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People have a lot of opinions about the value of advanced education.

Which do you think is

the most important reason to attend college or university? Use reasons and examples to
support your answer.


- gain knowledge

- be exposed to a new enviroment

- challenge yuourself

- learn a new skill

- broaden your knowledge

- earn a degree (enter the job market, gives you credentials of certain university, help to develope
your career, make contacts)


Although I think there are a lot of good reasons to attend university, for example, gain knowledge,
challenge yourself, be exposed to a new environment. I think that the most important reason to
attend university is to help you to develop your career.

Once you finished high school for most people there are only two choices, to enter the workforce or
to attend university. As soon as you start looking for jobs you realize that earning a degree will be
very beneficial because you need the credentials to show you are capable of doing something. Also,
post graduated degrees can help you to make substantial advances in your career.

Not only earning the degree will help you to advance in your career, equally important as the degree
itself is making connections with peers and professors. The reason for the importance of
connections is that most of the job and career opportunities that we have in life are due to

In conclusion, going to university most of the time will be the most beneficial decision that you can
take since it would be a big step in your career.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to
study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics.


literature and history let you express and communicate in a very effective way
mathematics and science (you learn how to approach a problem in a very sistematic and efficient
way and this appoach could be extrapolated to every area for xample the raise in data analitics and
data to take decision, hard science are more complet in its formation i think that if you got a hard
science degree yo can even specialize in area more related to social science and you will be in an
excellent spot to be)


Even though I think that literature and history are very important subjects that teach you a lot of
important things, like how to communicate in a very effective way, I think that it is more important
to study science and mathematics. The two main reasons why I think this will be exposed in the
next paragraphs.

The first reason is that in my point of view hard science teaches you how to approach a problem in a
very systematic and efficient way, and this approach could be extrapolated to any area of your
interest. As an example nowadays we are seeing the explosion of data analytics in every industry
like banks, consulting firms, manufacturing companies among others. The rise in the importance of
data to make a decision is an excellent example of how mathematics and science can be used in
every industry.

Another big reason why I think hard science is very important is that the education that you get
from these subjects is an excellent base for your career. No matter if you want to enter the corporate
world, the industry, or academia, hard science always will be an excellent base for your career. As an
example of this point, we can talk about the numerous winners of the economic Nobel prize with
formation in hard science or about the CEOs of top companies with Ph. Ds in hard science.

In conclusion, having a formation in hard science will be an excellent base for your career no matter
what you want to do, because of its education and its problem solving focus.

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