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Name: _____________________________________ Grade: ______ Score: ____/30

I. Identification. 12 Points

Hans Christian Oersted Magnets William Gilbert Magnesia Tesla Elon Musk

1. ____________________ - is an object that has a strength to attract magnetic materials.

2. ____________________ - Queen Elizabeth’s physician who is the first person who used an

artificial magnet.

3. ____________________ - proved that magnetism is related to electricity when he made an

experiment and demonstrated in his class that a compass was being deflected when it was

placed near a current-carrying wire.

4. ____________________ - a French physicist suggested that electric current could exert a

magnetic force and current-carrying wire produced magnetic field.

5. ____________________ - where the term magnetism came from.

6. ____________________ - The SI unit of magnetic field strength.

II. True or False. 18 Points

7. ____________________ - The field strength of magnets is stronger when lines are closer

together than lines are farther apart.

8. ____________________ - The magnetic field lines exit from the South pole and enter the North


9. ____________________ - The number of magnetic field lines illustrate the magnetic field

10. ____________________ - Magnetic fields converge for opposite poles and separate from like

poles placed near each other.

11. ____________________ - Electric charge either attract (if they are like charges) or repel (if they

are opposite charges) each other.

12. ____________________ - The strength of interaction between charges depends on the strength

of each charge and how they are close to each other.

13. ____________________ - Like poles attract.

14. ____________________ - Opposite poles attract.

15. ____________________ - If you break a bar magnet into two, you will produce another magnet.

III. Write down the procedure on how to visually see the patterns of magnetic field lines. 10





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