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Topic: Pop Culture: Songs, movies, and books

Activity 1: Guess the Acronym

Everyone starts with 5 points

Player 1: I challenge “name” to guess what does BRB stand for?
Player 2: Be Right Back?
Player 1: Correct I give you one point
Player 2: I challenge “name” to guess what does YOLO stand for?

Activity 1 alternative: What does this slang mean?

Co-founder: What does Bop mean?

1/ Jump 2/Good beat or song 3/Something bad
“Whoever mutes and says ME first, gets to say the answer”

Pass the ball to you peer and ask them one question from the slides:

What is your favorite song/book/movie?

Who is your favorite singer/actor/author?
Do you have cinemas in your home country?
What is the most popular media in your country? Songs/movies or books?
How many books do you think you have read? What is your favorite genre?
Are you a Potterhead?
Which do you like better, action movies or comedy movies?
What do you prefer, animated movies or real movies?
Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of a film? Why?
Harry Potter or The Hunger Games? Have you seen their movies or read their books?
Is it common to read books in your country?
Do you prefer paperbacks or hardbacks? Do you know what that is?
Do you ever read the last page before you start reading a book?
What is the longest book have you ever read?
Do you think books are boring?
Can you play guitar?
Do you like to sing when taking a shower?
Have you ever been to a concert?
How often do you listen to music?
Are streaming services popular in your country?
Netflix or Spotify
What is the best streaming service in your opinion?
Do you listen to English songs or do you prefer songs in your language?
Do you listen to certain songs during in weddings in your country?
Are radios popular in your country?
Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift
Could Jack have fit on the door with Rose? (Titanic)
Was The Dress blue and black or white and gold?
Should Hermione have ended up with Harry? (Harry Potter)
Disney vs Pixar

Speaking activities:
Activity 2: Can you say this popular tongue twister?
1/ Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
2/ How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
3/She sells seashells by the sea shore, the shells she sells are seashells I’m sure

Activity 2 alternative: commonly mispronounced words exercise: Which pronunciation is correct?

Goal: fix any of the members’ mispronunciations and teach them how certain words are pronounced

Energizer: Vocal exercises: Theater exercises, vowel exercises, Do Ri Me Fa Sol La SI, Deep breath

If we have time we can do a pop culture trivia

If you want one activity related to the topic:

What’s the Mistake?
So we give the members a lyric and we change one word like: “You know it’s not the same as it
We play that part of the song to them and they have to guess what word has been changed and to

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