with Toby, we often had to take breaks because
he got very hot wearing the costume and I offered him water to ensure
he stayed hydrated throughout the day. However, because of this each
time came back to filming a scene we would find that the sun had
moved and completely changed how bright the area was. To combat
this, we did numerous retakes of the same scene.

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