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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

The information that I research may be inaccurate or misleading.

Check all the information was recently published and therefore up to date. Also remember to
Harvard reference.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

Actors/Locations may become unavailable.

Ensure actors and owners of the location are reliable.

Mid project check-up (After research)

As I prepare to film my music video, I have taken necessary precautions to ensure everything runs
as smoothly as possible. I have since added to my script specific details to make sure that the
footage I shoot is exactly how I envision it being. My actors are both close friends of mine and
therefore I trust that they will not let me down in terms of availability. I have planned to shoot the
main sequence of the production at my house in order to make sure that I have all the props and
equipment I need nearby.

End project review

While filming my production I ran into numerous technical difficulties. My main actor (Toby) was
unavailable to reshoot so I just had to make do with the footage I had captured on the first day of
shooting. Another problem was the weather, we had to take regular breaks because of Toby being
dressed in an all-black costume in twenty-degree heat. This meant that the sun, my main source of
light, kept moving and so I had to shoot each scene very quickly before the sun would move again
as the first sequence only takes place in the space of an hour. While I was editing, I also had trouble
after losing some footage temporarily which put me behind schedule.

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