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Women in love, according to Beauvoir, may lose themselves completely in their

relationships without being fully understood. In agreement with Beauvoir, women are consumed
by passion and dedicate their entire lives to pleasing the man they adore. Men, on the other hand,
regard love as a part of their lives rather than their whole life. Women would invariably be let
down by their partners because they have unrealistic expectations of them. A woman puts herself
up for disappointment when her beloved man acts human and appears flawed by placing him on
a pedestal. Women's passion for men also contains another contradiction: they want men to be
godlike, but they also want to own them fully. Women, likewise, want to give themselves
completely to men, but they also want men to fully understand this sacrifice and open up the
world to them through their affection. Many women, according to de Beauvoir, derive their self-
worth solely as a result of a man's affection (Beauvoir, p684).

Since women rely on men much more than men rely on women, the condition of a
woman in love can be extremely dangerous. Many people, according to de Beauvoir, worship the
man they love as though he were God. As a result, when a love affair ends, a woman's life is
often turned upside down. She loses not only financial benefits, but also she still feels as though
she has lost her whole reason for being alive. Men, otherwise, seem to rebound more quickly
from the conclusion of an affair since their affairs provide them with little meaning in life. Since
they have no other way to spend their time, women are more tormented by the process of waiting
for their lover to return to them. Women spend their time trying to pass the time before their
lover returns, while men spend their time more effectively in general and aren’t subjected to the
same agonizing waiting. As a result, women in love are often tormented by their circumstances.
The solution to this unpleasant and unequal situation, according to Beauvoir, is for men and
women to have equal recognition of each other's rights and to spend time together not out of
obligation, but because it benefits them both equally while allowing them to preserve their

According to psychoanalysis, the girl is looking for an adoring father to worship, and that love
has everything to do with seeing herself through his eyes. The difficulties escalate once she falls
in love with another man.According to psychoanalysis, the girl is looking for an adoring father to
worship, and that love has everything to do with seeing herself through his eyes. The difficulties

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