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1 .How can we elucidate the emergence of civilization?

Emergence of Civilization

Hunter-Gatherers are Homo Sapiens.Homo Sapiens emerged in East Africa

between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago.Homo Sapiens migrated from Africa to
Eurasia,Australia and Gatherers whose survival depended on the availability of
wild plants and animals.

The early civilizations are started in Egypt,Mesopotamia,Indus Valley and

China.There are all together seven facts which are cornerstones of the
emergence of civilization.They are Urban Revolution,New Political and
Military structure,New social structure based on economic power, Development
of more complexity in a material sense,a distinct religious
structure,development of writing and news forms of significant artistic and
intellectual activity.

Earliest human societies were hunters and gatherers;they did not know how
to grow their own food.They are also nomadic.They relied on hunting,fishing
and gathering wild plants for food.Early man learned to use to adapt to his
environment.It was probably discovered from friction,lighting or accidental
hitting two rocks together.Fire was very important during the ice ages.Without
fire man would not have been able to survive.

About 10,000 years ago,one of the greatest turning points in world

history,there was one revolution that is people stop hunting and gathering and
started Farming.People learned how to grow food and domesticate
animals.Anthropologists believe this change first occurred in the Middle
East,where wild wheat and barley were plentiful.They also learned how to herd
farm animals such as goats,sheep and cattle.They advances are referred to as the
Neolithic Revolution.

Effects of Neolithic Revolution are the beginning of civilization.Once

agriculture was introduced,people no longer had to wander in search of
food.The social classes are emerged because the people are vulnerable to attack
by other peoples.So there are new social classes developed,warriors-defense of
village.Humans made metal and they became civilized.They stored food and
traded with other.They become to exchange goods with other villages and
cities,who had different goods.This was a barter system.
The need for government emerged because there was a need to regulate
many aspects of city life including the food supply and the defense of the
city.Religion developed originally as a way to explain natural
phenomena.People believed that it was important for gods and goddesses to be
kept happy because they had a direct impact on the lives of the people.

Writings developed as a way to keep record.The first written language

developed in Sumer in Mesopotamia, it became known as Cuneiform (wedge
sharped writing).And then Art is developed.

The first civilization is developed around 3500 BC in the river valley

civilization.The first civilization developed in river by four reasons.Each of
these river valleys offered mild climate and a water highway.Water from rivers
was also used for cooking food and drinking.Along the rivers there were also
fertile soil,great for growing crops and led to abundant harvests and food

So the civilization is emerged by the urban revolution,creative thinking and

social community.Civilization is the form of human culture in which people live
in cities ,have complex social instutions ,use some form of writing and are
skilled at using science and technology.We can think and suggest one ancient
city was very powerful and rich in the past by the sign of civilization.

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