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Artificial Intelligence

By: Emilia Montenegro, Taylor Piecukonis, Joey

Wouters, Rhaul Sanchez, Jayden Lucian
Table of contents
What is artificial intelligence……………………………………….1
Science behind it……………………………………………………2
Research from three articles……………………………………….3
Controversy surrounding artificial intelligence..………………….4
Connection to Frankenstein………………………………………..5
Works Cited…………………………………………………………..7

The audience can expect to

learn the in depth meaning
and connections of artificial
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any
machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
At its core, AI is the branch of computer science that aims to answer Turing's question in the
affirmative. It is the endeavor to replicate or simulate human intelligence in machines.
The Science Behind Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is the combination of science
(psychology, philosophy, and computer science) and
engineering. We use intelligent machines to help us
answer questions about what intelligence is, and how
it works. When we think we understand how a mental
process works in a human or an animal, we can model
it on a computer and see if our theory is correct.
Sometimes it turns out to be simpler to test our
theories of intelligence by building intelligent
machines rather than by analysing people and
animals. In this way AI cooperates with other sciences
like psychology, and philosophy of mind, which tries
to understand what it means to be human, and how we
Artificial Intelligence Importance & How It’s Being Used

● AI automates repetitive learning and discovery

through data.
● AI adds intelligence to existing products.
● AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms
to let the data do the programming.
● Building a fraud detection system with five hidden
layers was almost impossible a few years ago.
● AI achieves incredible accuracy through deep
neural networks – which was previously impossible.

● HEALTH CARE: AI applications can provide personalized

medicine and X-ray readings. Personal health care assistants
provided by AI can act as life coaches, reminding you to take
your pills, exercise or eat healthier.
● RETAIL: AI provides virtual shopping capabilities that offer
personalized recommendations and discuss purchase options
with the consumer. Stock management and site layout
technologies will also be improved with AI.
● BANKING: AI enhances the speed, precision and
effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI
techniques can be used to identify which transactions are likely
to be fraud, adopt accurate and fast credit scoring. It also can
automate manually intense data management tasks.
Controversy Surrounding Artificial
1. Unemployment -- More physical work is going to be done by robots leaving people
unemployed. People are going to be left in debt because there will be no available labor
2. Inequality -- Creators of artificial intelligence will earn all the money, therefore only the
3. Humanity -- They are able to mimic human conversations and relationships as well as
trigger reward centers in the human brain which in the wrong hands can be detrimental.
4. Artificial stupidity -- They need to be taught things however they can be fooled by dots
and designs where humans aren’t.
5. Security-- They can be used as weapons
6. Evil genes -- It can turn against the human race for example killing off anybody who has
7. Singularity -- They might get an advantage over humans because they will become
more intelligent.
8. Robot rights-- Should they be given rights like humans and get rewarded or punished
for certain things they do.
Connection to Frankenstein
In Mary Shelley's famous novel, Dr Frankenstein creates intelligent
life from inanimate matter. The monster, despite looking fearsome,
is actually sensitive and emotional, and tries to fit in to society. ... This
new monster is artificial intelligence. The monster is highly
intelligent and processes things much faster than humans. In the
coming chapters it has the ability to learn new languages quickly.

Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience,

adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. It is a branch of computer
science (not only that) and is concerned with construction and deployment of
intelligent agents in forms such as computer programs, and also with
understanding the behavior of the artifacts. The core scientific goal of AI is to
understand the basic principles of intelligent behavior that apply equally to animal
and artificial systems. Almost all of the work is mathematical or computational in
character and much of the literature is technique oriented. There is also human
forms of AI that are being worked on to be fully optimal and reach its max
potential. AI is the future.
Work cited

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