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Apart from making standard database connections, which allow for data to be pulled from the

database directly into alteryx, the designer also has In-Database functionality. The In-database tools
allow for the workflow created to be converted into a specific technology’s SQL language and the
workflow to be executed within the database and not locally on alteryx. This will allow for subsetting
of datasets by joining or filtering before the data is pulled over a network into the alteryx designer,
resulting in faster workflow run times amongst other benefits

 Open alteryx designer and drag and drop the “Connect In-DB” tool (Located in the “In-
Database” category) onto the canvas. Select the “Manage Connections…” option to
establish a new In-DB connection


 The ‘Manage In-DB Connections” window should appear. To configure this window:
 Select the Data Source/Database type from the “Data Source” dropdown
 Under “Connection Type,” select whether you will be setting this connection up on
the user or system level. NOTE: Administrator access will probably be required for
“System” level. Setting up as the default “User” connection is generally sufficient
 Under “Connections,” select “New” to create a new connection, or select a previously
created connection from the dropdown
 Under “Connection Name,” enter a name you would like for this connection you are
 Under “Driver,” select the method of connection you would like to set-up, ie, “ODBC”
 Click the “Connection String” dropdown arrow. You can choose to use an existing
connection or create a new connection by clicking the “New database connection…”
 Follow this step if you chose to create a new connection in the previous step. Please
proceed to the following step if you chose an existing connection:
 If setting up an ODBC connection, please see the “Connecting to an ODBC
datasource” guide on how to configure this part of the ODBC connection starting at
the “***Step” step.
 If setting up an OleDB connection, please see the “Connecting to an OleDB
datasource” guide on how to configure this part of the OleDB connection starting at
the “***Step” step.

 After either successfully choosing to use an existing connection or establishing a new

connection, please click on the “Write” tab and select the same connection
 Click “OK.” If you were able to successfully connect, the “Choose Table or Specify Query”
window should appear.

 Select the table you wish to connect to from the “Choose Table or Specify Query” Window

 Upon successful connection, the connection will now be stored in the “Connect In-DB” tool’s
“Connection Name” dropdown

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