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Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 25 February 2021

Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: How should dogs that have suffered neglect be treated?
Thesis: Although dogs have suffered through a rough past and deserve all the love in the world from their
new owners, dogs that have experienced this trauma should be treated with extra precautions involved.
Essay Sections: #1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?
(Use three sources.) #2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.) #3: What do you think
should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)


Blake Richardson the author of this explains that, “Your new pet is safe now, but your dog may still
be dealing with emotional trauma from the past.”

Beau Archer also states that “most dogs rescued from neglectful circumstances have not been
properly socialized. As a result, he said, they can be timid.

“If your dog tenses up, looks uncomfortable or starts looking out of the corner of his eye, Archer
said to back away and give your dog space.”

Commentary and Analysis:

The website that I chose lists all the key instructions when it comes to supporting a dog that has
suffered past trauma. The author Blake Richardson, with help also from Beau Archer states that a dog that
has newly found a home after being mistreated or coming from a puppy mill needs some time to situated
with things. Patience is key to raising any newly cared for animal. Everything that you introduce your dog
should be introduced gradually.
Another common thing that Archer pointed out was the behavior tendencies that newly rescued or
past neglected animals have. These actions consist of things such as eating their own feces or arriving at
your home untrained. Time needs to be given for these tasks and it's important that these actions are taken
one step at a time. Last things that are recommended by Archer is to give your dog some space if they
ever need it. Sometimes dogs or any animal aren't very passionate at first and should not be expected to
be “lovey dovey” upon arrival to your new home.
Some other things that might help your new furry friend adjust to your new home would be to
have other dogs around. It can be a very helpful tactic to help dogs gain confidence, but again everything
needs to be introduced gradually.
MLA Work Cited:
Richardson, Blake. “How to Care for a New Dog Rescued From Cruelty or Neglect.” NBC4
Washington, NBC4 Washington, 19 July 2016,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by NBC who hires some of the nation's
highly trained writers.

Research Log #2- Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 1 March 2021
Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: How do new dog owners know what equipment to buy for their pets?
Thesis: Although dog owners think that certain toys are treats might spike their dogs interest, It may end
up doing more harm than good.

The Author Jenna Stregowski says “Playing and chewing are natural canine behaviors. Though some
dogs will play or chew more than others, dog toys are essential items for all dogs.”

Stregowski also says that “It's important to remember that all toys can pose a risk if your dog swallows
parts of them.”

Stregowski stated that “A dog's toy preference depends on her personal style of playing and chewing.”

Commentary and Analysis:

The website that I listed for this research log talks about some of the things that you need to take into
account when choosing out a toy for your furry friend. Some small things could make a huge difference in
your pets' behavior. Some of the toys listed in the article include squeaky toys, ropes, plushies, etc. All of
these toys can pose some sort of risk, but as a pet owner, you need to know if these risks outweigh the
benefits. If you can follow some of the steps listed in the article correctly, you result in a happy and more
affectionate pet pal.

As Stregowski said, playing and chewing are natural behaviors for a canine. Some dogs find play time
more valuable than other dogs. Some dogs play rougher than others, which is why its important to keep
these details in mind when choosing a toy out. If you find your dog is more of a rough house than a timid
one, a rope toy might work well for them. On the contrary however, if your dog is more of a gentle
player, maybe a plush toy or a ball might be good enough for them. The list for dog toys are nearly
endless, so understanding the general idea of what certain dog toys fit your dog's personality will work in
your favor.

Going back on the rope toy, there are some risks that are involved with buying one of those. The article
claims that dogs which sharper teeth are more likely to shred through bits of the rope and possibly
consume them. Same thing for ball toys. You need to make sure that the ball toy that you choose out for
your dog is the correct size and shape. Otherwise, something could go wrong, like your dog accidently
choking or even swallowing the toy.

MLA Works Cited

Jenna Stregowski, RVT. “Are You Choosing the Best Toys for Your Dog?” The Spruce Pets,

This is a reputable and reliable article because the Author Jenna Stregowski has more than 20 years of
experience working in Veterinary medicine.

Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 3rd March 2021
Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: How should dog owners respond to signs of fear or pain from their dogs?
Thesis: Although dog owners may think their dogs are doing okay, they might be showing you signs of
pain or discomfort that you might not pick up on
Essay Sections: #1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?
(Use three sources.) #2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.) #3: What do you think
should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

The Author Laura Playforth explains that “dogs might stop running to greet you at the door, try to
avoid contact, or even become aggressive”

Playforth also says that “dogs that are in pain often sleep more – they may be trying to heal, or it
might even be difficult for them to move around and be active”

Lastly, Playforth says that “Dogs that are experiencing pain tend to be more vocal.”

Commentary and Analysis

The website that I picked out talks about mainly some of the signs that dogs give off when they
are in any discomfort or pain. It’s a dog owners duty to pick up on some of these signs, as they
can affect your relationship with your dog. One of the reasons that were listed in the excerpts
describes a dogs actions while feeling nervous, and those actions include a dog not wanting to
greet you anymore, or not coming up to you as often. Usually, it would be pretty obvious for an
owner to pick up on this, but it is possible to still get by them. Some ways that are described is
to spend time focusing more on your dogs behaviors.

Another thing that was talked about in this website goes more along the lines of dog tendencies.
One tendency that stood out to me was the licking of a dog's self. If a dog tends to lick himself
more, its usually a way to try to soothe his or herself. This could be physical discomfort, or
psychological, but most of the time it is physical. They might be licking a cut or an open wound
that may be unnoticeable at first, but usually a close up inspection should lead you to a diagnosis.

Last thing that I thought was the most obvious sign of pain in a dog is the physical limitations
that are being put up with them. For example, if you find that your dog is unable to walk or run
correctly, or you see any limping, that is definitely without a doubt a sign of pain. Medication
would probably be the best move an owner can do, and to also try to let your dog refrain from
doing any physical activities. Although that might be hard to keep your dog from being active, as
well as medication might be expensive, I think any kind of comfort will help your dog.

MLA Works Cited

Laura Playforth is Vets Now’s professional standards director and is responsible for driving
clinical and professional standards across our out-of-hours clinics. After graduating in
veterinary medicine and surgery from the University of Edinburgh in , and Laura Playforth.
“How to Tell If a Dog Is in Pain: Signs & Symptoms Of Pain In Dogs.” Vets Now, 26 Feb.

This is a reputable and reliable article because is notorious for publishing well written
articles regarding pet safety, as well as providing emergency services through their website.

Research Log #4- Solutionary Project

Date: March 5th 2021
Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: How should dog owners make a first good impression on their pets.
Thesis: Although some dog owners try to make a good first impression their pets, some may fail to do so,
ruining their relationship with their pets.


Kelly Jones the author of this article says that “ Having a house sitter come to stay in their home,
whilst their owner is away, can be a change that a dog needs to get used to.”

She also has to say that, “ It’s natural to want to make a good impression meeting someone for
the first time, especially when you’re looking after that person’s fur-family and home.”

Jones also states “Perhaps you’re eager to prove how much you love dogs. Their hound is
hunkering in the corner, head lowered, and licking his lips”

Commentary and Analysis:

The website that I picked out talks about some of the good first impressions you want to make on
your dog and how you approach them. It's always natural to make a first impression on someone.
Its super important however, since it almost sets up the entire relationship. It’s the same way
with dogs as it as humans. But I feel like it is really is more important to leave a good first
impression on dogs since they have no past human interaction.

One thing that was said not to do in the article was to be too attached to your dog. You may be
eager to be around your first pet, but you may frighten them in the process. Always take a slow
approach and never to try to make them growl or whimper in fear. Another thing that was said in
the article was to try to ignore your dog for a bit. I know this may sound strange or a bit ironic
since you would think you would want to spend as much time with your dog as possible in his or
her new home, but its okay to give your dog the cold shoulder sometimes. It will allow the dog to
gain more confidence and feel more content with its owner.

Last thing involves body language and eye contact. These are some pretty big things to brush up
on when it comes to human interaction. But when it comes to a dog, giving them proper eye
contact may make them feel threatened or challenged. It’ll help keep the mood mellow and
lowkey, and it won't startle your dog. Another thing talked about was body language, and ways
that could give your dog more confidence includes, giving a worried expression, and yawning.
Try these tips and they are sure to leave a good impression on your dog.

MLA Works Cited

“10 Winning Ways to Gain a Dog's Trust.” TrustedHousesitters,

This is a reputable and reliable article because TrustedHousesitters has worked with many pets in the past
and offers pet support and veterinary first responders.

Research Log #5- Solutionary Project

Date: March 14th 2021
Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: How should dog owners help their dogs interact with other dogs
Thesis: Although some owners make think their dog will get along with other dogs easily, some may find
themselves mistaken as their pets might get agitated from social interaction.
Sherry Woodard, the author of this article states “If you know that both dogs are very social with
a variety of other dogs, the meeting should be easy.”

Woodard also says that “If your dog is accustomed to meeting dogs at a pet supply store like
PetSmart or Petco, you can ask the store’s trainer to help with the introduction.”

Woodard states “As the dogs approach each other, watch their body language closely, paying
attention to the entire body.”

Commentary and Analysis:

Having your dog meet other furry friends may not be easy for them. Sherry Woodard
who wrote this article talks about some of the behaviors and signs you need to pick up on as a pet
owner to determine your dog's interactions with others. Reading their movements is really
important. If you find that your dogs’ posture is a little off, or they are making noises of
submission, it may not be reading to have your dog socially interact with others. But if you find
that your dog is outgoing and has no problem interacting with others, it would sure be easy for
your dog to make friends in no time at all.

Woodard also gave some other advice for having dogs get more comfortable to others. Have
them try to meet in other places rather than at their favorite spot. Their favorite dog park might
not be the best place to have them interact since you want to try your best to get them out of their
comfort zone. One place that she suggested was to take your dog to the local pound and ask one
of the employees there to introduce your dog to some of the dogs at the shelter. That way, your
dog will be meeting many new ones all at once.

Last advice that she gave was that you need to be able to let the dogs meet. You need to allow
yourself to let your dogs approach others. One thing to watch while you are letting this encounter
happen is to read the body language. Watch for any nose-to-nose meet ups. Those might be
stressful for some dogs, and they might be nervous or intimated if this happens. Another key
thing to watch out for is the “rushing” approach that dogs have. If you see that their hair on their
back doesn’t raise or their tails aren't wagging, stay alert. This may end up causing dogs to fight
and someone getting hurt.
MLA Works Cited

“Introducing Dogs to Each Other.” Best Friends Animal Society,

This is a reliable source since Best Friends Animal Society is a well known association around
the world and has some of the most experienced pet experts.

Research Log #6- Solutionary Project

Date: March 14th 2021
Name: Quintin Barrett
Central Question: What should dog owners do when they lost their pet.
Thesis: Although some dog owners may immediately panic when they find out their pet is missing, there
might be some tips to help you stay calm and locate your pet with any trouble


The American Humane society states says to “Act fast! Don’t waste days hoping your pet will come
home. The sooner you begin your search, the better the odds of finding him.”

American Humane Society also says to “Call all animal control agencies in your town and
surrounding areas. Animal control officers work through the police department and pick up stray
animals. Call them or check their shelters at least every two days.”

American Humane Society finally states that “Check with your local shelters every day. Don’t
just call — also visit the shelters to search for your pet. Many animals are difficult to describe
over the phone, and only you really know what your pet looks like.

Commentary and Analysis:

Finding out that you’ve suddenly lost your pet can be traumatic. But there are some protocols
that you should follow as a pet owner that can help you find your pet safely without any harm at
all. The first thing you should do is to act as fast as possible. I know it’s a bit counterintuitive
how the first thing that you should do is to actually do something, but it is the truth. Waiting
around for days probably won't help your pet come home faster. So it's important to take actions
as soon as possible to raise the odds of finding your pet.

Some other things that should be done that are stated in this article consist of calling the local
shelter every day. Better yet, visiting them might even work greater. It sometimes might be hard
to describe some of the features of your pet to people over the phone, so it's better to have a
visual look to try to spot out your pet if the local shelter picked them up. Speaking of talking to
someone, speaking to animal agencies around town wont do any harm. They might have some
insight on where your pet might be located.

A couple other things to do is to plaster your pets face all around your neighborhood and town.
Some people around might have seen your pet nearby, so it's good to advertise that your pet is
missing to bring awareness to the situation. Another thing along those lines is to give out a
reward for whoever can find him or her. This will probably motivate more people into finding
your missing loved one, and will also bring more awareness to the situation.

MLA Works Cited

“What to Do If You've Lost Your Pet.” American Humane, 4 June 2018,

This is a reputable source because it was published by the American Humane Society which is a
human society known around the globe.

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