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Adrian Daniel Mirabal Salazar 

Doulos Project

Ms. Esau 

12ve Grade English Class

Written Defense

Open Minded Communicator

An open-minded communicator is someone who has the ability to clearly communicate

messages in Spanish and English. They can openly participate and comprehend a wide variety of

texts. This person uses technology as their primary source to be able to work on assignments or

tasks needed to be accomplished. Also, this person is fully committed to listening to others and

getting different opinions and points of view. He/she has no fear and feels secure about his

thoughts and the way others are going to receive them or react to them.

Some years ago I did not consider myself a good open-minded communicator. This was

because I was a kind of selfish type of person who preferred keeping ideas to myself instead of

sharing them. Also, I wouldn’t think much about the message I wanted to leave on each

conversation, which could in some way harm others. A clear example of what not being an open

communicator looks like, would be 3 years ago from now where I cheated on a World History

test and the teacher decided to give me and my friend 0% on the test when it was all my fault. I

consider this a bad example of being an open-minded communicator because at the moment I

cheated I was only thinking about myself and getting a good grade, but not about the

consequences that my partner could get from it without faulting it. It was unfair for my partner to

get a zero when I was the one who cheated without him even noticing. At the moment I had no
idea that I was going to harm my friend in such a big way because this was a big part of our

grades. An open communicator would have thought about the consequences before doing stuff

and would ask themselves, is this right? should I do it? what would God think about my action?

At the moment I saw my friend crying from the unfair grade he had received because of

my fault, I started feeling like the worst person on earth and crying for it. As years passed, I

started to realize that I needed to think about others beyond myself and being more careful with

my actions. I remember this helping me improve my skills as an open communicator person,

since it basically opened my eyes, and gave me a clear vision about respect. In the scriptures we

can find a verse that says, “treat others the way you would like to be treated”, this is a verse that

has remain in my mind from that day till today. Something that has also helped me throughout

this process is realizing that not always I’m going to have someone in my back telling me what is

wrong and what is right and that I needed to take responsibilities for my acts. Good relationships

come out of good communication, this is a phrase i have everywhere as a reminder of what a

good  opened minded communicator looks like.

An example of me being a good open-minded communicator would be now during this

Co-vid 19 quarantine. During this time, I’m trying my best to communicate with friends and

family members, with the only purpose of staying connected and making sure everything is

going well. By reminding people around myself to always wear their mask and maintain

constantly washing their hands is already a good improvement on this skill during this time.

Another way I’m developing my skills as an open-minded person is by protecting the people at

my house, this would be my mom and grand grandma. Since I’m the only boy at my house I’m

the one who goes out to the grocery store most of the time and i actually feel way to happy about
this. I feel happy about this since this is a way of me protecting my loved one with giving them a

shorter chance of getting contaminated. Young people usually have better immune system than

people with a higher age, so since I am taking care of myself by using my masks and washing

my hands, also have a younger age, it’s a great way to take care of them. Even though sometimes

it might be sort of hard for me to do stuff myself, ill hopefully get used to it very soon. 

A few days ago, I got my first Co-vid dose, which makes me even more secure and

comfortable when talking about going out on the streets. Having the opportunity to get my

vaccine was a big blessing for me. Even though there are many false myths out there about this

dose i felt as if God was calling me to get vaccinated. A few days later I decided to tell my mom

and grand grandma to get vaccinated, so they also got the vaccine dose. From the moment I

heard that they took the dose I felt a big heart relief, since after taking this dose their immune

levels gest higher and they have less chance of getting this illness. Most people out there think

that after you get the dose you have 0% probabilities of getting Co-vid, but this is false.

Nowadays I’ve been seeing many people in public places without their mask only because they

have their dose, and this is where my open-minded communicator skills pop up. I’ve been

advising people to no matter what always try to keep their mask on, cause this virus aint playing


Every skill at DOULOS has a different purpose, but I consider this is one of those your

obligatory going to need for life. In a couple weeks we will be out to college and to the real

world. This skill will help us to communicate with different people in college and at any job we

get. For us as seniors this skill should be priority since we are not going to be involve with the

same people and place. From now on we will have to take responsibilities to ourselves and be

able to trust ourselves in each step throughout this new journey.

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