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Martin Stöckbauer T4.

The Good and Bad Sides of Zoos

Zoos are topic of debate. Some people think they're helpful, for learning and saving animals. Others
say they make animals sad. In this topic, we'll talk about both sides.

Zoos help scientists learn about animals. For example, scientists study animals in zoos to understand
their behavior and genetics. Take for instance a genetics research, which benefits from zoo animals
and helps protect these animals. Zoos also help save endangered animals. Some animals that used to
live freely, now only live in zoos. Zoos make sure these animals have babies and help people learn
about them so we can save them.

Some people say that animals in zoos can be unhappy and stressed. For example, when there are lots
of visitors, animals can get stressed. Zoos are small, and animals can't act naturally. This can make
them sick. It's tough to copy animals' natural homes in zoos. Animals live in special places in the wild.
For example, birds in zoos can't fly like they do in the wild. This can make them sad and less healthy.

The question of having animals in zoos is not easy. While they help with research and saving animals,
there are worries about animal happiness and copying their natural homes. We need to find a
balance. I think zoos should make sure animals are happy. They should try to make homes for animals
that are like the wild. This way, zoos can be good for animals and for us.

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