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Adrian Mirabal

Ms. Esau

12th Grade English Class 

Doulos Project

Next Step Plan

Observant Creator

 High School Graduation

Since I am finishing my last year of high school and will be a college student soon, I’ve

been getting different ideas from previously graduate students of Doulos about what to do after I

officially graduate. A good amount of them had been telling me to take a 2 – 3 month gap of

time to think well about what I want to study and where I would like to go. While listening to

different ideas my mind got a little messed up or out of control, since I did not know what was

right for me. After having all this information from my friends, I decided to organize my ideas in

a journal.

 Before college uncertainty of college or career choice

A career choice is a very challenging decision at this point in my life. Having many ideas

and possibilities of what to do and where to go really gets me frustrated. Asking my graduated

friends about college and how they made their decisions was a big relief for me. This was 20%

of my stress and anxiety that flew away. They told me that no matter what or where I decide to

study, God is never leaving me by myself, also that he has a perfect plan for me, just as he did
with them. After getting this huge relief I decided to talk with God and put all my plans in his

hands, which I know that at the end of the day I will not regret because there are no mistakes in

God’s perfection.

 Entering college: making friends, being on track, 

A big challenge that I know I will face when I get my final decisions and finally enter

college will be staying on track with stuff and being able to create new relationships. I consider

myself a person who rarely takes initiatives, the key to creating relationships at college is taking

initiatives and the desire to talk to new people. In my years at Doulos I have been improving my

strength and ability to make new relationships. A clear example of someone who sacrificed and

helped others is God. I’ve gotten to the conclusion of taking God’s example of sacrificing for

others and making new relationships. This decision will overall help me through this long

journey that awaits. 

 During College: Time management

College requires a good amount of time and dedication, being able to work and focus on

college at the same time is something I am afraid of. Adopting good habits of organization

through this process is key. People who are getting to experience this at the moment have told

me that it’s not so hard as it looks, but I’m a little unsure about that fact. By seeing successful

people and their process I can easily get an idea of what time management fits in and how to

make everything work in the correct way.

 After college: pursuing my career, creating a family.

 I consider this the longer and most challenging part of life. This is the part were

responsibilities get a little bit tougher and real life comes in. Being able to see the example of my

parents give me an idea of how to do things right through this journey. By having a mature

mindset and always trusting God and myself through the process i will be able to successfully

lead life in the right direction.

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