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Day #1
Time: 8:30-8:40


Teacher: Miss Maddie
Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

❏ Prepare the “Today in School...” overview sheet and make ONE copy to hang on the window for parents to
see at the end of class.
❏ Attendance
While the children come in greet them by name and begin having a conversation with them. Talk about things
naturally, as you would with a friend. Let them propel the conversation (ex. “I went to my Grandma’s house this
weekend!” “Wow! What did you do with her?”). You will also take attendance on the sheet and discuss with the
children who is here and who is absent (use their clothespins to guide the conversation).
❏ Check backpacks and place stickers on homework papers.
❏ Set up the correct number of cups and napkins on the kitchen table. Fill the cups halfway with water or juice.
Conduct snack time and rest. Transition to carpet (if applicable):

Transition to Carpet (for Music/Storytime):

Have the kids one by one name all of the colors in the rainbow.

❏ PLAYTIME: Send the children to the assigned playtime centers after ACTIVITY is over. Use the playtime
chart to do so.
Date: 3/21/19
Today in School…

Topic: Rainbows

Weekly Routine: Show and Tell

Activity: Making a Rainbow

Music: “The Rainbow Song”

Storytime: Rainbow Colors Song By Salina Yoon

Day #1 Time: 8:40-8:55


Teacher: Miss Maddie
Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

Standard(s)(type out the full standard as it applies):

9.1.3 Focus attention on tasks and experiences, despite interruptions or distractions

4.1.1 Count to 20 by ones with minimal prompting
5.4.3 Observe and record weather

Objective(s): Students will be able to (SWBAT)- (These correspond with the standards and the classroom jobs you will cover)

SWBAT pay attention throughout the duration of circle time

SWBAT count out loud from 1-20 with minimal help from teachers
SWBAT describe the weather
Flag Salute Bell Ringer
Calendar Napkin Passer
Weather Line Leader/Fish Feeder
Day Counter

Materials/Props (What do you need for this lesson? What will you use to interest/engage the children?):

Rainbow weather prop

Printed out picture of a rainbow
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple pom-poms

Hook/Attention Grabber Sentence(s) (How will you interest the students and engage them in the topic? Write what you will SAY/DO. Include
how you will use your props)

Good morning boys and girls! My name is Miss Maddie. Right now I am holding up a picture of something that we see outside sometimes.
Who can raise their hand quietly and tell me what this is?
After one of the children answers correctly:
Good job! Who can stand up quietly and name ALL of the colors on the rainbow?

Discussion Points/Essential Questions (Write the sentence(s) you will use to explain your topic. What will you teach the children? Write it out.
Provide enough information for the children to learn something new..)

1. What a rainbow looks like

a. Rainbows are in the sky
b. Colors of the rainbow
c. Order of the colors
d. Clouds around the rainbow
e. Rainbows are hard to see
2. What causes rainbows
a. Rain
b. What seasons we typically see them in-> spring and summer
3. Then each student is going to get a pom-pom, tell me what color it is, then put it in the corresponding ring of the rainbow

Closure (Summarize topic of the day and introduce the Weekly Routine teacher):

Boys and girls, after you put your pom pom on the rainbow, you are going to get your show and tell, and sit down quietly with it behind your

Transition to Tables (if applicable):

Day #1 Time: 8:55-9:10


(M-Letter, T-Small Muscle/Tech Tues, W-Number,, TH- Show&Tell)

Teacher: Miss Abby A.

Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

Standard(s) (type out the full standard as it applies):

SL.PK.1 Participate in conversations and interactions with peers and adults individually and in small and large groups.

Objective(s) Students will be able to (SWBAT)- (These correspond with the standard.)

SWBAT- describe what they brought in to preschool for Show and Tell

Materials(What do you need for this lesson? What will you use to interest/engage the children?): :

Something that starts with the letter Tt because it is the letter of the week.

Hook/Attention Grabber Sentence(s) (How will you interest the students and engage them in the topic? Write what you will SAY/DO. Include
how you will use your prop(s))

Good morning boys and girls! My name is Miss Abby. so since the letter of the week is Tt, for my show and tell, i brought in a Teddy bear.
This bear is very special to me because it was given to me by my grandfather on my birthday 2 years ago. It reminds me of how much i love
my grandpa and how much he loves me.

Activity (write out the directions- step by step):

I will call each child up one by one and have them talk about what

Assessment (How will you know that the students have met your objective(s)?) :

I will ask questions about the object they brought in and if they answer in detail and with confidence.

Closure/Transition (Summarize what has been learned and introduce the next teacher/activity/Try to correlate this to the topic, when possible):

Wave their arms in the shape a rainbow makes and then go to the tables for the activity.

Reinforcement activity (Get approval/make copies):

Letter of the week (Ss) worksheet

Day #1 Time: 9:10-9:30
ACTIVITY Lesson Plan
Teacher: Miss Maddie
Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

Standard(s)(type out the full standard as it applies):

5.2.1 Observe, manipulate, sort, and describe objects and materials (e.g., water, sand, clay, paint, glue, various types of blocks, collections
of objects, simple household items that can be taken apart, or objects made of wood, metal, or cloth) in the classroom and outdoor
environment based on size, shape, color, texture, and weight.
4.3.1 Sort, order, pattern, and classify objects by non-measurable (e.g., color, texture, type of material) and measurable attributes
9.1.3 Focus attention on tasks and experiences, despite interruptions or distractions

Objective(s) Students will be able to (SWBAT)- (These correspond with the standard(s)):

SWBAT sort and glue foam shapes based on their color

SWBAT sort and order pieces of paper by their colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
SWBAT stay focused throughout the entire activity

Materials(What do you need for this lesson? What will you use to interest/engage the children?): :

Cotton balls
Colored paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Colored foam shapes

Hook/Attention Grabber Sentence(s) (How will you interest the students and engage them in the topic? Write what you will SAY/DO. Include
the use of your prop(s).)

A couple months ago, I saw a rainbow outside! On 3, let's all name the colors of the rainbow together!

Activity (Provide step by step directions):

1. Cardstock cloud is handed out

2. Names are already on backs
3. Glue strips of colored paper on front of paper plate in the order of the colors of the rainbow
4. Teachers will give tables a pile of cotton balls
5. Students will glue cotton balls onto the cardstock
6. When the students are done, they will be given a pile of foam shapes
7. Children will match up the foam pieces with their corresponding colors
8. Children will glue the foam pieces onto the corresponding color
9. When students are done, they will give their activity on the table and will go was their hands

Assessment (How will l you know that the students have met your objective(s)?):

Students will have successfully matched the foam pieces with their corresponding colors.

Closure (What should the children do after they complete their activity? Write out your instructions. Instruct children to go to their cubbies and
then line up by the door):

Boys and girls when you’re done, you are going to put on your jacket and line up at the door for playtime/go see Miss Abby and she will tell
you where you are going for playtime!
Day #1 Time: 10:00-10:15

Teacher: Miss Abby A.

Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

Standard(s) (type out the full standard as it applies):

1.1.4 Define and maintain personal space, concentration, and focus during creative movement/dance performances.

Objective(s) Students will be able to (SWBAT)- (These correspond with the standard):

SWBAT- keep their hands to themselves and utilize their listening skills to get the most out of the activity.

Materials/Props(What do you need for this lesson? What will you use to interest/engage the children?):

Song cards
Smart board

Hook/Attention Grabber Sentence(s) (How will you interest the students and engage them in the topic? How are you incorporating your prop?
Write what you will SAY/DO.)

Hello boys and girls. My name is Miss Abby. so the first song we are going to do today is something new! The song is called The Rainbow

Music and Movement Activities (@ least 5 activities. Check with your peers for recent songs from the week):

abc Usher Song

Grey Squirrel song
Where is thumbkin? Song
The rainbow song

New Song (title & lyrics) [if applicable]:

The rainbow song

Red and orange, green and blue,
Shiny yellow, purple too.
All the colors that we know, live up in the rainbow.
Red and orange, green and blue,
Shiny yellow, purple too

Check off at least 3 types of music and movement you have included:
❏ Body movement
❏ Song
❏ Finger Play

Review New Song (if applicable):

Assessment (How will you know that the students have met your objective(s)?) :

I will know that the students have met my objects if they can remember the new song i teach them

MUST TAKE A PICTURE OF THE LYRICS WITH A PHONE. THE LYRICS CANNOT BE REMOVED! (Song card must have the song and lyrics (with motions and tune), and on
the other side: your name and the date you taught the new song).
Day #1 Time: 10:15-10:25
Teacher: Miss Abby A.
Date: 3/21/19
Topic: Rainbows

Standard(s) (type out the full standard as it applies):

RI.PK.10 Actively participate in read aloud experiences using age appropriate information books individually and in small and large groups.
SL.PK.2 Ask and answer questions about a text or other information read aloud or presented orally
RI.PK.2 With prompting and support, recall important facts from a familiar text.

Objective(s) Students will be able to (SWBAT) (These correspond with the standard):

SWBAT- summarize parts of the story when the teacher asks them
SWBAT- evaluate the story
SWBAT- recall information when asked about it

Materials(What do you need for this lesson? What will you use to interest/engage the children?): :

Laminated rainbow and pom pom activity

Title/Author (Be sure to introduce/explain this to the children before you begin reading):

Rainbow Colors Book By Salina Yoon

Hook/Attention Grabber Sentence(s) (How will you interest the students and engage them in the topic? Write what you will SAY/DO. Include
the use of your prop(s):

Okay boys and girls! We just sang about rainbows, so now let's read about them!

Discussion/Comprehension Questions (What will you be asking while you read the story and at the end of the story? Write out your close and
open-ended questions):

Cover page- what do you think the story will be about?

Page 1- who can name another fruit that is red?
Page 5- describe how the color blue makes you feel.

Assessment (How will you know that the students have met your objective(s)?) :

I will know that the students have met my objects if they call remember information from the story when asked about it.

Closure (Summarize what has been learned today and summarize the events in the story. Invite the Head Teacher back up to dismiss them to
their cubbies):

So today we learned about rainbows and the colors that make up a rainbow. Here is miss maddie.

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