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Hrit Padma

» Informational Articles » Chakra » Hrit Padma



Color: Magenta

Element: Fire &


Position: 2 !nger

breadths below the

end of the left Rib


Shape: Circle

Petals: 8

Planet: Venus

Deities: Shiva & Shakti, Trimurti, Lakshmi

Action: Be

Objective: Release Control to realize Unconditional

love and being-ness.It awakens the Buddha within

Glandular-Connection: Pancreas

Frequency: 552Hz


This Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra is about

complete freedom to love, to be kind, a"ectionate

and compassionate. Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma)

Chakra is another name for the Supreme Self or

Atman. It is the essential and ultimate nature, the

indescribable dimension of our being. It is the

Witness Consciousness which intimate us of all our

thoughts, emotions and sensations. Witness to both

the mind and the universe in its inner and outer

dimensions. The subtle calling of in!nity radiating

from the indescribable, is the most direct experience

of the spiritual heart. In the simplicity of this

vibration lies the freshness of revelation – a

revelation which comes from “inside” even when the

information seems to come from “outside”.

Sahasrara Chakra (The Crown Chakra)

Ajna (The Brow Chakra)

Vishuddha Chakra (The Throat Chakra)

Anahata Chakra (The Heart Chakra)

Manipura Chakra (The Navel Chakra)

Swadhisthana Chakra (The Sacral


Muladhara Chakra (The Root Chakra)

More on Chakra Therapy

It signi!es joy, happiness and Ananda (Sat Cit

Ananda) It signi!es that, “The Heart of the Human

and the Heart of the Cosmos are one.” Through

spiritual maturity, the Heart is revealed as

something more than an individual dimension of our

being, after which it ceases to be expressed in terms

of duality. It represents the whole in which the

Subject and the Object, the Witness and the

Witnessed, are one and the same. Sacred Heart (Hrit

Padma) Chakra is the only Chakra which connects to

all other Chakras. The Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma)

center is the bridge between !nite and in!nite,

personal and transpersonal, the present and

eternity. It is the In!nite Light. It is also the absolute

freedom and spontaneity of this Light of

Consciousness, which appears to us in di"erent

forms of manifestations. It is the openness toward

the Whole.

Heart also, represents our main opportunity to

transcend the limitations of individuality. “Our

behavior itself is the awakening”. In the Spiritual

Vedic traditions this Chakra is also referred to as

Hridaya Chakra, Hridaya Padma, Hridaya Kamala,

Hridaya Amburuha, Hridaya Padmakosha, Hrit

Pundarika and Hema Pundarika. In the Tantric

traditions this Chakra is referred to as Hridaya

Ambhoja, Eight-petaled Padma, Eight-petaled

Kamala and Sixteen-petaled Padma. In Puranic

traditions it is referred to as Hrit Saroruha, Hrid Abja,

Hrid Ambuja, Hrid Ambhoja, Hriday Ambhoja,

Hridaya Kamala, Hridaya Pundarika, Hridaya, Hrit

Desha, Ashtapatra and Adi Shodasha chakra.

Laxmi Vriddhi

Product Description: This combination

attracts wealth and new opportunities by

awakening the Hrit padma chakra of the

wearer. 7 mukhi is ruled by the Goddess of

wealth Laxmi, Gauri Shankar, the union of

Shiva-Shakti that enhances alignment with

Universal consciousness and Shukra Yantra

that enhances the bene!c results of Venus.

This combination also enhances self worth

and charm of the

Garbh Sanskar

Product Description: This combination

paves the way for fertility and conception in

the uterus. 13 mukhi rudraksha increases

sexual power, 2 mukhi facilitates union. 10

mukhi Krishna Narayana rudraksha paci!es

all the negative planetary energy and gives

blessings for the new generation. 12 mukhi

gives good health and power of Lord Sun . 16

mukhi mahamrityunjaya rudraksha protects

the womb and removes all fears and


Gauri Shankar Kantha

Product Description: This very powerful

Kantha is made up highest grade Nepal

Gauri Shankar beads of size approx 32 to

35mm. Gauri Shankar rudraksha is the

Uni!ed form of Shiva & Shakti represented

by two naturally joined rudraksha. It opens

up the Hrit Padma chakra and attracts peace,

harmony and abundance in the wearer’s life.

Hrit Padma chakra is the spiritual heart

which is the abode of Goddess

Kalpavriksha Power

Product Description: This is divine

abundance combination that gives gifts

similar to Kalpavriksha or wish-ful!lling tree

that originated during the churning of milk

ocean, and King of gods, Indra took it to

heavens. Brings abundance in all spheres

and manifestation of all desires . The

Universe obeys the command of the wearer

and his wish becomes reality. The energies

of Laxmi, Durga, Shiva and Vishwakarma in

these beads open the doors for divine

manifestations and immense wealth.

Diamond Ring

Product Description: A symbol of purity, the

Diamond’s pure white light helps to bring our

lives into a cohesive whole. It inspires the

forces of accumulation, attracting the

manifestation of abundance. Diamond is an

energy ampli!er. It is a stone that never

requires recharging. It brings strength and

endurance to all chakras in the body. It

works on the Venus Chakra which is the Hrit

Padma chakra in the body. It brings clarity of

mind and aids enlightenment. It aids spiritual

evolution and reminds you of your soul’s


Rose Quartz Bracelets

Product Description: Charming bracelet

made of Natural round Rose Quartz

gemstone beads in stretch elastic would

made an elegant daily wear accessory. With

soft radiant pink tone the bracelet also

makes a beautiful gift for your loved ones.

Epitomizing compassion and love, Rose

quartz helps promote peace, self-love,

forgiveness and trust. It also helps heal heart

chakra and ailments relating to heart, lung,

chest, kidney and blood.

Is Your Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma)

Chakra Healthy or Blocked?

Rise in Love Hrit Padma C…

A Healthy Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra

The Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra governs life

lessons involving love and compassion to become

ONE with the Universe. It signi!es the sweetness and

oneness of the Universe with self and teaches the

need to lead life unconditionally, with love and

compassion. The person desires a spiritual

experience in love and a"ection. He/She displays an

altruistic and empathetic nature and generally has

an excellent immune system.

It signi!es higher level self-worth and understanding

of self in alignment with the bigger cause of the

Universe, it teaches one to be sel#ess and generous.

On the #ip side it indicates complete misalignment

with Universal Oneness.

What is a Blocked Sacred Heart (Hrit

Padma) Chakra

Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra is blocked by Ego,

lack of freedom feeling at an internal level,

manipulative control and restrictions in the matter

of Love and Relations. The feeling of unworthiness,

rejection or even constant need of for attention,

grief, hurt etc. blocks this Chakra.

Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra stores every

negative experience (of the past lives too at a

subconscious level) related to Love and Relationship.

An imbalance in the Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma)

Chakra may be felt as a disconnection to see

relationships for their cause, unable to live in the

NOW, lack of understanding of self-love, lack of

warmth in relationships, attempts to live vicariously

but unware what it really means.

Essentially, it is the “I ness”, Ego or Ahamkara blocks

that the energy of Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra.

The blockage is due to sel!shness, low

understanding of self and low self-worth, hatred,

pain and more importantly Control over relations.

What most people tend to do when they feel

unloved is to try and get that love outside

themselves, thinking something has to happen

before they can have the inner joy and harmony

they are looking for. Example, “I will feel loved and

whole when I !nd my soul mate/when my partner

changes”, “I will be happy with myself when I lose

this weight”. However this is an incorrect way to deal

with, because your energy creates your reality. Your

ideal partner will show up in front of you when you

feel loved (because you love yourself), and when you

know that you are whole and complete, just as you

are. Your weight will drop o" when you decide to be

happy with yourself. Acceptance in the ”Now” is the

key for success and happiness.

Overactive Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma)


Hrit Padma Chakra Medit…

When the Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra spins

too fast, or is too open, the e"ects are that of

distorted form of loving relationships, i.e. conditional

/ controlled or possessive or obsessive love. It may

also manifest in manipulative behavior such as

emotional withholding to “punish” or being overly

dramatic in relationships with signs of jealousy,

hatred, needy cravings for connections, inability to

establish healthy boundaries or failing to realize

when a relationship has become abusive.

Underactive Sacred Heart (Hrit

Padma) Chakra

An under-active Hrit Padma Chakra prevents love

from being felt / experienced, which results in lack of

self-love, feelings of unworthiness and self-pity. Out

of fear of rejection or losing, comes attitudes of

loving too less or not loving at all. We often !nd

attitudes of self-righteousness, blaming the other

person, judgmental attitude and dwelling on the

failures of past relationships. Emotional states

include being unforgiving, still being stuck in anger

of past betrayal, fear of intimacy, loneliness,

depression and grief.

When energy Is not #owing freely In Sacred Heart

(Hrit Padma) Chakra, emotional e"ects associated

are negativity, harshness, frigidity, depression, lack

of love, loneliness, sel!shness or self-centeredness

etc.And, Physical Illnesses that arise are:

Heart Diseases Diabetes High Blood

Pressure Anxiety Disorders and Attacks

Nerve Issues Dry Eyes




Hrit Padma (Sacred Heart…

The main issues in healing the Sacred Heart (Hrit

Padma) Chakra is !nding higher understanding of

self-worth connected with the Universe and total

self-acceptance, and the ability to live without

controls. Working on Healing relationship cords as

well as inner child healings and some explorations

into past lives helps to release much of the astral

debris that is clogging up the Sacred Heart (Hrit

Padma) Chakra.Practicing prescribed meditation,

becoming self-less and compassionate to everything

in the Universe. And, be open to the possibility of

!nding forgiveness for self, for past lives and for

each and everyone.


Some crave for love while others consciously try and

stop/avoid love from entering their lives. When our

Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra has been

disturbed/hurt, we have a tendency to put up a wall

around ourselves, thinking ‘if I don’t let love in, it

can’t hurt me’. However, it was never love but it was

the experience of being abandoned, betrayed or

abused, which disturbed the Chakra. Putting up a

wall ironically often serves to attract those kinds of

experiences again and again, acting like a magnet for

those who don’t want a genuine heart connections.

We all are born out of love, to practice, uphold and

share Love, among every creation of the Universe.

Indriyas (Senses)

Feel and Be

At all levels to conclude, your Sacred

Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra is
unlocked once:

You start expressing sel#ess & unconditional love,

have better of higher self and others, understand

the Universal Oneness in everything for self as well

as for others.And, be open to the possibility of



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