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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I've watched this great movie for the fifth or sixth time. There's just so much about this movie; every time
I watch it, I find another nugget worth keeping. It's a love story, but it's not a clichéd story. This movie is
actually a perfect example of what a good science fiction film should be. The direction of the film is an
absolute masterpiece. You're going to enjoy the script and the critical use of special effects to depict the

I have to admit that this movie was a life-changing one for me, and it definitely changed the way I look at
things. Two people wish to delete all their memories, to forget each other. And when they're trying to
forget it, they're able to revisit every memory, either good or bad, and realize they don't want to let go.
The film is so touching, every single line is like a fantasy, like a tiny pink cloud floating about, and you
want to cling on to every word you hear or what is being said.

Jim Carey and Kate Winslet performed their part to perfection and achieved the depth of their character.
Jim Carrey has been in his best performance to date, and I could never imagine falling in love with that
guy with his gritty laughter, but I did! I was absolutely in love with Joel. And Clementine, I think there's a
clementine in every girl. We're moody, we're impulsive, we're neurotic, and sometimes we color our hair
blue, green, orange to fit our shifting moods.

In this film, you'll discover that memory wiping is a not-so-subtle metaphor for the agony, sense of loss,
and betrayal that we feel when someone we love profoundly cut us out of their lives and moved on
without us.

Atty, I recommend that you watch this movie and feel your heart do a somersault.

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