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How to stay productive

May 20, 2021

Staying happy and productive

Stay productive with Fyndhere! We crib as if our whole year was wasted as a result of
“covid 19”. We look at 2020 as an unproductive year, but that time has gone and you have
so many opportunities to grab.

You can learn a new skill or upgrade your skills. Now you don’t have to get ready for
classes. You are also saving time on traveling. Now, you have a lot of You can revise those
concepts that you learned in your previous terms.

Don’t simply revise it, try to think about how you can utilize those concepts in real life and
try to bring some uniqueness within yourself, because in an interview they will ask you
about what unique attributes do you possess?

Organize your day

Studies show that following a schedule or routine can reduce decision fatigue, boost
productivity, and fend off depression. Start by prioritizing your day’s to-do list and make a
proper timetable.

Minimize distractions

Though it’s important to stay up to date on the latest public health guidance, social media
and our phones in general can consume too much of our time and mental energy. To
prevent distractions, turn off as many notifications and sounds on your phone and
computer as you can. Set aside a few regular times specifically for checking your email,
social media, and news consumption, and give yourself a time limit.

Keep a positive approach towards problem!

Don’t crib on every problem.

Change your viewpoint towards the issue.
Try to tackle it with a positive approach.

It’s not difficult to identify issues, however, it’s hard to tackle them. Try to tackle
problems with a positive approach. With a positive approach, you can transform it into

Don’t fake skills in exams or an interview. If positive approach is there in your

personality, then it will definitely shine in an interview or exam.

Example from TVF Aspirants.

Abhilash who always criticizes the system.

In one of his answers, he wrote that if Aadhaar becomes prevalent, then the privacy of
people is at risk and his solution was not to implement Aadhaar bill. But what if the next
government passes the Aadhaar bill?

His teacher taught him; his approach should be how to minimize privacy issues rather
than scrapping the bill all together.

Do what you LOVE the most!

Watch your favorite movie, comedy special, make paintings, play video games, get on a
video call with your best friends, order tasty food, play indoor games like carrom, chess
and ludo, gardening, spend time with your pets, read your favorite book!

Learn a new skill!

Give your work profile an upgrade by learning a new skill. Learning something new can
slow down cognitive ageing. Now that’s certainly something to be happy about! So use the
spare time to build up your resume and skillset that will open numerous doors for you to
work in various types of businesses and improves your adaptability.

Stay physically active!

Find an activity that you enjoy. Take a break to practice a few yoga poses, listening to
music as you take deep breaths or going for a walk at the end of the day. Pay attention to
how your body feels on a daily basis.

Spend some time with nature!

Nature brings a feeling of serenity, peace, and calm. Being in nature produces brain waves
that are similar to those you experience while meditating. Just looking at nature help us
stabilize our mood, reduce anxiety and stress.

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