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5 Super Powers to build an Invincible character

Character is repeated habits & repeated habits alone can transform character

We're all aware that character is the only true foundation for any meaningful success.
But the question is, how do we lay the foundation for a character so that excellence permeates
through every cell of our bodies?
The answer in short is to train our minds and channel all our inner energy towards the
destination we want to reach.
However, training our minds is akin to disciplining a mischievous child. The inner conflict
that rages in our turbulent minds between right and wrong, selfishness and selflessness, anger
and compassion, leaves us doubtful and confused and saps all of our inner strength. Unsure of
what to do, we fight with our own selves, depleting all of our willpower.
Thus, the only way to develop an invincible character is to organize the contents of our minds
and to be acutely aware of what is going on deep within our psyche. This is a journey to
reawaken our sleeping soul, with whom we have lost touch as a result of our inner struggles.
Here are five superpowers that people who have reached the pinnacle of spiritual awakening
say are necessary for developing an invincible personality.
1. Unwavering faith in Oneself: Faith in your true potential is the sheet anchor on which
your character is built. Faith in anything else, even God comes next to having faith in
Choose from any character you are inspired by and you will see that they have unwavering
faith in their ability to overcome whatever obstacles life throws at them. 
If you yourself do not have faith in your ability you will be mentally weak, unable to face the
challenges that come your way. You will always feel like the victim, blaming others for your
But if you believe strongly in your inner spirit then it’s inevitable that you will have an
indomitable character. You would not depend on external circumstances for happiness, you
will have your own self-contained goals which you will fiercely protect and strive to attain no
matter what obstacles lie in your path. 
1. The power of positive thoughts: 
Character is repeated habits and repeated habits alone can transform character. Go on doing
good, thinking positive thoughts that is the only way to overcome the inner turmoil of your
Be mindful of what you are feeding your mind. If you feed it fear, anger, insecurity, jealousy
and, selfishness, then of course the outcome would be a character that is vile and depressed. 
On the other hand, if you feed your mind with joy, serenity, gratitude, hope and love then you
will emanate the radiance of the sun. That is the Super-power of positive thoughts, it is a
shield that protects you from inner as well as outer circumstances.
1. Attitude towards failures and mistakes: 
Uphold your values and ideals even if you fail a thousand times. Commit mistakes, learn
from them rather than leading an inert life like that of a wall. 
Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln all made mistakes
in their lives but did that deter them from their goals and ideals? No. They admitted they
made a mistake, took responsibility and simply corrected it. Always open to new experience,
but always fiercely fighting for what they believed was right. 
It’s only when you have conviction in your values and ideals can you channel all your
energies in a single direction. This is the superpower of this attitude. It’s like a super-focused
laser that will burn all obstacles from your path.
1. Self-reliance:
Man is the maker of his own destiny. We are all responsible for what we are right now and
what we will become in future. 
It is only the weak who believe God is their saviour. Such people when faced with obstacles
are bogged down by their external circumstances. They forget that even God saves them who
save themselves.
The people who have invincible character believe and write their own destiny. They rely
solely on their actions and know that their actions are the only means to overcome obstacles.
This is the superpower of Self-reliance where you become what you think, what you believe
strongly in and what you do.
1. Renunciation and Service:
Doing selfless service is of paramount importance in building an unshakable character. This
coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for the fruits of action should be the twin
ideal for those who want to attain the superpowers of an invincible character.
If someone works for the fruits of the action, such a person will create his own downfall.
Such a person will try any means even if it is opposed to his ideals and values to attain the
fruits. This will lead the person down the wrong path where his convictions will be weak
because the foundation will be hollow. Values and ideals one stands for should at no costs be
compromised even if it means taking the longer route to reach the destination. 
A person who has a strong character will not budge from his values and ideals even an inch.
Such a person will selflessly serve with love, compassion and courage. Such a person will not
fixate on the fruits of his actions and knows that results will come with the right thoughts, the
right actions and the right effort. This is the Superpower of Renunciation and Service, where
you are freed from the burden of results and disappointment and you experience the purity of
true freedom and fearlessness.

The path to attaining these Superpowers is not easy, nor it should be. It is not for the faint of
heart. It’s only for the courageous who believe in the Universal values of peace, love, justice
and truth and are ready to exert a superhuman effort to make the world a better place for all.
In such a person, the sleeping soul will rise. The Power will come, glory will come, goodness
will come and everything that is excellent will come when his sleeping soul is roused to self-
conscious activity.


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