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3. Answer the questions !

Write your answers to the questions.

a. When was Beatrix Potter born ? in 1866

b. What pets did she have ? rabbits, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, mice, frogs and Even
Even bats! bats!
c. What did she like drawing most ? their pets
she was studying archaeological artifacts, fossils, and insects, but she was
d. What did she study ? especially interested in mycology: the study of fungi!

e. Why did she st art drawing cards ? To earn some money

f. When was her first book published ? in 1902

g. What items did she create based on her characters ? she created dolls, paint books, games and other
h. Why did she buy lots of farms and land ? to help preserve the landscape

i. What is Hill Top Farm like now ? exactly like It was when Beatrix lived there

4. Write and draw!

Who is your favourite children’s writer? Which of their books is your favourite?
Write about them and the book, and draw a picture!

The poor old lady

An old lady, Andrés, Juan and Gil

Not be selfish
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