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Ancient China inventions

The ancient China civilization had had a very rich and successful history; and their
accomplishments when it comes to inventions was no exception. If it was not for the
ancient Chinese culture we today wouldn’t have a lot of things including Silk, Paper, the
Compass, Gunpowder, seismographs, and much more.

Silk is a light soft fabric that has always been desired by the wealthy throughout history.
Back in 2696 B.C. an empress named Leizu invented silk by boiling silkworms.
The fabric as so soft and thin however it was surprisingly strong. Back then the cloths
were made of wool and grass so the clothes were always itchy and stiff, so when people
began to notice silk it became very popular and everybody wanted it. Including people
from other countries.
China kept the recipe for silk very secretive because if other countries knew how to
make it the world would stop buying silk from China, so by doing this thousands would
trade with China to get their hands on some silk which kept China out of debt and other
countries in it.
Eventually silk became so popular that the people of the world named the world’s
trading system after it (The silk road.) I do not think that China could have survived
without it because silk gave China one of its biggest boosts on its economy ever.

Paper was founded by a man named Cailun in the second century. This became
another very popular good on the silk road sold by China; and it was most definitely a
big step from the sanded tree bark that people used to write on in ancient times.
The people used it for paper currency, cards, legal documents, and primary sources. I
think that China could have survived without paper however things would not be the
same. I don’t even think that America would have the declaration of independence
without paper; and as an effect I don’t think that America would have survived.
The compass is a device that allows people to tell was direction that they are going in.
The compass was invented by a bunch of sailors in the Han dynasty, and while it was not the
most popular good on the silk road. (Although it was quite popular in Rome.) It was very useful
for transporting goods on the silk road.
I do not think that China could have survived without the compass because it helped keep
people on the right track or path and it has also inspired us to create new kinds of technology.

In conclusion China had many accomplishments when it came to inventions and trade.
Some of their most helpful and most popular goods include silk, paper, and the

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