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B.Tech (Automobile)/B.Tech (EC)/B.Tech (Electrical)/B.Tech (Chemical) (Semester: 3)

Management and Entreprenurship

Date :27/12/2016 Time :2:00PM-5:00PM

Max. Marks:60
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Write each section in a separate answer book.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
6. Follow usual meaning of notations/abbreviations.
Q 1 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]
I) Explain various levels in management and their functions.

II) Enlist and explain decisional roles of a manager in detail.

III) State importance of management.

Q 2 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]

I) State applicability of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory for increasing business performance

II) Provide advantages of various leadership styles.

III) Discuss internal sources of recruitment.

Q 3 Answer in brief (Any 4) [8]

I) State the steps of planning.
II) Enlist the types of organizational structure.
III) Mention any two differences between centralization and decentralization.
IV) Give meaning of span of management.
V) Briefly
  explain line organization structure.

Q 4 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]
I) Describe objectives of small scale industries.
II) Discuss sources of finance for small scale Industries.
III) Write a short note on –Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO).
Q 5 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]
I) Write a short note on ‘Market segmentation’.
II) Draw a flow of  ‘Organizational Plan’ and explain.
III) Discuss the steps of business planning.
Q 6 Answer in brief (Any 4) [8]
I) Provide meaning of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.
II) State importance of entrepreneurship in current era.
III) Enlist any five characteristics of entrepreneur.
IV) “Fabian Entrepreneurs adopt all changes and new methods of production”-Are you agree?-Justify.
V) Enlist any six barriers to entrepreneurship.

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