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Threat intensity

Threat of new entrants

-Technology price: AI
5’000CHF to 200’000
-Min 5 months
IT/AI knowledges

Rivalry among existing competitors

Threat of substitutes

-Expensive & complex

software (Bullhorn) Current threat: the added
-Cancellation fee may value of EasySelect
apply should be highlighted
-High customer loyalty:
long-term project & real
Porter’s five which is the ease and full
use of a tool optimized
relationship forces for SME
Uniqueness of EasySelect

A wide range of
-Over 99% of
consultants available
companies are SMEs in
The AI/IT skills and
knowledges are in-
-592’695 companies à
4 521 019 job offers
-Other software
available on the market
Bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers

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