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Attend our Community Fitness Sessions
(first two sessions for free)

Register thru the link below




our society is not particularly fit and we need to change!


In a country like the Philippines where the population is increasing year

on year, expenditures on human health saw an increase over the last
five years, which was valued for approximately 766.9 billion
Philippine pesos in 2018. Despite the industry's efforts to cater human health care
and services aimed to sustain better health care coverage for the community.
There are still people who are not engaged or aspired to live with a healthy and
fit lifestyle.

In 2019, 2.9 percent of women and 2.4 percent of men who were among the
ageing population were very unhealthy in the Philippines. Most of the
Philippines' population is covered under the Philippines '
national health insurance in recent years.

Having regular sessions of physical activities every month promoting fitness is one
of some of the factors
of a healthy,friendly, and progressive environment. A progress that everyone
essentialy needs. By impelementing it on the community, families
can sustain a promising lifestyle.

Appeal to a wide range of ages – children to seniors – by

partnered with other community organizations and agencies we can provide
health screenings and activities. Promote eaerly publicity and simply sharing
the advertisments of the event to as many people as possible is a great
start on promoting a healthy and fit community.

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