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Course title and code: Sustainable tourism development\THRM311

Name: NAYEREH Last name: TAVAKOLI ST.ID# 18700560

Assignment# 2
Fall semester\2020-2021

10 Rs of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development was described by The Brundtland Report as “development that meets
the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs”. The Sustainable Development Act of Quebec, adopted in April 2001,
adds the following to the definition: “Sustainable development is based on a long-term approach
which takes into account the inextricable essence of the environmental, social and economic
dimensions of development activities. This is also implying to Tourism Industry as sustainable
tourism, which is a way of traveling that leaves a minimum negative impact on the destinations
visited and preferably rather leaves a positive impact on society, preserves and protects the
environment and its surroundings, and also brings economical growth. In other words, it means
that we should not overuse resources available today because nature and the environment are not
an inexhaustible resource, therefore it is necessary to protect them for future generations.
Sustainability promotes social development, seeking cohesion between communities and cultures
to achieve a satisfactory level in quality of life, health, and education. It also focuses on equal
economic growth that generates wealth for all without harming the environment.
This means finding better ways of recycling our current resources so that we do not continue to
extract virgin resources from the environment leading to depletion. Sustainability is also
demonstrated through actions taken by individuals and businesses by firstly, Recognizing the
problem and the potentials surrounding the principles of sustainability. Secondly, Refusing to
participate in activities that are harmful to the sustainability of the operation. And thirdly
Reducing the usage of energy and waste. This list goes on with Replacing equipment and tools
that may be damaging to the environment. Reusing supplies to be more efficient financially.
Recycling all the materials that can not be used in tourism operation and produce new products.
Re-engineering the old structure of how corporates work by introducing new ideas and programs
to reach better success and growth. By Retraining staff through training to educate them about
the ways of staying green and sustainable and how to keep it that way, then by Rewarding them
for implementing all these steps of sustainable practices and lastly Re-educating customers by
showing them best communicative behavior.
Sustainability is a principle that should guide humanity to be as integrated into natural Earthen
processes as possible. It is the only way we can sustain our civilization over time. Humans mine,
consume and then waste things. Sustainability is transforming that framework into use-reuse-
repurpose-disassemble. This way, our waste becomes food for new products. By observing
nature and mother earth we can easily see that in nature, nothing is wasted, yet what is done
decomposes to become part of something new. By using these observing in our daily life and in
sectors such as Tourism Industry we can guarantee and improve better preservation of our
surrounding while gaining and generating more income and economic growth.

In conclusion, Tourism will always have consequences, by incorporating those Rs mentioned

above and by Responsible management, we can be hopeful that we are on the right track towards
protecting the mother earth and everything she provides for us. Sustainability is a silver lining to
protect the current and future generations welfare, animal wildlife, and nature in general. This
important concept should be learned and we as humans should participate in implying it into our
personal and social lives because without natural resources, we cannot survive even with all the
money in the world.

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