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Women's rights suffered a setback The nazis believed in a traditional role
under the Fascist government of for women. In a speech, Hitler said that
Benito Mussolini, with fascist a German woman’s world was “her
ideology dictating procreation as a husband, her family, her children and
woman's duty. A series of laws tried her home”. Actually, the Nazis
to force Italian women back to their encouraged women to have as many
roles of wives and mothers. Any children as possible. Women with at
least four children received a medal,
political activity by women was
and there were also cash payments for
harshly repressed: in 1930 antifascist
having children. A "German Mothers'
activist Camilla Ravera was Day" was also created; during that of
sentenced to 15 years in prison. 1939, three million mothers were
The racial laws of 1938 inflicted decorated. Women were discouraged
another blow to women's from working, and in 1934 all married
empowerment in Italy, since a large female doctors and civil servants were
percentage of the few Italian women sacked.
to have academic positions were of The wearing of makeup was generally
Jewish descent, such as Anna Foà or prohibited, and a certain modesty was
Enrica Calabresi. demanded of women, contrasting with
The only woman to whom some the Weimar Republic period, which
political prominence was given during experienced more freedom on a moral
level. Women who smoked in public (in
the early Fascist period was
hotels, cafés, in the street and so on)
Margherita Sarfatti; she was Benito
were excluded from NSBO (the
Mussolini's biographer in 1925, as women's section of the German
well as one of his mistresses. Workers' Front). Activities considered
Eventually, many women, mostly in more or less traditional were limited to
their twenties, took part in the Italian recommended places: music, manual
resistance movement at the end of labour or gymnastics.
the second world war, when Italy was Sexuality was banned, unless for a
under German occupation. Their reproductive goal. Concerning abortion,
mass participation marked the the ministers of the Interior and Justice
definitive entrance of women in enacted the law "Protection of Marriage,
Italian political life after WWII. Family and Motherhood", which made
provisions for the death penalty for
mothers convicted of infanticide.
. Women of the Italian resistance

Nazi propaganda photo


1) Write two prohibitions that women suffered in Italy and Germany in the interwar period.

2) What happened to Enrica Calabresi and why?

3) What happened to female politicians and teachers in both countries?

4) How could German women be punished if they aborted?

5) What was the main role of women in those countries during the 30’s?

6) Why was Camilla Ravera 15 years in prison?

7) What did the women with at least four children receive in Nazi Germany?

8) What happened to women’s situation since 1945?

9) Write a brief definition of these concepts:

- Law - Repression - Biographer - Procreation

10) Translate these words into Spanish:

- Motherhood - Civil servant - Makeup - Setback

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