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Trabajo de inglés de la 1 y 2 semana


Institución educativa técnico departamental mixto

Puerto salgar Cundinamarca

Grado 902

Put these verbs in the correct group.
Like, Listen, Love, Buy, Meet, Use, Go, Make, Have, Want, Cost, Work.

Regulars Verbs
Like, Listen, Love, Use, Want, Work.
Irregulars Verbs
Buy, Meet, Go, Make, Have, Cost.
Write the past form of each of the irregular and regular verbs from Exercise in activity 1.
Verbs Past Verbs Past
1 Like Liked 7 Buy Bought
2 Listen Listened 8 Meet Met
3 Love Loved 9 Go Goes
4 Use Used 10 Make Made
5 Want Wanted 11 Have Had
6 Work Worked 12 Cost Cost

2) Realiza una lista de 50 verbos regulares y 50 irregulares que consideres son los que más
usas, además escribe el pasado de cada uno.
Verbos Regulares:
Arise: Arose
Awake: Awoke
Bear: Bore
Become: Became
Begin: Began
Bend: Bent
Bet: Bet
Bind: Bound
Bid: Bid
Bleed: Bled
Blow: Blew
Break: Broke
Breed: Bred
Bring: Brought
Broadcast: Broadcast
Burn: Burnt
Burst: Burst
Buy: Bought
Cast: Cast
Catch: Caught
Come: Came
Cost: Cost
Cut: Cut
Choose: Chose
Cling: Clung
Creep: Crept
Deal: Dealt
Dig: Dug
Do (Does) Did
Draw: Drew
Dream: Dreamt
Drink: Drank
Drive: Drove
Eat: Ate
Fall: Fell
Feed: Fed
Feel: Felt
Fight: Fought
Find: Found
Flee: Fled
Fly: Flew
Forbid: Forbade
Forget: Forgot
Forgive: Forgave
Freeze: Froze
Arise: Arose
Awake: Awoke
Bear: Bore
Beat: Beat
Become: Became
Begin: Began
Bend: Bent
Bet: Bet
Bind: Bound
Bite: Bit
Draw: Drew
Dream: Dreamt
Drink: Drank
Drive: Drove
Eat: Ate
Fall: Fel
Feed: Fed
Feel: Felt
Get: Got
Give: Gave
Go: Goes
Grow: Grew
Grind: Ground
Have: Had
Hide: Hid
Hit: Hit
Keep: Kept
Know: Knew
Kneel: Knelt
Lead: Led
Lean: Leant
Leap: Leapt
Learn: Learnt
Leave: Left
Let: Let
Lie: Lay
Lose: Lost
Make: Made
Meet: Meant
Mistake: Mistook
Overcome: Overcame
Ride: Rode
Ring: Rang
Rise: Rose
Run: Ran
Say: Said
See: Saw
Seek: Sought
Sell: Sold
Send: Sent
Set: Set
Shake: Shook

Complete the text with the past simple of these verbs from activity 1
There is more than one possible answer for some of the gaps
An American Company acquired the first electric guitars, because big jazz bands in the
1930s had to have a big guitar sound. The first designer was Harry Watson, works who
for the Electro String Company, and the first guitar was the Rickenbacker. It had a lot of
money, but many jazz musicians bought it anyway. The first record with an electric guitar
appeared in 1938. A lot of musicians worked to this new instrument and loved The new
sound. Now many types of music use electric guitars, from rock and roll to folk.
GUITARRAS ELECTRICAS Una empresa estadounidense adquirió las primeras
guitarras eléctricas, porque las grandes bandas de jazz de la década de 1930 tenían un gran
sonido de guitarra. El primer diseñador fue Harry Watson, que trabajaba para Electro String
Company, y la primera guitarra fue la Rickenbacker. Costaba mucho dinero, pero muchos
músicos de jazz lo compraron de todos modos. El primer álbum con guitarra eléctrica
apareció en 1938. Muchos músicos Trabajaron con este nuevo instrumento y les encantó. El
nuevo sonido. Ahora muchos tipos de música usan guitarras eléctricas, desde el rock hasta
el folk.

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