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ABSTRACT Baidi, 2020, The Use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching Students’
Vocabularies at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. Thesis, Faculty, English Language
Education, Ikip Widya Darma Surabaya . Advisor: Rina Rachmawati, M.Pd.Vocabulary is the most
important thing for teaching English because vocabulary is the basis of developing speaking, reading,
listening, and writing. The teaching material chosen in this study is Malin Kindang Folklores’,
because it can be used to enrich students' vocabularies. And it is possible to develop their skills,
especially vocabulary mastery. Malin Kundang Folklores’ is used to enriching the students
vocabularies at seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.There are two goals in this study, firstly to
describe how does the teacher use Malin Kundang Folkores’ In Enriching Students’ Vocabularies at
seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, and the second to know the students’ response in using
Malin Kundang Folklores’ at seven grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.This study uses descriptive
qualitative because this research wants to analyze the data obtained by descriptive analysis. The
researcher obtained through observation, documentation and interviews. The researcher checks the
validity of the data by using method triangulation to make the data obtained in the field correct.The
results of this study, the use of Malin Kundang Folkolores’ in enriching students vocabularies at
seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, researchers found that there are three parts when teachers
teach students such as pre-teaching, teaching and closing and student responses in the use of Malin
Kundang Folklores’ in enriching student vocabulary. With the use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ as a
media in the teaching learning process, students feel more interested in and enjoy taking lessons, they
do not feel bored because in the teaching learning process is fun and the stories used are very useful
for daily life.

Keywords: Vocabulries, Enriching vocabularies, Malin Kundang, Folklore, Response.



Background Of The Study

Language has an important role in human life. It seeks to acquire, study and use
language as a means of communication, and simultaneously as a social symbol of
humanity. By using language one can make statements, convey facts and knowledge,
explain or report something, and maintain social relationships between language users.
This shows that by using language, people can express their ideas, feelings, and
information through communication. Especially English.
English has important role in the development of modern times, one of them by
developing the ability in English. English is the language that has been set to become the
language of the world. With the mastery of English we can easily communicate with other
people around the world.
English is the language used as the official communication medium of various
countries and is widely understood and used. English is spoken all over the world over
other languages. English is also used in business, education etc.
English has a central role in intellectual, social and emotional students and is a
supporter of success in learning. Therefore, the main purpose of learning English directed
to improve students' ability to communicate with English, both verbally and in writing. In
the learning process most students cannot listen, speak, read and write well even with
simple sentences, many students who do not like English lessons, students have not been
able to communicate because of the lack of vocabulary that students have even though
they are deep simple language or sentence, students are reluctant to communicate because
of mastery vocabulary is very low. When the teacher gives questions the students are still

difficulties, because of the lack of vocabulary they have. In this case a teacher it does not
have to be media to make lecturing fun and more enjoyable so that the students'
vocabulary can be improved and developed.
In Indonesia it self applie learning English as a standard graduation from elementary
school to college. It is certainly very useful given the importance of having the ability to
speak English. So to build the success of a quality education, it takes some components as
a supporter. So that, the teacher mush use = a media to do it. Because, learning by using a
media so that learning efforts themselves become something fun, effecient, and presents
satisfiying results. Folklore as one of literature can be the right choice for making the
teaching English can achieve the purpose of learning, that is creating students’ who are
able to communicate in english. (Indah Damayanti, may 2014).
Folklore is a story that comes from the community and develops in society in the
past which is characteristic of every nation that has a diverse cultural culture that includes
the rich culture and history of each nation. Likewise Indonesia, which also has a number
of folklore that must be preserved by the Indonesian people and introduced in education.
In this case the teacher choose Malin Kundang Folklores’ as a media to teach english to
make it easier and more enjoyable as one of the most popular folklore not only in
Indonesia but also in the eyes of the world. In one of a study mentioned that the Malin
Kundang Folklore is one of the famous folklore and favored by many people including
children, and also the highest popularity level of folklore and the most favored by
respondents with a total of 52%. (Maximilian Kurnia Grady, dkk, on 2014) Malin
Kundang's story tells of a child who wandered abroad to change his family's economy and
leave his mother but after he succeeded and returned to his hometown instead of boasting
his mother instead he pretended not to know his mother anymore because he was ashamed
to admit an old and poor mother until his mother was angry and cursed him to stone. It is
one of the best ways to develop students’ vocabularies, and also it has a mild vocabularies,
an interesting and tense storyline. Some even make the readers can not restrain laughing
and crying. It means that with this mediathe teacher will be easily in enrich students'
vocabularies in teaching learning process of English.
So related to teaching English, the teacher should teach the students’ from the basic
of English. Vocabulary is the power in speaking, reading, listening and writing. (Abu
Wildan, 2014). In other books, explained that is the four things in linguistics are called
four skills. (Nizamuddin Sadiq, yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2013). So that, to master it we
must master the basic of the component, namely vocabulary. In Siti Azizah book state that,

you can say very little with Grammar, but you can say almost anything with words. (Siti
Azizah, 2009). Vocabulary is one component of the English language that has an
important role in understanding the reading and express all ideas in the form of writing
and speech.
Dwi Jo state that vocabulary is a known set of words by someone or another entity,
or is part of a language certain. (Rusmidah Yulianti, dkk, on 2013) Because with the
vocabulary a language will be mastered and understood, and with it a sentence will be
arranged. And also vocabulary is not only memorized but must be understood as well. In
everyday life, we often meet with words or sentences in english, maybe it’s through
television, radio, advertisements, writing on drug brochures, etc. Among the words of
english, of course there are one or many words that we do not know what they mean. Its
mean that to undertood, we mush mastered the vocabulary.

Research Question

1. How Does the Teacher Use Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching Student
Vocabularies at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop?
2. What is the Students Response SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop?

The Purpose of Study

1. To Discribe How Does the Teacher Use Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching
Students' Vocabularies at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.
2. To Know How Does Students Response in Using Malin Kundang Folklores’ at
Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.


Approach that use by researcher is qualitative approach. According to Bogdan and

taylor, that approach qualitative is procedur of research that produce data descriptive have

the shape of words of written or oral form someone and behavior of observate. (PROF. DR.

Lexy J. Moleong, 2011). Creswell state that, qualitative research is an inquiry approach useful

for exploring and understanding a central phenomenon to learn obout this phenomenon.

(Creswell, 2012 :626). In this study the reseracher take the information from the phenomenon

happened at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

Descriptive research is word, image and it is not number. The researcher use

descriptive research to discribe how the teacher apply a media in teaching learning


Descriptive occount stargazed to understand a phenomenon, a process, or a

particular point of view from the perspective or those involved. The central purpose of

these studies to understand the world or the experience of another.The attendence of the

researcher is very important in qualitative approach, because the researcher as the key to

collect the data instrument of data. (PROF. DR. Lexy J. Moleong, 2011). Its means that the

researcher is a the research instrument. The attendance of researcher is absolute because to

collect the data needed in the observe that is suitable about The Use of Malin Kindang

Folklores’ in Enriching Students Vocabularies at sevent Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN


Data Source

Subject in this research is the students at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN

Kokop. In english subject.

Object in this research is the using Malin Kundang Folklores’ in enriching

students vocabularies. The researcher want to know how the teacher use Malin Kundangn

Folklores’ in enriching students’ vocabularies. What is the benefit of using Malin

Kundang Folklores’ in enriching students vocabularies.

Data Collection Procedure

Data colection is one of the step in the process of research to collect and get the

valid information. Creswell state that data colection involve; setting the bounddaries for

the study, collection information through observation, interviews, documents, and visual

materials and establishing protocol for recording information. John W. (Creswell, 2012).

1. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, firsthand information by

observing people and places at a research site. (Ibid. 2017:213). While, according to

Sustrisno Hadi in Sugiyono, observation is maxing of kinds of biology and phsycology

process, two of them are monitoring and memory. (Sugiyono, 2010). So, observation done

when the researcher want to conduct human behaviour, work process, and so on.

2. Interview

Interview is a technique in collecting data. Moleong state that interviewis a

conversation that has a certain mean. (Lexi J. Moleong, 2011:186). While, Estenberg in

Sugiyono book defined that interview as a meeting of two persons to exchange

information and idea through questions and responses, reesulting in communication and

join construction of meaning about a particular topic. (Sugiyono, 2010:231). It mean that the

researcher conducts a meeting then asks questions about the reserach to get answers and

get the data in theresearch. 3. Documentation

Consist of public and private records that qualitative research can be obtain about a

site or participants in a study, such as newspapers, minutes of meeting, personal journal, or

diaries. (Creswell, 2012:.620).

Data Analysis

Data analysis requires understanding how to make sense of text and images so

thatyou can form answer to your research question. (Creswell, 2012:236). It mean that data

analysis is important in the research.

According to miles and huberman’s there are three activities can be used in data

analysis.( Matthew B. Miles and Hurman, 2013:10-11) Such as:

1. Data Reduction

In this reseach the researcher will obtain all of the data and summary the

observation and interview havebeen collected. Then, the researcher will choice and

take the important.

2. Data Display

After the researcher reduce the data, researcher will display the data. Because,

it will make easy to organize data well. So, the researcher will be easy to understand.

3. Conclution Drawing / Verivication

After the reducing and displying the data, the researcher will get conclutions

base on data display. The researcher shows the conclution from the observation,

interview and documentation that have been conducted by researcher.

From the statement above, the researcher can represent the data with the

tables, pictures etc, to finish it.



In this result, the researcher explained about the use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at
seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. There two points that will be explained by the
researcher. The firts is about How does the teacher use of Malin Kundang folklores’ in
enriching students vocabularies at sevent grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, the second is
about What is the students response in the using of Malin Kundang folklores’ at seventh
grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, the researcher conducted observation in teaching learning
process at seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. In this case, the researcher conducted a
research for two meeting from October, 06th 2019 until December 12th 2019. That was get
from observation, interview and documentation.

1. The Use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching Students Vocabularies atSevent

Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

The researcher came to SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop and conducted thye observation. The
researcher will explain about teaching learning process activity on the use of Malin Kundang
folklores’ in enriching students vocabularies at seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. In
this case, an observation was conducted to know how the teacher use of Malin Kundang
Folklores’ in enriching students vocabularies at seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop
and the students response in the using of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at seventh grade of SMP
AL FAIZIN Kokop. They were pre-teaching, whilst-teaching, and post-teaching.
1) Pre-teaching

For the first time, the teacher came to the class and give greeting in every meeting

before began the lesson.


Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh

Students : Wa’alaikum salaam warahmatullahiwabarokaatuh
Teacher : Good morning!
Students : Good morning Mr!
Teacher : How are you today?
Students : I’m fine, and how about you Mr?
After that, the teacher checking the students attendance list. Before the teacher start

the lesson, the tacher give a warming up to stimulate students’ thinking.

Teacher : Ok my students’ before we start our study. I wil give

you a game, you have to count and if you arrive at an whole
number you have to say dor. And the wrong one must mention
five vocabularies you know.
Students’ : Yes Mr.
Teacher : Start from the right.
Then one of students wrong in count. The teacher asks students to mention five


Teacher : Ok, you must mention five vocabularies do you know.

Students : The students mentions five vocabularies. father, sister, house,
uncle and child.
After the warming up done, the teacher start the lesson.

2) Whilst-Teaching

In this activity the teacher explain about the folklores’ malin kundang. The teacher

said that before I ask you to come forward, I will tell you about the folklores’ malin


“MalinKundang's story tells of a child who wandered abroad to change his family's

economy and leave his mother but after he succeeded and returned to his hometown

instead of boasting his mother instead he pretended not to know his mother anymore

because he was ashamed to admit an old and poor mother until his mother was angry

and cursed him to stone.” (Direct Observation, on 23 of Maret 2019).


explanation the english folklores’ malin kundang

And then the teacher asks one of groups that has been determained to come

forward and show the drama about the folklores’ malin kundang.

Teacher : Ok, I aks the first group to come forward.

Students : Yes Mr.

The name of the first group are Fatmawati, Ahmad Besori, Ahmad Fauzan, Rizalul

Muhaimin and Angga Adi Pratama.

The performe of drama

After the drama showed, the teacher asks to the students to give reaction of the

performance and deremine the ten vocbularies about verb, noun, and adjective.

Teacher : Now, from the group must give reaction and make moral
message. One person delegation from each group to come
Students : Yes Mr.
Teacher : I will give you 5minutes, start from now.

And then the teacher asks one of group was ready to come forward and read the

result of discussion from the group.


Five goup : Mr, my group finished.

Teacher : Ok come forward!
Fifth group : I think the performance of the first group is good but, they are
not serious. And then they read the result of vocabularies on the
Teacher : Next group.
Fourth group: I think the performance just so so but I like it. The the students
write the vocabularies on the whiteboard.
Second group: my opininion about performance nice, because they make me
laugh. The the students write the vocabularies on the
Third group : I think that is good. The the students write the vocabularies on
the whiteboard.

Read and write the result of discusion

After the students finished the assignment from the teacher, the teacher give

instruction that the next meeting all member of each group must be master of the story.

3) Post-Teaching

In the end of the class the teacher gave thw additional assignment that the students’

must understand the story they had. The teacher suggested that the students must master the

story more. The most important thing the students could understand the story and could retell

in the next meeting.

The english teacher gave motivation to the students to study hard in order that the

students had spirit to study. And in the end the teacher ended the class by praying together

and saying salam.


2. The Students Response in the Using of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at

Seventh Grade of SMPN 2 Kokop Bangkalan.

SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop is the school that has english subject as local content

selection. English teching learning process would be active when the teacher is capable to

menage the class. Techer must be master english and prepare good idea to teach the

students and teacher give good stimuli in order to be able get good response from students

in teaching learning process. Teaching learning process that has been researcher

observedat Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. The students looked enjoyable and

felt spirit in joining the lesson. Like in the first observation of this researchon saturday 06 th

December 2020. It started on 08.00 AM until 10.30 AM, the teacher teach english by

using malin kundang Folklores’. In this activity the teacher has determined the group from

before. There are many response from the student in teaching learning process.

The second observation in this research the teacheris still like the first research.

that is, using Malin Kundang Folklores’. In this activity also had many response from

students and the response is more active than before. Because in this activity students are

better prepared to understand the stories the teacher has given. So the teaching learning

process becomes smoother and enjoyable.

After the researcher had observed the students’ response on english teaching

learning process at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, the researcher interviewed

the teacher and students about the response on english teaching learning process at

Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. Where the researcher reflected to research

focus, that is: To know the students response in using of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at

seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop. To know that the researcher interviewed the

students and gave some questions to the students.



1. The Use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching Students Vocabularies at

Sevent Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

Study english for students at sevent grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop were not

easy. Especially for those who got primary school education in the village, they were did

not familiar with english like vocabulary. They are still confused in understanding English

because of the lack of vocabulary they have. Vocabulary is the element from speaking,

reading, listening, and writing. When the teacher teach, the teacher must make students

understand, because teaching is not easy job, but it is necessary one and can very

rewarding when we see the students progress and know that the teacher have helped to

make it happend, it is true that some lessons and students can be difficult and stessful at

time, but it is also worth remembering that at its best teaching can also be extremely

enjoyable. In this case the teacher usage the malin kundang folklores’ as a media to

increase students vocabulary. Because the story will help students' vocabulary increase

and make students more interested in joining the lessons.

Based on observations and interviews, it shows that the usage of the folklores’ as a

media is very helpful for teachers in enriching students' vocabulary. The teacher used

Malin Kundang Folklores’ as media by joining procedures based on the lesson plan that

the english teacher had.

In the use of the english folklores’ the first the teacher make lesson plan before,

there was an warming up that still correlat with the material would be taught. And also the

english teacher use the steps in teaching learning process to make it run well, it is suitable

with thw theory in chapter 2. When english teacher use malin kundang Folklores’ in

enriching students vocabularies, the english teacher explain the material patiently and

smootly, so that the students understand. And also the teacher give example when she

explain the malin kundang Folklores’, how to express it when they present the drama.

Because the teacher ask the students to perform a drama to make the more interesting in

joining the lessons. In this research the teacher use malin kundang folklores’ as media in

teaching learning process, because the teacher thinks it was very useful for the students.

The teacher focuses to motivate and make their vocabularies can be enrich, so that they are

easy to understand English.

The teacher use Malin Kundang Folklores’, because with of story malin kundang

can be eriching students vocabularies. This opinion is accordance with the explanation of

Indah Damayanti in her article said that Folklore as a form of literature can be the right

choice to make English teaching can achieve learning goals, namely creatingstudents who

are able to communicate in English. And also folklores’ can be used to teach alphabets,

vocabularies, phrases, simple sentences, and number. It is accordance with statement from

Andrew Wright, if you want the children to remembering most of the vocabulary then they

must make more extensive use of the new words they have met in the story. Its means that

folklore is a story that is suitable for theachers to use in teaching learning process as a

media in enriching students vocabularies, especially when they get English lessons firts.

The proof the students can applies the drama, so that way, this is added students


On the other hand, the teacher use malin kundang folklores’ in enriching students

vocabularies at seventh grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop was running well, good and

makes the students fell fun, interested and enjoy.


2. The Students Response in the Using of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at Seventh

Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

During the observation in SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop the researcher can be conclude

that the students at Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop, like studying english use

Malin Kundang folklores’. It can be seen while the teaching learning process when the

teacher give some assignment that suitable with the content of story.

Students are happy to follow the teaching and learning process using Malin

Kundang Folklores’. And students are active in the subject. This data is related with the

theory of response by Douglas Brown, include the specipic response. Specipic response is

the students can respons the teacher by answer the teacher’s question. Its means that the

students understands about the teacher explanations.

Actually, some students look just silent when the teacher explains the story. This

data is related with the theory of response by Douglas Brown, include the silence

response. Silence responseis a pause of quiet during which there is no verbal interaction.

Silence is ambiguity, because silence have two meaning. There are, the students

understood or did not understand with the the explanation

Some students were laughing when the teacher explained the Malin Kundang

Folklores’, because there was a students laugh when the teacher explain the story and also

when the other students perform the story. This data is related with the theory of response

by Douglas Brown, include the laughter response. Laughter response is laughing and

gigling by the class, individuals and/or the teacher.

Based on the data observation there are many students have Open-nded or

students-initiated response, because the students response the teacher by using their own

ideas. And this data is relatedwith the theory of response by Douglas Brown, include the

Open-nded or students-initiated response.



1. The Use of Malin Kundang Folklores’ in Enriching Students Vocabularies at

Seventh Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

Malin Kundang Folklores’ is a media that used by the english teacher at seventh

grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.the teacher use it, because that is the way that suitable

to make it easier for the students to understand english., Malin Kundang Folklores’ is a

teacher a way of focussing in enriching students vocabularies. The technique is applied in

the classroom by students grouping, if there are difficulties in the teaching learning

process, the students have to ask to the teacher and after that they have to present the result

that was discussed with their group. One step in using Malin Kundang Folklores’ is to

make students enrich their vocabularies. In this step the students must understand the

meaning of the words in the story which are then displayed in a drama way with a group

that has been deternined in front of the class.

2. The Students Response in the Using of Malin Kundang Folklores’ at Seventh

Grade of SMP AL FAIZIN Kokop.

In this research, there are many response from the students in using malin kundang

folklores’ in teaching learning process, there are: a) Specipic response is the answer from

the students when the teacher give a question. b) Open-ended or students-initiated, the

students answers the question with their own idea, opinion, reaction and feeling.c) Silence.

Silence here, that the students response the teacher just by silent. d) Laughter, there are

some students laughing and gigling when the teacher explain the story and also when the

other students perform the malin kundang folklores’. e) Use native language. The teacher

and the students sometime use native language to make them more understand about the


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