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Blog Week Eleven

What work did you complete this week?

This week marked the start of the post-production process as I began
editing the footage that I captured the previous week. While I was
shooting, I kept checking each clip to ensure everything looked okay.
I did this as I knew that my actors both had very busy schedules
themselves and would most likely be unavailable to reshoot the faulty
footage. The weather also came into account and I would have had to
further edit my script if I were to plan a reshoot, also it would mean
that everything would have to be filmed again in the different
What problems did you have to deal with?
While I was organising my clips into a first rough draft, the computers
at college did not run the editing software very well at all so I
downloaded a free trial and used that on my laptop which was far
more efficient. Unfortunately, as a result of this, some of the footage
which I thought I had saved onto the college computers went missing
causing me to panic and spend two days searching through every SD
card I own for said footage. Despite this putting me really far behind
schedule, I still got my first and second drafts uploaded for the
Thursday and then the final edit for the Friday, ready to be evaluated
in the following week.

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