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Name: Faraz Usmani

Student ID: 20191-26124

Assignment 2

Q) Search and write the following information of at least 3 Public Listed Companies for 3 years:
1.Authorized Capital
2.Issued and Paid-up Capital
Also, search and write the definition of "Article of Association" and "Memorandum of

Ans) Definitions:
1- Authorized Capital: The Authorized Capital is the maximum amount of capital that a
company can raise through the issue of shares to the shareholders. The capital amount
with which a company is registered with the registrar of the company is called the
authorized capital.
2- Issued Capital: The issued capital refers to the number of shares issued by the company
to the shareholders. The shares allotted or subsequently held by the shareholders is
called the issued capital.
3- Paid Up Capital: Paid up capital is the amount of money a company has received from
shareholders in exchange for shares of stock. Paid up capital is created when a company
sells its shares on the primary market directly to investors usually through an initial
public offering (IPO).
Article of Association: Articles of association form a document that specifies the regulations for
a company’s operations and defines the company’s purpose. The document lays out how tasks
are to be accomplished within the organization, including the process for appointing directors
and the handling of financial records.

Memorandum of Association: The Memorandum of Association or MOA is the legal document

that has to be filled with the registrar of companies at the time of incorporation of the
company. It is often called as a memorandum and is comprised of fundamental conditions on
the basis of which a company operates.

Public Listed Companies

1- Nestle Pakistan

2- HBL Bank
3- Atlas Honda

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