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This is Me!


SOI: The development of technology impacts an audience’s

interpretation of self-expression.

ATLs: Research, Communication, Critical Thinking

It is becoming increasingly common for universities to check social

media platforms and an applicant’s online presence as part of the
admissions process. With that in mind, you will create a Vlog with
the purpose of expression 1 or 2 aspects of your identity.

Prospective universities will view the vlog, so be intentional with what and how you
express yourself in the Vlog.

You are expected to create 2 Vlogs

expressing 1 or 2 elements of your
identity. The Vlogs should each be
approximately 3-5 minutes in length.

The Vlog will be evaluated on:

1. the organizational structure;
2. the use of a presentation style
suitable and that demonstrates
good media literacy;
3. the deliberate use of communication to achieve a desired results with an audience;
4. and the use of appropriate non-verbal communication techniques (body language,
gestures, tone).

Internet users should be aware that anything posted online lasts FOREVER! How will
potential educational institutions, employers, and even friends judge what you’ve posted?
Keep this in mind when creating the Vlog (and whenever using social media platforms).

Criteria Assessed
Bii. organize opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner
Biii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the
context and intention.
Cii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
awareness of impact on an audience
Dv. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques.

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