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Yes, the arrest and seizure is legally justified.

Generally, arrest and search warrants are necessary before

a person and his personal effects can be detained. However, warrantless arrests are allowed in instances
where; a policemen who has knowledge or is present during the commission of crimes, can arrest the
perpetrator, this is the flagrante rule; a policeman is in hot pursuit of a person who is alleged to have just
committed a crime and is fleeing, and when an escapee is involved.

Although PMSg Aginta Taraki was not on duty, he called a backup to effect the arrest. The warrantless
arrest is valid because it was done in flagrante delicto, that is, the police was present while a crime is
being committed.

No, Ramlee is not a natural born Filipino. The constitution defined a natural born Filipino to be one who
acquired Filipino citizenship without having to do any like the execution of a document. Ramlee became
a Filipino citizen through a grant by the government. He therefore is not a natural born Filipino as
defined by the constitution. He therefor is not allowed to run for congress.

No, Amelia is not administratively liable.

The Constitution provides the freedom of religion under the bill of rights. As long as the exercise of the
religious freedom does not have a material effect to compelling state interest, the constitutional limits
may be expanded to accommodate such religious freedom. The State recognizes that their is a higher
being to whom it must defer to. This is the stand of the court in a similar case which it has decided upon
wherein the doctrine of benevolent neutrality was applied. The doctrine provides that religious
freedoms which do not run counter with state interests must not be curtailed by the state.

Yes, the arrest and seizure was lawful. Generally, arrest and search warrants are necessary before a
person and his personal effects can be detained. However, warrantless arrests are allowed in instances
where; a policemen who has knowledge or are present during the commission of crimes can arrest the
perpetrator, this is in flagrante rule; a policeman is in hot pursuit of a person who is alleged to have just
committed a crime and is fleeing, and when an escapee is involved. This case of marijuana is a case of
hot pursuit, hence it is a valid warrantless arrest.

Yes, the arrest and seizure was lawful. Generally, arrest and search warrants are necessary before a
person and his personal effects can be detained. However, warrantless arrests are allowed in instances
where; a policemen who has knowledge or are present during the commission of crimes can arrest the
perpetrator, this is the in flagrante rule, a policeman is in hot pursuit of a person who is alleged to have
just committed a crime and fleeing, and when an escapee is involved. This case of Aling Rose is a case of
hot pursuit, hence it is a valid warrantless arrest.

Yes. The equal protection clause of the constitution provides that laws must be applied uniformly to the
inhabitants of the State. Equal treatment must be extended to all of those similarly situated in terms of
conditions and circumstances.

In the Korean Institution at hand, the Filipino and Korean teachers are being treated differently when
they have the same work and workload. The equal protection clause calls for proper and equal
treatment in terms of compensation and benefits.

No. The due process clause is the right to be heard before a judgment is received. In this NLRC case, the
parties were asked to submit their position papers. These position paper contain the contentions or facts
or stand of either parties. The right to be heard does not necessarily mean being bodily present and
speaking out to the court or to the concerned body. The submission of position papers and pleadings are
equivalent to being heard. Hence, chinese bazaar was not denied due process.

No. The market value of the condemned property shall be the market value in 1998 when it was actually
taken. Although the State have the inherent power of Eminent Domain which is to take private property
for public use, it is imperative that it gives a just compensation in return. The just compensation to be
equitable must be computed based on the market value. The market value is the amount that a person
who is willing will buy the property or the amount that a person is willing to sell his property but may
not necessarily sell it.

No. Police Power is one of the fundamental powers of the state, the power of taxation and eminent
domain being the other two. Police Power is the inherent power of the state to maintain public welfare
and public order. Contrary to my buddy's contention, Police Power is lodged with the Legislative Branch
of the government and not with the executive. The Legislative Branch, the congress, promulgates laws
that regulate the actions of its inhabitants. My buddy's definition of police power therefore is a

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