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McKenna Murphy

Ms. Godwin



Spring 2021 Hybrid Learning Semester

This year I think most students had a rough time adapting to online learning, but as the

year went on we all got stronger at some skills. Some things I definitely got stronger at are

getting better at using my computer, time management skills, and managing online school and

my personal life. I have had to face many challenges this year and so did many other students.

The challenges I faced are not getting to socialize as much and not being able to do all of my

sports. I am so excited for next year because it is a fresh start and there are so many

opportunities with new classes, teachers, and classmates. Some goals of mine for next year

are to get good grades, focus more in class, study and get good grades on tests and finals, do

well in sports, make new friends, and participate in more school events and activities. In the end

I am so glad we got to go back to school this year even if it was hybrid learning. I am so glad I

got to meet my teachers and classmates in person.

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