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An Alien Fith Column On Earth?

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Chapter 8

An Alien Fith Column On Earth?

The mysterious "government insider" whose books have been published by Tim Beckley's Abelard
Press of New York, "Commander X," related a very interesting incident which involved the
subterranean mega-complex beneath Dulce, New Mexico:

"...In another case an old illustrator, John D., does very painstaking work, but during his
being on active duty at Dulce he began to act very queerly. He would write letters to the
President informing him of a plot underway to undermine the government, and to
sabotage the base. He began to draw pictures of American flags, beautifully executed.
He drew strange designs of mechanical devices, began to visit the library and bring back
books on physics and advanced electronics. He hardly knew how to spell the words.

"He would patiently explain something of a very technical nature which he shouldn't have
understood. When asked what he was raving about and why he was causing trouble by
writing the President, John D. would say that he had been 'sensitized.'

"'Last year when I was sick [John D. explained], the doctor on the base gave me
sulfanilamide. There is a fifth column in this country that is tied up with aliens. Selenium is
being slipped into SULFA DRUGS, and this selenium lodges in the bones and makes the
body receptive to extremely short waves, those in the wave band of the brain. Similar to
the waves that can be detected by the encephalograph. About 300,000 people in this
country have been sensitized, and at least seven secret radio stations have been set up
in this country, and they are broadcasting to these sensitized persons, instructing them in
the best way to perform acts of sabotage against our planet.'"

These claims as given by the Dulce worker, John D., are incredible indeed, and could easily be
dismissed as the ravings of a madman, IF NOT FOR THE FACT that many others are saying basically
the same thing, that there is a movement underway to bring the minds of the masses under the
subjection of an alien force, whether through electronic implantation and control, subliminal
programming, or through other means.

Why would the 'controllers' use the United States as the major target of their activity? We believe that
this is due to the fact that the United States is a place that was originally intended by it's 'founding
fathers' to be a refuge for peoples FROM ALL NATIONS to come and work out their collective destinies
free from the restrictions of prejudice and the oppressiveness of tyrannical rule -- a land where all
people could express their creativity, culture and individual destinies without interference.

This was their 'intention', however it is obvious that the 'dream' has not been fully realized because of
collective and governmental compromise of the principle that "all men are created equal". The United
States, nevertheless, is unlike any other single nation. It is a cultural "melting pot" and a place where
not only international human societies on the surface CONVERGE and intermingle in a dramatic way,
but apparently where human societies beneath or beyond the earth converge as well.

For instance, according to various reports, most non-surface human societies who are aware of planet
earth have their representatives walking among us in our own society [and to some extent, other
nations throughout the world], although many of these choose to keep a low profile for either honorable
or not-so-honorable reasons. Another factor is the respect which the BILL OF RIGHTS gives to all
American citizens, allowing for personal freedom and individuality so long as the freedom and
individuality of others is not threatened. Individuality is the MORTAL ENEMY of the alien "Hive", you 5/10/2018
An Alien Fith Column On Earth? Page 2 of 2

could say.

The U.S., then, seems to be in essence a "World Scenario", if not a 'universal' scenario in miniature
and therefore the 'Conspiracy' sees it as a most valuable prize. Therefore it would probably not be too
'far out' to suggest that the war between the human and serpent races from all three
'realms' [extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial and intra-terrestrial] CONVERGE within the United States, and
to be more exact, within the vicinities of the Archuleta plateau near Dulce, New Mexico [a MAJOR
earth-base of the Reptiloid interventionist Empire forces]; the Death Valley region of California [a
MAJOR earth-base of the Humanoid non-interventionist Federation forces]

And then we have the 'battle-grounds' between the AMERICAN-COM12-CABAL-PHILADELPHIAN-

military complexes like those which permeate the underground territories below California, Nevada,
Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico... and apparently centered specifically in
or near,

• the underground military-industrial systems beneath Lancaster,

• Mercury, Nevada
• Burley, Idaho
• Dougway, Utah
• Page, Arizona
• the underground systems below the Denver International Airport of
• and also below Oklahoma City

All of these basing areas are seen by the proponents of the New World Order as strategic sites that
they MUST maintain control of if they are to force America to submit to a one-world government.

Return to The Dulce Book 5/10/2018

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