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The shocking details you reveal about yourself when you ‘like’ things on Facebook

How well do you think your Facebook (FB) account knows you?

As the power of the “like” grows, political campaigns and companies are harnessing it to
influence and track the public’s behavior. Last month, Congress repealed laws passed by the
Federal Communications Commission on what data internet service providers could collect on
users. In a nutshell: Your browser history could now be sold to advertisers without your consent.
If this new rule went into effect, it would allow for “incredibly intrusive data-mining” by
companies online, said Cory Doctorow, activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which
advocates for online privacy.

Facebook also reportedly knows more about us than most people may realize. The company
carried out research on the psychological states of teenagers and found “moments when young
people need a confidence boost” that could be used for advertisers, “The Australian” newspaper
reported last month. (A Facebook spokesman told MarketWatch at the time that the study was
not used to target vulnerable teenagers with advertisements, regretted that this study was carried
out and said the contents of this study should not have been shared with a company.)

The influence of the social media giant also came into sharp focus during the polarizing 2016
U.S. presidential election. At that time, analysts suggested the techniques of software and data
analysis firm Cambridge Analytica, a company that claims to use data to change people’s
behavior, played a role in the results, Motherboard reported in January. The extent to which the
company influenced voters has been called into question, but the research it’s based on has
broader implications.

Fake news stories trended on Facebook’s (FB) news feed in the run-up to the 2016 election — an
issue the company has vowed to fight. In recent weeks, the social network deleted thousands of
accounts as it fights fake news and has undertaken a major advertising effort to help users
recognize and report fake news when they see it. (Facebook did not respond to requests for
comment on the issues raised in this article.)

But even real news stories can have a major effect when they are shared by users or appear as
sponsored posts. Michael Fauscette, chief research officer at peer-to-peer business review
platform G2 Crowd, said both sides of the political divide used news stories to target Facebook
users in different parts of the country — particularly swing states in the south and midwest —
during the 2016 election. Democratic voters who were shown content about candidate Hillary
Clinton being ahead in the polls, for instance, may have become complacent and less likely to

What your Facebook ‘likes’ say about you

But we share far more than we perhaps intend when we check into establishments, share news
stories and ‘like’ products publicly on Facebook, studies shows. After you “like” just 10
Facebook pages, advertisers (or political campaigns) can get to know you as well as a colleague,
according to research from Cambridge University in the U.K., and after 70 “likes” as much can
be deduced about you as a close friend knows. And after 150 “likes”? You’ve essentially given
up as much about yourself as your parents know. (Users, of course, can make their likes private).

Michal Kosinski, a data scientist and psychologist who developed these models, said his 2012
analysis of 58,000 volunteers using Facebook predicted a user’s skin color with 95% accuracy.
Developed in part by Kosinski during his fellowship at the Psychometrics Centre of Cambridge
University in 2008, this model also predicted sexual orientation with 88% accuracy, and political
affiliation with 85% accuracy. He worked with fellow Cambridge University student David
Stillwell to create a Facebook quiz that could determine specific and unique psychological traits.

© Provided by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Researchers say Facebook profiles can be used to influence
users’ shopping and voting habits.

Participants were analyzed through “Big Five” — a well-known system based on five traits
developed by two psychologists in the 1980s to categorize personalities. These include
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and whether or not you are open to
new experiences. Soon, thousands of Facebook users had taken the quiz, eager to learn their
psychological profile, and Kosinski and Stillwell had — almost inadvertently — aggregated the
largest existing network of psychometric data paired with Facebook likes.

From the richness of consumer data and behavior accessible on public profiles on Facebook, they
could make predictions more comprehensively and efficiently than any survey before. In the
past, to learn about someone’s personality, a quiz might ask them “Are you extroverted?” Now,
online behavior monitored by Facebook answers the question better than they themselves can —
if they frequently RSVP to events or interact with others on comment threads, for example,
they’re more likely to be more social.

“When your digital footprints are being looked at — a lot of which are publicly available and
you have little control over — the same accurate psychological profiling can be conducted
without your consent, without your knowledge and completely behind your back without your
control,” Kosinski told MarketWatch. Advertisers once thought consumers would become
desensitized to this lack of privacy, but studies show the opposite appears to be happening: There
is a growing desire to be allowed to “opt out” of more invasive targeting. In 2012, 68% of those
surveyed by Pew Research Center viewed targeted ads negatively and 59% have noticed this
kind of targeting.

Our ‘digital footprint’ can help us too

Despite the recent controversies involving “fake news” and how people may be targeted by
marketers and political campaigns, Vesselin Popov, business development director for
Cambridge University’s Psychometrics Centre, said these tools were created to “access a history
of behavior that might be more accurate than a survey” — and that isn’t always a bad thing.
They have potentially life-saving applications in public health — in campaigns to convince
citizens to quit smoking or buckle their seat belts, for example.

And as the number of companies that collect our data grows, so too do the tools to fight them.
There are many ad-blockers, anti-tracking tools and VPNs (virtual private network service
providers) on the market. And there are tools to help the average consumer track what’s being
collected about them. Regina Flores Mir co-founded a website called Data Selfie with fellow
New York University graduate student Hang Do Thi Duc, which uses the Cambridge “special
sauce” formula to allow Facebook users to see what data is being collected about them.

Kosinski noted that many people don’t mind being targeted with more relevant information —
but feel cheated when it’s done without their knowledge. He said it’s very difficult to regulate for
several reasons: the borderless nature of the internet and the ephemeral nature of personal data.
When a car or money is stolen, the evidence is clear — but data is harder to prove, and once it’s
in the hand of a company, nearly impossible to get back or erase. (Most online retailers and
social networks make clear in their privacy policies that user data is aggregated and will remain

Doctorow, the activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which advocates for privacy, said it
is time to put legal framework in place to give back more power — and information — to
consumers. In one such case, the EFF could force companies like Facebook to let users breach
terms and conditions and set up multiple accounts with fake profiles, allowing them to run their
own tests on exactly how news feeds work and companies target them. Americans should be
allowed this freedom, he said, “to do what’s best for us rather than what’s best for someone

Principal Moretti, Teachers and Parents.

Congratulations Class of 2017!!!

It is a real joy for me to talk to the Loretto Kindergarten on this most special
graduation day. I love to see the smiles you have. Kindergarten graduation speeches
are a real pleasure when the audience are a talented group like you kids.

So, congratulations to Lachlan, Callum, Sarah, Jane, Mary, Margaret, Ewan, Ali,
Freda, Sophie, Mia, Jeremy and Ciara. Your parents and teachers are just so proud of
you, I hope you feel very proud too!

I know the theme you have is joy in learning and I know too you all take on any new
learning and look at how you can make it come alive!

I see from the drawings, paintings, posters, stickers, t-shirts, and videos just how
much you put into making things happen in a fun way.

I believe each of you feels free to ask questions, make comment and help others.
With your teachers you have created a brilliant classroom that everyone likes to visit.

Do you all remember Martin’s dad who came in for the parents talk. He told me how
much he enjoyed being with you all. I think some of you asked him the toughest
questions he has been asked in years. Well Done!!

I hear so much from my son Ewan about how you work hard to understand new
things, learn in different ways and take on new things every day, and also you talk
about how to do things better. Amazing!

There seems to be great fun and joy in this great kindergarten. Numbers, shapes,
letters and nature are learned so well.

Congratulations kids.

Remember this joyful, fun way of learning all of your lives and you will be stars.

A huge thanks to your wonderful teachers, Eric and Nora. What a great team they

Thanks also to the fund raising committee who found money for much needed
equipment and to pay for the trip to the natural museum.

Looking forward kids you have a great gift and I am sure you will all be stars at

Well done everyone!!

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Principal Ayella and Teachers.

Congratulations Class Of 2017. You did it, great job.

What a great team you all are. Congratulations to Sophie, Distin, Jean-Paul, Hugh,
Marcie, Grace, Jessica, Jack, Ian, Freda, Lachlan, and Bridgit.

You kids are known for having big hearts, working hard and keeping a smile on your

What a brilliant way to be!

I love kindergarten graduation speeches as it gives me the chance to spend time with
wonderful people such as you.

Did you know your big hearts have won over a whole town. Yes, it is true. Everyone
in our small town knows about the time you all give for good causes such as tidying
the garden at the retirement home.

Everyone knows about the smiles you have. The shop keepers, doctors, dentist,
police and residents all talk about the happy, positive children.

Your much loved kindergarten teachers, Emma, Emilia and Tracy talk about how
hard you work.

Let’s give a big thank you and a cheer for your teachers for being so great!! They
have taught you everything that will make your life great.

We should recognise just how far you have come. You have great achievements in
your numbers, shapes, words, letters and so many other topics. I just love the nature
pictures you all did.

This is a great day. I do hope you are very, very proud.

Looking ahead, there is a great world waiting for you. Especially with those big
smiles, your hard work and your big hearts.

Next year at school will be amazing.

So let me congratulate you all again. Let the party begin!!

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Principal Morrison, Teaching Team, Parents and Families

Congratulations Class Of 2017

I just love to see a happy group of kids and you certainly are a happy group!!!

Congratulations to Lucy, Sophie, Emma, Ryan, Eric, Jack, Linda, Amanda, Cherie,
Martin and Mary.

Gathering material for kindergarten graduation speeches is fun! I asked earlier today
what has been the best thing about kindergarten. I got some of the best replies any
television reporter has ever had - most amazing!

The replies I had were:

When Mrs Fairley and her baby came to kindergarten for the afternoon.

My friends.

Learning new shapes and letters.

The trip to see the college football team Numbers.

Playing with toys.


Drawing and painting.

All of this was said with a bright smile and a real sense of joy.

Well, class of 2017 I know you are real stars. Your smiles and interest in your
kindergarten are just great. Clearly amongst you we have budding artists, sports
stars, caring young people and great learners.

I love the way you are all full of life, energy and wonder!

For the first time our television channel is following a group of great kids through
kindergarten and on up to college. I hope I am privileged to see it all.

I also asked the kids if they watched TV. Funnily enough no one had ever heard of
me - good for you kids! Don’t watch TV!!

A special thanks to the staff, Margaret, Uma, Grace and Ali. You have done the most
wonderful work with the kids. The TV channel education advisor told me the teaching
and classroom are a model of excellence. Congratulations!

So, congratulations kids. You deserve your graduation day and especially the party
afterwards. With your energy, enthusiasm and ability to learn you will always be

Good Luck Kids.


Principal Morton, Mrs Lee, staff of Vale Kindergarten

Congratulations Class of 2017.

I am just so delighted to see all the kindergarten stars here today. Congratulations to
Emma, Marsha, Kevin, Rudy, Ross, Alix, Freda, Albert, Marta, Nadia and Rosie.

I only have to look at you all to know those bright eyes belong to little stars. You
have reached for the stars and you certainly did catch yours. Well done to all of you.

I am just so proud of how all of you have developed, grown and become little adults
all ready for the next stage in your schooling. You are fantastic.

Your numbers, language, charity work, shapes, and how you respect each other are
exceptional. You are also now responsible citizens.

Your brilliance just shines out of you all!! It is my pleasure to give a special prize to
each of you for being, well just brilliant. Please come up at the end and collect your

Also let us all take a moment to recognise and thank the excellent teaching staff. I
know all of the children just love to be with you. The love you show for our children
is amazing. Our children are so well prepared to move on now and are hard working,
and respectful. You have inspired them to reach for the stars and we are all very,
very grateful. Children let us applaud Mayling, Jemma, Karen and May.

Looking ahead I hope you all have a great party today, you deserve it. I too am
looking forward to pin the tail on the donkey, pass the parcel and tag.

Good luck and keep your star shining brightly.

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Well Done Class of 2017 and the biggest congratulations, in all the world, to all of

You are wonderful children.

Well done to Ian, Warrick, Millar, Emma, Hugh, Jack, May, Lee-Ann, Freda, Christine,
Robert, Karen, James and Ailicia. Each of you are brilliant.

I have seen your wonderful artwork with fantastic pictures of your families and
friends. I love, too, your magnificent crafts like the Easter Eggs and the balloon
faces. Great Stuff!!

Give a big cheer for your teachers. Thanks to Helga, Roberta, Mary and William - you
are great teachers.

I am sure you still laugh when you think of William dressed as a clown! Wasn’t he
just a great clown.

Thanks to the fund raising committee. Mrs Martin and the fund raising team have
been amazing. It has kept the kindergarten fully funded for years to come!

There are so many great things about our kindergarten. The fun, joy and happiness.

The learning of numbers, shapes, letters, words and the world around you.

The great friends you have. I think I love too the way you all use your great minds to
think. I know you have learned all about thinking minds, listening ears, and seeing

Do you remember the parents’ talent spots where you learned to run a shop, clean
cars, teach and lots, lots more. I hope you found a job you would love to learn.

I was awestruck by the way you all tried to set up the shop and then learn from any
little mistakes you made without being concerned to be wrong. You all try your
absolute best and then just learn how to be better - a most amazing lifelong skill!!

I know James tried to fill the shelves of the shop and then he asked to go round with
Mr Rosen and see what he could have done better. I know how proud all the teachers
and parents are at your great attitude!!

If I could have all of you working with me I would be the happiest lady in Hopeton. My
shop would be the best in the world!!

As you now move on to school I know you are all ready to go. If you keep trying your
absolute best and the learn how to do better you all be brilliant all your life!

Keep a smile on your face and go for it!!

Good luck kids.

I know you are looking forward to today’s party, so am I! Have great fun!!

Principal Nhur, Mrs Li, Staff of Harmony Kindergarten.

Just look at the wonderful kindergarten graduates - congratulations class of 2017!!

You are a magnificent group of children.

Thanks to each of you for making our lives fantastic. Just to be involved with Jack,
Mary, Ryan, Holly, Sophie, Jackie, Scott, Allan, Ellie, Jessica, Bruce, Abbie, Emelia
and Wilf is a rare delight!!

I look out at you wonderful children and have to remind myself just how young you
are. You have achieved so much in such a short space of time.

Your achievements are excellence in numbers, shapes, letters, words, awareness of

the environment and the kindergarten. You also give a lot to each other. I am amazed
at the maturity you all show - well done!!

Thanks to the outstanding teaching staff. Without you the children would be ill
prepared for those next crucial steps. Take a bow Ayesha, Laura, Harriet and Freda.

I looked into your kindergarten room yesterday. You should all be very proud of your
paintings, drawings photographs and creative learning. I am sure every single mum
and dad will be fairly emotional seeing your work.

One great thing I did notice was the spaceship you all made together.

I know your theme was about reaching up high and exploring what is out in space.

A spaceship was once only a dream a person had. It came true and let people make
their own dreams come true.

I hope each of you have a dream. Does anyone have a dream, shout them out.

All of your dreams are fantastic.

Remember if you have a dream then your dreams can come true. I hope each of you
just loves the next steps in your life. School will be great and you are all very well

I am sure you will all reach the stars!!

Good luck and well done!

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

I know from my own entrepreneurial background that great things come to those
who have wonderful curiosity, imagination and creativity.

Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.

Our children have been set free here to be curious, imaginative and creative. It never
ceases to amaze me at just how much that is so - even just seeing Ellie and her
friends making up games, their drawing and their play.

I am constantly being told wonderful stories about what she did at school, what the
other children did, and how much fun it all was. Kindergarten outings to gather
autumn leaves, Xmas Santa trips, charity work for disadvantaged children, the
astronomy trip and so much more. Each one a fantastic learning experience.

Curiosity has come from being confident to try things out.

Imagination has come from being encouraged to set your mind free in a positive

The creativity has come from being encouraged to try to find a way to make sense of
your imaginative ideas and play with the ideas to see what works.

All this can only be effective in a brilliant, supportive kindergarten.

The kids seem to have an attitude that every outcome is something that you can
learn from and that keeps things very positive.

We, the parents, love Rosebank and all the team. It has been the making of our
children in so many ways.

We are sad to leave the brilliant staff of Nora, Liz, Laura and Susan but do promise
that we will be here for you if you ever need us.

We now look forward to our children building on everything that has been achieved.

Thank you

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

We are gathered here today for the Rosebank Kindergarten Graduation. This is a
great occasion in the lives of all the children. It is also due recognition for the
outstanding work of the staff and also a pretty emotional day for the parents - I can
say that as my daughter Ellie is graduating.

A BIG well done to Martin, Rosie, Michael, Helga, Ruby, Amelia, Aaron, Holly, Sophie,
Alistair, Abie, Rachel and Kate.

Just looking round the happy smiling faces says so much about the fun and
outstanding environment at Rosebank. Our children have learned so much. I was
very apprehensive when I first brought Ellie here but she has loved being part of the
Rosebank team.

The school places great value on community, learning, fun and a child centred
approach. I am always amazed at just how much that has meant to the local

I feel really delighted at the way Ellie loves coming here to school and looks forward
to what she is learning. Seeing that big smile on her face in the morning is fantastic.

None of this would be possible without the fantastic staff led by Nora. In fact the
whole team of Liz, Laura and Susan have been fantastic, they clearly love being with
the children as much as the children love them. Rarely have I seen people love going
to work as much. That enthusiasm rubs off on the children. The result of this great
environment is that the right things are happening for our children. They have
learned to love learning and that skill will help them so much as they progress with
their education.

A memory that will stay with me forever is Ellie telling me that “just like Maria in
Sound of Music she is facing her fears”. I love the idea that we all learn to take on
challenges and the children learning to do that at such a young age is excellent.

This ethos has given us children that are fit, healthy and growing in confidence.

Life is not just about learning to read and write. They are important, but more so is
love and friendship. I feel Ellie has had that every day since she got here.

The school places great emphasis on being part of the community. This is a lifelong
skill which will help all of us flourish. It may seem slightly old fashioned but a sense
of community to me is very important to the future of our town and our children.
School is not a refuge either, the children have learned how much fun it is to be part
of the community and just how great that feeling is when you give to others They get
so much back locally and I feel very proud of them all!

There have been a few very funny moments along the way. Laughing is a vital part of
life. Life is not all work and a balanced perspective laughing along the way will
smooth the path.
So, thank you to the teachers, I hope you love the gifts we have for you. The love you
have for the children shines through in their results. Thank you to all the parents
who have willingly given their time.

Looking ahead our children are very well equipped to take on the next part of their
educational lives. They have strong foundations and I feel very confident we have
given the children a great start in life. They have learned many priceless lessons.
Take on challenges, love learning, be part of the community, laugh and be all you
can be. What parent would not give a million dollars for their children to have that
attitude for all their lives.

Thank you.

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

As we watched the school burn brightly I am sure many of us wondered what would
become of the children and the school itself.

Led by the outstanding principal, Mrs Gillespie, we have a new school, new
equipment and a new outlook on life. It is quite amazing.

After a year which saw some kids homeschooled for a while, the church gave us
facilities, we used the town hall and a hotel.

In fact the whole community pulled together and helped out. The teaching staff have
been unbelievable. The children have been kept up to date with their school work
and amazingly creative ways have been found to make sure lessons were fun and

The effect has been a community galvanised into action.

All of us are closer together and have a bond for life.

Our children have learned how to turn adversity into a positive force for good.

I love the way the children have been praised for being affectionate, kind, caring,
responsible and also being able to speak up and contribute. When you consider the
obstacles in their way they have come through very positively.

I do feel a tear in my eye as I look at how proud the children are of themselves!

So a huge thank you to the teaching staff, to the community helpers, to all the
parents and the biggest thank you to the children for sticking to it.

Graduation this year is the most deserved celebration of achievement. Looking

ahead, the children are uniquely placed to cope well with the challenges ahead. They
have learned that school is not just bricks and mortar but is about the spirit of the

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Principal Morton, Teachers Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Ortega, Class of 2017.

Congratulation Class of 2017.

Well done to Ewan, Rebecca, Christine, Jessica, Harry, Alicia, Mary, Max, Rodney,
Susan, Debbie, Felicity and Jamie you are the best.

I know you have all been outstanding at numbers, letters, words, nature and lots
more things besides. Amazing to see how gifted you are.

As you know I am an artist and I paint pictures for a living.

Principal Morton asked me to spend a day with you all recently to see how brilliant
you are at art and also to see if we could come up with lots more fun stuff.

It was a fantastic day. I loved being with you all. Your high energy approach to art is
amazing. There was lots of creative stuff that day and there is a lot more to come
from you.

I am here today to thank everyone as Jamie’s dad and on behalf of the very proud
and grateful parents. Celebrating your special day is great fun. I hope you feel like
doing lots more art.

Thank you to Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Ortega. You have given our children very happy
and successful days at Kindergarten. It has been the experience of a lifetime. Jamie
just cannot wait to get his coat off and get going when we arrive in the morning. It
makes every parent feel very happy too.

Thank you very much.

Again let us congratulate these amazing kids! You are all just so ready to move up to
the next level, to keep learning and growing.

I hope you will continue to paint and draw. As you can see from the display behind
me you have excelled yourselves in your art. It is just fantastic, so much so that a
local art gallery is going to display your work next month. When I met the owner
recently I told him he just had to see your work. I hope you can get all your family
over to see the display.

I will remember always what a pleasure it was to spend the day with you all.

Good Luck.

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Congratulations to all the kindergarten children for graduating today.

This has been the most amazing year!

The children have been involved not just in their lessons but also a quite awesome
Charity challenge.

The kids were challenged at the beginning of the school year to raise $110. For a
small kindergarten this looked like a really tall order.

In reality it has been the most magnificent journey.

Our son Ewan has sold off anything he could from our house, the children have had
many drives to raise money by auctioning off goods, selling raffle tickets, getting
donations from local businesses, having sponsored walks, and many more activities.

I heard Ewan and some friends talking about how much they could get for my car. I
did keep looking to see it was still there!

The year has gone so quickly. Those nervous looking kids have grown to very much
be school children ready for the next step in their education.

Every parent and child loves the teaching staff at this kindergarten. They have given
the kids a great start in life. The fundamentals of reading and numbers have been
greatly enhanced by the good citizens and great class contributors programmes. I
often hear the kids talking about what they are doing for these two excellent

One technique I do love is listening ears, seeing eyes, quiet mouth and
concentrating head. In fact last time we had a family trip to see a movie we all were
told how to do this before the film started.

Today is not just about recognising the graduation achievements. We can also
announce that the charity collection stands at... $300. Surpassing the target and
giving money to our local children’s hospital - WELL DONE KIDS!!!!

The entire class can identify with their achievement. They can visit the hospital with
pride in their great work.


By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Mrs Gibson, Mrs Valetti, Mr Robertson and Parents.

Congratulations Class Of 2017

It is absolutely brilliant to be here with Hamilton Kindergarten. There is always a

cheerful welcome and a big smile here!!

I must say congratulations to all of you, Harry, Henry, Melissa, Daniel, Ryan, Regan,
Ruby, Alix, Sophie, Holly, Mary, Helen, Kim, Angus, and Ewan. You are just
wonderful children.

I know from your teachers that you have a very grown up theme for your class which
is Responsible Citizens, what an amazing topic.

You must be so proud of your activities:

Firstly you learned how to be the best classmates you can be for the others here.
How wonderful to take turns helping Ewan with his wheelchair and all your other
great activities. I know you say hello to every visitor. That makes us all feel very

I am told you also have responsible citizen tasks locally. I understand you all did a
great job completing paintings to hang in the local gallery. All the money raised from
entrance fees went to the kids hospital. I love the pictures you have when you
delivered the check!

Also you had the shoebox appeal. Every family had to fill a shoebox with tins of food,
clothing, paper, pencils, or a toy. These all went to the Red Cross. From there we
believe the shoeboxes made their way to Africa to help children in need. This was a
fantastic thing to do. Not only that but you made most of the party decorations and
also chose the school theme for the party!

I think you should be very proud of yourself.

On behalf of the kindergarten and the parents let me give a huge thanks to the
teachers. Mrs Gibson, Mrs Valetti and Mr Robertson. The debt we owe you is
enormous. You have loved, cared for and nurtured our kids so well. Let us give you a
small gift with our thanks (kids to hand over gifts)

What a wonderful group of children. Good luck to all of you.

I just know you will love school. You are ready to go there and show everyone just
how great you are!

Congratulations kids

By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017 graduation-invitations-graduation-

Congratulations to the amazing graduates of Brandon kindergarten.

I know just how much you deserve your graduation celebration. I am honored to be
with a class who have learned so much, so quickly.

Each you had done so well. Congratulations Susan, Jean, Hugo, Farah, Liam, holly,
Greta, Hamish, Sophie, Rubin, Lizzy, James, Mathew, Sheena, Brian, Kenneth, Izzy,
Ruth, Mary, Jane and Ilsa.

The teachers here do break a few rules, don't they Mrs Hughes and Mr Connell. You
know what I mean don't you graduates. The teachers are supposed to make you sit
down for quite a while and make you learn words, numbers, letters, and some
counting. However you have all brilliantly learned everything you need by playing the
most amazing games. Play really is the best isn't it.

Look at the counting wall, tasty bites cafe and the treat store you have made. All the
counting, measuring and numbers you needed were learned with all your creative
ideas. They are fabulous. More then that you made signs and learned to speak in
public to announce your goods for sale.

Even more, i love the nature collections, the baking day you did, the purple charity
day, your art displays, and your science experiments. The photos of you all are
fantastic. I know that you learned so much by giving your ideas, agreeing what to do,
researching what things you might do and actually making things like a cafe. There
can be few kindergartens in our country which have the excellent ideas you have.
Certainly there cannot be a better class.

I know you all love to be involved rather than have someone just talk, and you all
made it work. You are a very special class.

You deserve so much praise and I have not even mentioned the charity walk, helping
the elderly day, and the great fun you have just being out playing in the kindergarten
grounds. You teachers say that you all smile all day and just let yourselves be happy.

I should also mention how great your teachers are - they are the best aren't they.

Every parent notices how much the teachers care for our children. This is a loving
environment in which each child can do really well and feel safe just to be
themselves. Every parent loves your teachers and I thank them for everything they
do for you!

I know you are looking forward to going to trade school. You will all do so well,
especially if you keep your smile and happy attitude.

Good luck to you all.

My ever dearest parents, friends, teachers, visitors, especially to our very own
guest . . . . . no other than Mr. Daniel Pablo, . . . ladies and gentlemen “good

        At last,  . . . it is “graduation day”.  Every one of us were on their toes

witnessing this very big day. 

        Today is the most memorable day in our life as graduates.        I know,  . . .
there will still lots of graduations that await us in the future . . . . but Kindergarten 2
graduation is only happening today in our life.

        So graduates,  . . . I am proud to say “Happy Graduation” . . .to everyone of

us.   I do wished in the future  . . . with the grace of our Almighty God  . . . we are
good example to the incoming preschoolers. 

        May the Lord will guide us to share good deeds in the future  to everyone . . . .
and these will be implanted,  . . . and would be a legacy to the generation,  next to us.

       Congratulation not to ourselves only but as well as to our parents and teachers
who guided us with all their patience, understanding, love and provided us all we
need everyday to make us one among of the graduates.

        THANK YOU  . ..  and once again . .. “good morning.

9-Year-Old Boy Graduates High School and Starts College, Wants to

Become Astrophysicist: 'I Want to Prove That God Does Exist'
At 9 years old, William Maillis is like a lot of other boys his age, enjoying video games,
knock-knock jokes, sports and hanging out with friends. But William is no ordinary kid when
it comes to academics.

In May, he graduated from high school and is now a college student already working on his
own theories of how the universe was created.

Most other 9-year-olds are in fourth grade.

William, who lives in Penn Township, Pennsylvania, is among the youngest people ever to
attend college.

He's currently taking a full slate of classes at Community College of Allegheny County as a
way to ease into life as a college student and plans to enroll next fall at Carnegie Mellon
University in Pittsburgh, according to his father, Peter Maillis, a Greek Orthodox priest.

"It doesn't bother me" being the youngest student in class by far, William tells PEOPLE. "I'm
used to it by now."

William, who wants to study the physics and chemistry of space, earn a doctorate degree and
work as an astrophysicist, is at ease tossing around concepts like "displacement of space-time"
"singularity" and "pure gravity" as he patiently attempts to explain why black holes aren't
"super massive" as theorized by such other brilliant minds as Albert Einstein and Stephen

Bottom line, according to William: "I want to prove to everybody that God does exist," he
says, by showing that only an outside force could be capable of forming the cosmos.

Maillis said he and his wife, Nancy, who also are parents to a daughter, 29, and son, 26, –
"[William] was our 17-year-surprise," Maillis says with a laugh – realized their young son was
advanced when he started accurately identifying numbers at 6 months old and speaking in
complete sentences at just 7 months old, he said.

"William was just very sharp," Maillis says. "William remembers everything he sees."

He followed with a range of impressive academic feats , including doing addition at 21 months;
multiplication, reading and writing at 2 years old; algebra, sign language and reading Greek at
age 4; geometry at 5 and trigonometry at 7.

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After finishing third grade last year, William then simultaneously attended fourth grade and
high school while also taking some college classes and this year enrolled in college full-time,
his dad says.
Despite his obvious prowess, William was originally turned down when he tried to enroll in
kindergarten at age 4 after failing an entrance readiness test when he couldn't, for example,
identify gray as a color ("gray is a shade, not a color," his father explains) or recognize a
thermometer ("we don't use that kind, we use the kind that goes in your ear," he says).

Maillis then consulted with a college psychologist who studies whiz kids and she declared him
a "pure genius" after administering IQ tests, he says. The elementary school reconsidered and
allowed him in.

Maillis says he and his wife allow William to take the lead in deciding what areas of interest to
pursue. "Whatever classes he wants to take, that's okay with me," Maillis says. "I don't want to
push him."

William's history professor, Aaron Hoffman, says the boy fits right in with his other college
students. "We haven't steered away from any topics: Hitler, Mussolini, the Holocaust, wars,"
Hoffman says. "If he's here for college, he's going to get college-level material."

The only difference he's noticed, Hoffman says, is that William doesn't take notes like the
other students, but simply listens, reads and absorbs the material.

Through it all, Maillis says his son remains grounded. "I just want him to appreciate the gift he
has, which I think he does," Maillis said. "I tell him, 'God gave you a gift. The worst thing
would be to reject that gift and not use it for the betterment of the world.' "

Meet the Mastermind Behind an Innovative, New Way to Teach Math

In elementary school, Matthew Peterson struggled mightily with math. When an instructor
explained a problem, Peterson would be so focused on figuring out the language that he forgot
the beginning of the question. In a traditional classroom setting, “If you couldn’t follow the
instructions from the teacher, you were lost. You had no way to learn on your own,” Peterson,
who suffered from dyslexia, says. It wasn’t until Peterson’s dad started drawing pictures to help
his son visualize math equations that he had the breakthrough that turned him onto how exciting,
creative and fun the subject can be.

Seeing his challenges in school as an opportunity to be solved, the boy who once hated math
went on to study engineering, biology and neuroscience in college. From there, Peterson began
to think as an entrepreneur — creating, innovating, problem solving and ultimately, transforming
the way mathematics is taught in American schools. “To me, it’s not acceptable that so many
students exit the school system afraid of math,” he explains. Starting with a summer research
program in 1994, Peterson spent a decade working to prove that math could be taught without
language, which can create a barrier to understanding the concept. This is true not only for kids
who struggle with language like he did, but for any student since talking about math using words
layers two completely different ways of thinking on top of each other.

That mission ultimately became the Irvine, Calif.-based MIND Research Institute and its ST
Math program, a series of games starring Jiji, an animated penguin that introduces math visually.
Students must figure out how to help Jiji get past a variety of obstacles (each representing an
important mathematical concept) by building bridges, filling in holes, and so on. “It is very
difficult to create software that will translate into improved test scores,” Peterson, MIND’s co-
founder, says. “People have been trying to do that for many years, and there is very little to show
for it. But there is a very consistent result that games, especially visual games, can build spatial-
temporal reasoning. What our approach does is build spatial-temporal reasoning, and then
connect that spatial-temporal reasoning to mathematical understanding,” accomplishing what
other software companies haven’t. In fact, schools that fully implement ST Math see up to three
times growth in math proficiency.

Alex Belous, education portfolio manager for the Cisco Foundation (which has supported MIND
Research Institute since 2004), says that when he initially reviewed their program, its installation
and training strategy was predominantly in-person, which wouldn’t scale. “It was an ideal
partnership, as we were able to assist with their conversion to a web-based and more scalable
delivery method, adding courses and grade levels, as well as creating a teacher-dashboard that
allows them to see where students are most challenged and give them relevant help to keep
learning,” Belous says. “We’re proud to be part of something that is providing large impact and
pleased that ST Math is likely to scale much further in the next five years.”

The United States lags behind other nations in math and science performance, ranking 29th in
math and 22nd in science, according to the Program for International Student Assessment. By
harnessing the power of the digital revolution, MIND Research Institute and Cisco are able to
address this problem and prepare young people to succeed in science, technology, engineering
and math fields that are critical to economic growth and global competitiveness.

That formula has proved to be remarkably — and consistently — successful. When MIND’s ST
Math software launched, only 12,000 students used it. Today, the program reaches more than 1
million children in more than 3,000 schools across 45 states (including about 70 percent from
traditionally underserved backgrounds). In the U.S., only 30 percent of kids leaving middle
school are proficient in math. Impressively, students’ math proficiency has doubled or even
tripled when using ST Math. “It’s not the students who are incapable of learning, it’s the
environment,” Peterson says, going on to explain how the software creates a setting where
students from all backgrounds can not only become skilled in math, but learn to enjoy it.

“Many people have this misconception that experiences are fun, but learning isn’t really an
experience,” says Brandon Smith, MIND’s lead mathematician. A lot of learning software
essentially takes the approach of designing a fun game and then trying to shoehorn some math
into it, Smith explains. MIND’s games are designed from the ground up to focus on core math
principles. They’re entirely visual — no words or numbers at all — and feature deliberately
simple animation. “We don’t want you to be distracted by anything that is not the heart of the
matter,” he says.

The result? A fun game where simply uncovering what the next puzzle is teaches kids the
underlying concept. It also educates them on how to approach unfamiliar problems, how to think
creatively and how to persevere and keep working on something difficult. ST Math enables
students to learn at their own pace by giving immediate, personalized feedback on every answer
— something that’s only possible using software, Peterson says.

Another positive outcome of ST Math is that girls often find more success with it than boys: an
uncommon result among math programs. In the U.S., women are underrepresented in science
and engineering fields (representing just 29 percent of the workforce compared to 46 percent of
all workers), but programs like ST Math can generate the confidence and enthusiasm for girls to
pursue jobs in those industries.

Technology not only makes that kind of learning possible in one classroom, it makes it scalable
to thousands of them. “It’s not enough to just do a research program to prove that something is
effective,” Peterson says. “If you want to change the world you have to make something that is

“People use the term ‘innovation’ so often in Silicon Valley, but it is actually extremely rare to
come across something that is truly revolutionary and actually effective and scalable,” Cisco’s
Belous says. MIND’s technology demonstrates how the potential to scale and replicate is
necessary for a solution to be sustainable and successful at addressing social challenges. Not
only does ST Math transform math education, but also it has the potential to be applied in many
other areas of education. “This completely new, non-language-based approach has the ability to
capture every mouse-click of every child to see where kids are most challenged and refine the
games appropriately to make them even more effective. It is fantastic for math education and
student outcomes, but the fundamental innovation could potentially be applied to a far wider set
of subjects.”

MIND’s games certainly have the potential to revolutionize how young children think about
themselves. Studies show that most American students possess what’s known as a fixed theory
of intelligence: a belief that “intelligence is something that you’re born with,” Peterson says.
That mindset can hold kids back from learning math because they think if you can’t solve a
problem, you’re not good at it. The kind of self-directed learning in ST Math reinforces the
principle that when you stick with a problem, you get better at it.

Lisa Solomon, a principal at Madison Elementary School in Santa Ana, Calif., sees that tenacity
in her students. ST Math software is used at three area schools, including Solomon’s, where
nearly 100 percent of students are Hispanic and about 90 percent qualify for free or reduced-cost
lunches. “It’s helping us to see what our students really can do,” Solomon says.
These days, when the growing opportunity divide reveals the sheer importance of a strong
education, MIND Research Institute not only levels the playing field, it helps struggling students
bound to the head of the class and achieve their greatest potential.

This was produced in partnership with Cisco, which believes everyone has the potential to
become a global problem solver - to innovate as a technologist, think as an entrepreneur, and
act as a social change agent.

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