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Barte, Rosemarie Fe C.



Instruction: Answer the following questions using one (1) paragraph each.

1. What is the difference between an “enterpriser” and an “entrepreneur”?

They seem to be synonyms in some point, but they are different. The

entrepreneur defined as a individual who creates and develops new business. On the

other hand, enterpriser is defined as a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial

enterprise. Enterpriser is more about doing than about being, while the entrepreneur are

the risks takers and extroverts. But the most important is their characteristics, abilities,

and commitment on their work.

2. What characterizes the transition and change stage of an enterprise life cycle?

The life cycle of an enterprise start with the New Venture Formation

(Emergence), the stage where focuses on creating and developing new projects and

business to launch in the market. Second is the Progress and Growth (Newness) this

stage is the most information because they develop and starting to grow their business.

Lastly, . Transition and Change (Transformation) where this stage the goals and

objectives may changed because they already achieve and it and wanting more to go

bigger and successful. Those stages start from a scratch to ended up with a successful

projects. This enterprise life cycle will truly help for the beginners as a guide.
3. Why men are more like to start businesses than women? What factor might account

for this difference?

According to a research by Ethan Mollick  "women are less likely to be

entrepreneurs than men, and this has been a big puzzle, because women are as

innovative [as men and] companies run by women are as successful." Business to men

are more likely buying a lottery ticket which they more risk taker than the women. Men

are overconfident than women, they just believe on themselves than anyone around

them. Not enough confidence can lead to lose/failed in your business. You just need to

believe in yourself.

4. How important is education for starting a business? Why?

Education is the key to success, it makes us aware of knowledge, skills, and

ethics that has been there in our world. Education mold every individual in their degree

to be what they want to be. Also, education is the most important for starting a business,

because how can you a start a business without knowledge on handling or managing

this kind of business. In that matter, it is so hard to start without further knowledge on

how can you be successful or how can you manage your business. It always starts in

yourself, you just need to be educated and have knowledge on what are you going to


5. Why should you set goals? Define the characteristics of effective goals.

You set goals because you want to achieve something to your business or in

your life. In order for the goals to be effective they should be SMART

-Specific, your goal should be specific

-Measurable, you have to be able to measure your progress

-Achievable, your goal should not be impossible to achieve

-Realistic, your goal must be relevant.

-Time Oriented, you should have a target date for you to know if your goal will achieve

on time.

6. What are the six principles of managing goals? How will these principles help you?

The six principles of managing goals are as follows:

 Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in today, tomorrow, next month, and

next year in short in the future.

 Organizing: establishing a effective authority relationship among workers to

enable in achieving successful plans.

 Staffing: Hiring, job analysis, recruiting people for appropriate job. Providing

training and developing skills are necessary.

 Leading/directing: Determining what needs to be done in a situation and getting

people to do it.

 Controlling/monitoring: Checking current outcomes and making adjustments.

 Motivating: If managers do not motivate their employees at work, it might be a

cause to a slow progress in achieving goals.

These principles help the organization to be a organize and make easier

to achieve their goals and objectives.

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