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"In your linear time of 3rd density measurement, of 439,231 rotations ago [years],

war on a grave scale occurred in your Solar System. This aggression occurred
against those on your worlds that included not only you Terrans, but also those
called Nibiru. This invasion of your systems by Orion was led by a queen named
Suttee. This (war) was destructive on many levels [frequencies) of physicality.
"We will focus tonight on your Terran physical form. It matters little of those who
hear you, Alex, who do not listen. Please share (this) regardless of (any) emotion
returned to you in challenge. When your science truly removes their bigotry, they
will discover of the wisdom of it (what is said here). The last grave conflict was
very harmful to your physical form. Many weapons of destruction, many of
atom-splitting (nuclear weapons) have been used. This is the reason for most of
your Terran skin tones. We shall explain.
"Orion was and is most interested in the females of your race. Because of the
pro-creation (reproductive) and genetic strengths. We want to share (the fact)
that much of your Terran history has been misleading in its truth by those who
eventually conquered in control of your solar system (those in control rewrote
history to hide the truth).
Nibiru won, but only a short battle, before they and other outposts were forced to
leave (the solar system) because of genetic damage. Your original races were
green-skinned. This we know, because of large copper traces in your Terran 22
blood type (refers to the composite of human genetics which comprise genetic
codes from 22 humanoid species).
Also, the pituitary and thyroid (glands) were fully functional (at that time). The
genetic damage to these organs was caused by (the) radioactivity in (the) air and
all things of contact (on all things in the environment). The air was like this for a
long time.
" It (the radioactivity in the environment) caused the genetic memory of these
organs (genetic memory of full-use capacity) being closed and almost atrophied
(caused the function of the organs to shut down and the organs to atrophy). Your
world experienced drastic changes in climate and massive magnetic fluctuations.
Your different skin tone races are a result of an edema damage to your blood
(changes in blood chemistry). It was (then) necessary for survival to create
self-sufficient and contained environmental habitats, (both) above and below the
Now folks, this is what the "garden of E-den" was. It was an artificially created
environmental habitat. It's like what Richard Hoagland has been talking about.
You build a dome and then you terraform underneath it. It's exactly what these
Much of the fossilization of your terran remnants is caused by this radiation of
your planet (here they imply that ambient radiation plays a part in fossilization
processes). Your system contained three suns at that time. Only two remain (one
is on the opposite side of the visible sun, and rotates in such a way that it is
hidden from view from the perspective of the Earth).
Your physicality (body) in its original form contained a great balance of zinc,
copper, magnesium and iron. Your true (original) blood color was green, like your
chlorophyll. Some, we have discovered, even had (blood of a) gold tint. As such
(at that time) your physicality (body) could survive in a high carbon dioxide
(content) atmosphere. Because of this skin color green, the (only) stars in your
system that affected your physical form were in the color spectrum of orange-red,
blue and green.
Now, think about that. If you can picture in your mind that everything is a
holograph, which is a group of frequencies ....
"Many of your Terran races were stranded on the surface. The genetic changes
were the result of radiation damage. Your race (skin color) went from green, to
red (Native Americans, Egyptians and Mayans), to yellow (Asians), to black
(Afro-Americans and Africans), and then to white. Your white races were then
considered then to be genetically weakest. Discover why your ancients draw
green skinned rulers and kings of your past.
Now, this puts a whole new light on prejudice, doesn't it? I know the Nazis aren't
happy about this. It's just as well. I don't like them anyway.
"As such, the survivors and descendants of the war were genetically altered and
became white through edema (he means anemia?) And they were persecuted
and (were) forced to live underground, only to surface 5,508 rotations (years) ago
to the surface of your world."
Now, somebody had read this on the Leading Edge website and sent me an
email message that said that the "white race" had appeared somewhere out of
the mountains of Tibet, some time ago. I don't know it that's true or not, but I'll
ask Val.
The copper blood line is (now) a small race on your world (Note: He has to be
referring to the 'blue blood' self-declared nobility), but it is the strongest
genetically. Your native red nation race is very strong and easiest to discover and
This might explain the penchant for abduction of those with 'red' genetic
bloodlines, and also the relative genocidal murder of the 'red' races by the white,
because if you are a coward, you suppress what you consider to be stronger
than yourself. Of course, many of us don't do much about this, and say "I don't
want to get involved, it's their problem and their issue". We owe it to them to get
involved. We owe it to ourselves.
"The red is the closest to the original form among you. Your physicality had a
natural defense to positive and negative frequencies (due to the) copper mineral
in your blood (resistance to electromagnetic variation). This lack (now) of copper
in your blood has caused a partial loss of brain capacity and nervous system
(capacity). Remember (that) your DNA contains cellular memory. It is possible to
unlock this memory with (the) use of minerals such as copper. Your blood
systems (are) adapted (now) to iron, because of copper depletion due to
(ambient) radiation. We will share more, but we must return now. Be at one, Alex.

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