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My opinion on zoos

Personally, I visited zoo a while ago, and I saw that the conditions of the animals are usually
bad, because they are not in a suitable habitat for their needs and they lack the correct food for
each species. An example of the poor conditions they were in, the lion diden’t run freely,
because the space was too small and this is how cubicles of most animals were usually found.

Are zoos animal prisons? When analyzing various aspects, we can say that zoos are animal
prisons and they are also quite cruel, since a zoo cannot imitate the natural habitat of an animal
and the animal is normally found in cubicles with bars, limiting its natural instinct to flying,
running, climbing, etc. Some animals are also alone and separated from their families. This can
cause physical and psychological damage to animals, therefore the environment of animals in a
zoo is inadequate.

Zoos are intended to entertain people but some are very insecure for both animals and people,
there have been several cases where people are attacked by animals that managed to escape from
zoos, which is not the fault of the animal Since it is their natural instinct, it is the fault of the
poor conditions of these zoos. For all these reasons it is clear that zoos are not an appropriate
place for animals.

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