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Granite is an igneous rock, an intrusive igneous rock to be specific, and it has slow rate
of weathering. A humid pine forest is a location in which water vapor in the atmosphere is in
high level and trees grows closer together, meaning more nutrients are needed for each plant.
A warm, semi-arid grassland is a location in which it receives a precipitation below its level of
evapotranspiration, just above desserts.

The soil profile in a warm, semi-arid grassland location having granite as its parent
material, it will be an insufficient soil for the plants to grow to. Although it has minerals such as
feldspar and quartz, and a parent material to a grassland, it will have weathering higher than its
usual rate of weathering because of the climate it has. On the other hand, in the humid, pine
forest it will have slow weathering as granite is an intrusive igneous rock which will cools down
immediately and doesn’t have enough minerals to sustain a plant for its production and

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