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Kindergarten 3
4th Periodical Test
S.Y. 2020-2021

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Score:-------------

I. Arrange the events in each row. Number them from 1 to 3.

II. Fill in the missing patterns.

Color the last two snails.

Write the next three numbers in the pattern.

Draw the last two shapes.

Complete the last two dice pattern.

III. Encircle (O) the letter of the correct answer.

9. What shape is it?

a.cube b. pyramid

10. What shape is it?

a. cone b. cylinder

11. What shape is it?

a. sphere b. rectangular prism

12. What shape is it?

a. pyramid b. cone

13. What shape is it?

a. sphere b. cube

14. Which shape can roll on the floor?

a. rectangular prism b. sphere
15.What is the shape of an egg?
a. circle b. oval
16. How many equal sides does a square have?
a. 4 b. 8
17. What shape has three sides and three corners?
a. rectangle b. triangle
18. Which shape has no straight lines and no corners?
a. diamond b. circle
19. What object has a round shape with two holes?
a. b.

20. What object has a rectangle shapw with a triangular flap?

a. b.

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