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1. Determine whether the following pedogenic processes are classified as (A)

addition, (L) losses, (Tl) translocation or (Tf) transformation.

Process Process Category

1. Elluvuation Tl 1. Littering Tl

2. Leaching L 2. Mineralization Tf

3. Calcification A 3. Braunification L

4. Lessivage Tl 4. Pedoturbation Tf

5. Melanizatio
Tf 5. Cumulization. A

2. Give the specific description of the following horizon symbols.

a. Ap 
Topsoil disturbed by ploughing. Grayish-brown (10YR 5/2) silt
loam, very dark grayish-brown (10YR 3/2) moist; weak fine
granular structure; slightly hard, friable; neutral; clear smooth
boundary; horizon 4 to 8 inches thick.

b. 2Btg2 
51 to 71 centimeters (20 to 28 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2)
silty clay; moderate medium prismatic structure parting to
moderate medium angular blocky; very firm; few fine roots;
common distinct dark gray (10YR 4/1) clay films on faces of peds;
many fine and medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) and
prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulation
in the matrix; neutral; clear smooth boundary.

c. A/B 
Zone of mixing between A and B horizons, frequently caused by

d. Btgb 
55 to 65 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) silt loam; weak
very coarse prismatic parting to weak medium subangular blocky
structure; friable; many medium black and brown stains; few fine
pores and voids; few faint clay films in pores, voids, and on faces
of some peds; many pockets of gray silt loam clay depletions
between prisms; many medium and coarse distinct dark yellowish
brown (10YR 4/4) masses of iron accumulations; very strongly

e. 5Btgcm
B horizons are mineral horizons that typically formed below an A,
V, E, or O horizon. t is the accumulation of silicate clay. This
symbol indicates an accumulation of silicate clay that either has
formed within a horizon and subsequently has been translocated
within the horizon or that has been moved into the horizon by
illuviation, or both g is the Strong gleying.This symbol indicates
either that iron has been reduced and removed during soil
formation or that saturation with stagnant water has preserved iron
in a reduced state. c is the Concretions or nodules. This symbol
indicates a significant accumulation of concretions or nodules. m is
the Pedogenic cementation. This symbol indicates continuous or
nearly continuous pedogenic cementation.

3.Define the following terms

a. Toposequence 
Sequence of soils in which distinctive soil characteristics are related
to the topographic situation.

b. Biosequence
A sequence of soils that contain distinctly different soil horizons
because of the influence that vegetation had on the soils during
their development.

c. Climosequence
A sequence of soil profiles, usually on the same parent material,
which differ from each other in their profile development because
of local or site differences in climatic conditions.  
d. Lithosequence
A sequence of soils where the changing character of the soil is
related to, or caused by, the changing lithology of rocks and
superficial mineral deposits.

e. Chronosequence 
A sequence of related soils that differ in their degree of profile
development because of differences in their age. 

4. Assume a level area of granite rock was the parent material in both cases,
describe in general terms how you would expect two soil profiles to differ,
one in warm, semiarid grassland and the other in a cool, humid coniferous
Granite is an igneous rock, an intrusive igneous rock to be specific, and it
has a slow rate of weathering. A humid pine forest is a location in which
water vapor in the atmosphere is at a high level and trees grow closer
together, meaning more nutrients are needed for each plant. A warm,
semi-arid grassland is a location in which it receives precipitation below its
level of evapotranspiration, just above desserts. 
The soil profile in a warm, semi-arid grassland location having granite as
its parent material, it will be an insufficient soil for the plants to grow to.
Although it has minerals such as feldspar and quartz, and a parent
material to a grassland, it will have weathering higher than its usual rate
of weathering because of the climate it has. On the other hand, in the
humid pine forest it will have slow weathering as granite is an intrusive
igneous rock which will cool down immediately and doesn’t have enough
minerals to sustain a plant for its production and existence.

5. Imagine a soil pit dug in a vacant field in an old city industrial area. The
following horizons were observed;
a. 19 cm of dark colored organic enriched loamy material with nails
and broken glass embedded on it,
b. 31 cm of sandy loam with bits of red bricks, some broken glass,
some rusting metal pieces and rust red and yellow stains on most of the
sand grain surfaces giving the layer a yellow-red color,
c. 15 cm of dark brown silt loam material rich in organic matter with
an abrupt boundary to,
d. 50 cm of light brown silty clay loam material with clay coatings in
cracks between blocky chunks of soil material
Draw this profile in a simple diagram and label the four layers with master
horizon symbol and subhorizon letters and other appropriate symbols to
indicate your best interpretation of soil formation at the site

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