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Brag Sheet

Full Name: Steve Mosquera

Desired College: California State University Long Beach
Job I Am Interested In: Electrical Engineering

Grade Activity Role Responsibilities

9 Church Cleaning Gardener
Implemented the maintenance of
our garden

10 Park League Small Forward Get points for the team, set
Basketball screens, transition from offense to
defense, and get rebounds.

11 Church Cleaning Painter

Cooperated with painting of
restroom walls, gates, and exterior
of church.

12 Volunteer Work Crew Worker Stock out lumber, plywood, assist

customers, and also run the front
end of the store (cashier, etc.).

9th Grade to 12th Grade Awards, in order received:

-ESET Teacher Elected Award, -Academic Achievement, -Honor Roll, -Honor Roll, -Honor Roll,
-Honor Roll, -Academic Achievement, “2nd Place Door Decorating Contest” Award,
“Recognition of Persevering Through This Challenging Time” Award, -4.0 GPA Award.

12th Grade: Hudson and West Hardware and Hardwood Store; 20-23 hours a week

3 Words to Describe Myself:


My Future Goals and Job: My goal is to attend CSULB and graduate to become an electrical
engineer. I want to be able to help my family financially and give them the life they deserve.

Who Has Helped Me Become The Person I Am Today: I am today who I am because of my
parents. Everything I do revolves around them, to benefit them. Also, all the experiences, good
Brag Sheet

and bad I have gone through have all taught me a lesson and I have not forgotten what I have

Struggles I Have Faced: The most significant challenge I faced was all my life, my family has
struggled financially, there were some times that we thought we were going to get kicked out
where we live, but by some miracle we were always able to pull through.

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