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Core Strength - LBP UPDATED

Sarah Liz King

Accredited Exercise Physiologist
Health Educator & Speaker, NSW

1 Set / 10 Reps

1. Bird dog

Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders, and knees
under your hips.
Tighten the abdominal core muscles.
Extend the opposite leg and the opposite arm simultaneously, making sure your
maintain good control in your torso.
Do not allow your body or hips to rotate.
Repeat on the other side.

1 Set / 10 Reps / 10 s hold

2. Plank

Lie on your front with your toes on the floor.

Place your forearms on the floor and push up, lifting your torso and legs.
Hold a straight line from your shoulders to your feet for as long as you can,
preventing the back from sagging.
Keep your buttocks squeezed and your hips level.
You will feel the core muscles working.

1 Set / 10 Reps / 10 s hold

3. Side plank on knees

Lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow.

Bend your knees and lift your hips off the mat until you have a straight line from
your knees to the top of your head.
Hold this position for as long as you can.

1 Set / 10 Reps

4. Pilates pelvic curl

Lie on your back in a neutral spine position.

Bend your legs, keeping your knees and feet parallel and at hip width apart with
your arms by your sides.
INHALE: no movement
EXHALE: draw the abdominals in and roll up, lifting your pelvis off the mat
INHALE: no movement
EXHALE: roll your spine down onto the mat
Roll your back up and down, articulating your spine vertebrae by vertebrae.
Maintain your knees parallel and do not allow them to open.

Core Strength - LBP UPDATED Page 1 of 2

printed on 04/11/2020
1 Set / 10 Reps / 10 s hold

5. McGill's crunch

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Place both hands, palm down, under the small of your back.
Straighten one leg down onto the floor.
Keep your gaze directly above you on the ceiling, and tense your abdominal
You may find pressing your tongue into the roof of your mouth helps to support
your neck whilst performing this exercise.
Raise your head and shoulders off the floor 1 to 2 inches, then lift your elbows.
Hold this position.
Control the movement as you lower back down onto the floor and relax.

Core Strength - LBP UPDATED Page 2 of 2

printed on 04/11/2020

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