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Part 1

Part 1.1 - How To Become A Wolf With Krypton

What is up guys, welcome to iconic FX krypton, we're gonna learn a lot of great stuff, I'm
doing this a little bit different than I normally would, a lot of my other courses would take me
six months to make it look pretty, but I wanted to get this out as quick as possible and have it
be still an amazing fucking course. But I didn't want to have to waste a bunch of time making
it look pretty, this is gonna be no fluff, no bullshit. And certainly this is not going to be fancy,
you know, a lot of the stuff we're going to talk about is going to be looking at the charts. So I
don't need to make some stupid big fucking fancy presentation to try to impress you guys. It's
just a big waste of time. And I wanted to get this out quick and make it extremely valuable.
But I recently just watched a bunch of courses because I just recently translated it transitioned
into forex, and the amount of bullshit people are talking in these courses, just to try to make it
long to make it look like they built this big, huge, amazing course you're talking about a
bunch of bullshit. Okay, so Krypton essentially, has been built for speed and efficiency. And
that's why this is going to be great. And my easiest analogy is, if you remember being in
school, and your teacher teaching you these stupid fucking equations that you don't ever need
to use in your entire life ever, yet, you have this calculator sitting right in front of you, and
what would take you a whole entire semester to learn how to do on paper, you can literally
type a few buttons in 30 seconds and have the answer that you would get the same answer if
you use a calculator, okay, and this is what most people are doing in their courses, that they're
teaching a lot of things because they want to impress people.

And this is a 20 hour course when you can compress into the two hours. Okay, so I have no
idea how long this is going to be. But we're certainly not going to fuck around with all this
bullshit over here, we're gonna use a calculator and get the same exact answer and get it in
about 30 seconds versus 30 hours. Okay, so that's what we're going to do in today's course
built for speed and efficiency are still going to be kings and still win and come out on top. So
how do we win with this course? Well, one thing you have to understand about trading is that
a lot of what I teach is rule based trading. So if you follow the rules of the game, your
chances of winning are much, much higher, that's what we need to understand is that there
are rules to this game, if you break them, such as you decide, you know, I'm gonna bet the
farm on this trade or you know what, I am at a losing position, but I'm going to keep holding
this one because I believe in the company that's breaking the fucking rules. And that's why
people lose money in the stock market. That's why there's a 95% losing rate in the stock
market and 98% losing rate in forex, whatever. I don't know that we don't have statistics on
crypto, but I would imagine that it's somewhere similar. That's why there's a 90% startup
entrepreneur failure because most people break the rules, and they don't know what the fuck
they're doing. What I'm going to teach you in this course, is a rule based system that you need
to follow. If you don't follow it, I promise, you're gonna lose your fucking money, because
that's just the way it is. And trading is very difficult thing if you don't do it correctly. And so
we're gonna try to teach you those rules, so you don't lose all your money. And that's why
we're here. The next thing you need to do to be able to follow those rules is understand that
you need to control your ego and control your emotions. And that all boils down to having a
very disciplined lifestyle. Now you need to ask yourself right now, am I a disciplined person?
Because if you aren't, you're gonna have a much more difficult time in trading, are you able
to go to the gym every day? Are you able to eat healthy, are you able to wake up at a certain
time, because that's just what you need to do to be successful and crush the fucking day. If
you're not doing any of those things.

You don't live a disciplined lifestyle, and you're fucking slob, you're gonna have a much
more difficult time in trading. I'm not saying that you can't be successful in trading, but you're
definitely gonna have a more difficult time in trading. And you need to learn how to get more
structure in your life. Because if you don't have structure, if you come to the trading table,
emotional because you're not disciplined and you have like a bad day or something that's
gonna bleed into your trading, if you have a bad day trading that's gonna bleed into your
personal life. So you have to find it structure in your life and try to be as stable as possible,
because trading is fucking emotional. It's a very difficult and risky game. And you know,
things are going up, things are going down. It's a roller coaster of a ride. So you have to get
structure and discipline in your life. So you can control your ego and control your emotions.
Because a lot of times when people have a heavy ego, you might make you know, a few big
trades and get your confidence up and your egos fucking high. You're like, nothing can stop
me. And guess what you do. When your ego gets big, you start breaking the rules, you start
going, Hey, I've been on a hot streak. Maybe I'm gonna bet way bigger on this one. Because
this one might be the one that I can get rich quick on, you know what happens when you
break the rules. Your ego gets crushed, because you broke the rules, and you're just an idiot.
And then your emotions start kicking in. And then you can't think rationally and then it's a
downward tumble, and you blow up your entire account. This is something that I've seen time
and time again. I did it three times in my first three years of trading. And I've been teaching
people how to do this for 16 years. I see it every day. Because people can't control their ego.
They break the rules and they lose all their money and they asked me Bruce, what the hell
happened this bullshit and like, Well, did you not remember what I said on day one?

I'm an idiot. But sometimes it's hard for me to teach the rules and just lessons in general in
life are hard to learn until you experience them yourself. So again, I don't recommend putting
money in any market that you can't afford to lose, because you might lose it, you might need
to lose that first account to understand that okay, right, I can't break the rules, I do need
control my ego. And I do need to control my emotions. And I have to get more discipline and
structure in my life, not saying that's going to happen, but I see it happen a lot. So just
remember and try to ingrain this as as heavy as possible in your head right now, when we're
going forward. Now, the next thing you need to do is learn the strategy before you ever start
trading in betting any money, I know a lot of you are probably just like sitting, you're
thinking like, man, I just want to get started, I'm super excited. Let's just go and don't trade
anything until you learn the strategy. And you've gone through this entire course. Okay?
Because the only way you're ever going to make money in trading is if you have the
knowledge. And once you have the knowledge, you have the confidence and when you have
the confidence, you're more disciplined. And that's where you control your emotions and your
ego. Because you're confident and you're knowledgeable of what you're talking about just
like doing like public speaking or something. If you got up in front of a crowd, and somebody
just gave you a random topic be like, just read this paper and act like you know about it,
right? You wouldn't have competence, or you wouldn't be able to talk very clearly about it.
But if you got up in front of stage and somebody asked you to talk about something you've
been doing for 16 years, what do you have, you have knowledge and competence. And that
means you can execute that speech much, much better. Same thing in trading, okay, so you
have to have the knowledge and confidence if you want to be able to think rationally and be
able to control your emotions, and in your ego to make the right decisions when you need to.
Now just a little bit of background, I started at three stocks and fire calm in 2005. That's
where I kind of started making my name for myself. 2006 I started the,
which was basically just a blog of me talking about what I'm doing and doing technical
analysis for stocks. Foose alerts is started in 2010. I actually joined Tim Sykes, blah, blah,
blah, I was a property guru in 2015, I changed into foods for trading because I wanted to get
away from people thinking they're going to learn by just following alerts. So I re branded
under foods for trading because that was the system that we were trading and in 2017 I re
branded under iconic traders because I knew I didn't want to be a stock trader anymore. And I
wanted to start transitioning out of trading stocks and I didn't want to be the face of the
company I didn't want the company to have to rely on me to be there unnecessarily and that
was kind of why I wanted to start re branding under iconic Plus, I thought iconic was cool.
And now I'm not really trading stocks anymore. I have students who are kind of now running
that company let's talk about the difference between investing versus trading now when we're
investing we're looking for long term we're looking for things that are low in value and things
that are going to go up over a longer period of time this is something I don't do Never have I
don't know if I ever will but what we're we're trying to do is trade right we're looking for
short term opportunities and essentially when you're looking for short term opportunities all
you're trying to do is take control of the crowd right the crowds are what their fucking sheep
and then we are trying to be the wolves will Zoo right so that's what I need to teach you in
this program is how to be a wolf because all we're trying to do is herd the sheep around we're
looking for a diamond in the rough and be a wolf over here first to find it and then once price
goes up all the sheep kind of fucking swarm this fucking thing and that's what makes price go
up and then we're actually selling up here because we got done down here the sheep are all
buying up here and we're actually selling to them so that's we're going to talk about in today
is how to find those short opportunities and how to actually get there first and also why do
markets move every day? Really all the stock market is all crypto is all forex is is a difference
of supply and demand. Do people think it's priced fairly up here? No. Okay, then prices
gonna start going down from here. Once prices start going down the demand increase and
you're like this is too cheap I want to buy here then prices start going back up alright. And all

that is is controlled by emotion.

Okay, when you look at any movement in the stock market and you look at Bitcoin when you
look at Ethereum you see these crazy moves happening and a lot of times all that is just
emotion and a lot of it has to do especially in stocks nowadays, retail traders freaking out and
not being able to do what control their fucking emotions, okay, it's all based on fear hope
greed, panic selling panic buying FOMO buying right when something goes up like this and
all the sheep are up here buying like idiots and then it goes down off the top and then the
sheep are down here freaking out selling while the wolf spot down here and the wolves are
buying down here. Okay, wolves by down here, they sell the sheep up here. Wolves short up
here short selling when you can make money go down, that sheep are all button selling down
here while the wolves are buying to cover their positions. Okay, so that's what we need to
learn how to do is how to be the wolves and not be the stupid idiot sheep that are trading in
moving things off of emotion. And we're trying to use logic in rational thinking to get in and
get out at the right times and right opportunities. And that all has to do with understanding
supply and demand and understanding human emotion and how all these idiots the sheep
move things around. And we're just trying to be in the right position at the right time so we
can actually hurt them and not be one of the sheep buying up at the top or selling at the
bottom. Next we're just going to talk about stocks versus forex risk crypto. Now, stocks are
directly correlated in the way they operate and move With crypto, which is why I've kind of
transferred from stocks into crypto forex recently, I started trading just about four months
ago. And it's a totally different ballgame. things move way different.

And the reason being is that forex is basically this is how forex prices move in a range or it's
go up, go down, go up, go down, go up, go down and go up, down. And you can go look back
20 years on, let's say, like the Euro CAD euro Canadian dollar since 1994. We're basically at
the same exact price. This is what forex does. It goes up, it goes down, it goes up, it goes
down. It's a very stable product in a very stable asset, right? But if we look at like Bitcoin,
what happens things are start down low, and they go up, right? So we're looking for lower
value and looking for things that can potentially go up. And that's kind of like the way that
Bitcoin works, things are undervalued, and they go up, what is the apple chart look like?
Similar thing, things are under priced and things go up. So you can see the difference in
behavior is that cryptos act much like stocks do, things go up over time. Same with stocks,
same with cryptos. But if you look again, at forex, Euro Canadian dollar over the course of
history up since 1994. At least that's how as far back as this data goes, it's the exact same
price. So that's what you have to understand is that the way that things operate are totally
different between forex, crypto, and stocks. And that's why I've made much more money
recently with my transition to crypto as forex I'm not that great of a forex trader, I'm learning
much more how to do it, it's a different ballgame. Because you're trading these tight ranges
going up and down as opposed to trading these massive parabolic moves to go long and make
money off of this move. And then make massive moves when things go down a parabolic
move that ends up crashing so it's a little bit different. And this is much more my thing here
to trade something that's more similar to stocks. Like I said before trading crypto today is like
trading stocks back in 2005. Back when retail was just getting started before all the
algorithms started fucking things up before the hedge funds and institutions were you know,
trading all the small caps as well. So that's why crypto is such a massive opportunity, because
we're literally rewinding 16 years to trade what it used to be like to trade stocks.

And now the same thing is happening in crypto. And it's like taking candy from a baby versus
what it's like trying to trade stocks now trying to trade stocks in 2021 is very difficult, very
competitive. You competing with institutions, algorithms, hedge funds, it's not quite nearly as
easy as trading crypto when I was trading stocks in 2005. I was banking like 20 to 50% gains
on trades all the fucking time like clockwork, that doesn't happen in today's stock market.
Okay, but it is happening in crypto. And that's why I've transitioned over there. And what I
want to do teach you guys now and that's why crypto is such a massive opportunity because
of that fact. And also, just because it's disrupting everything, right. It's the new toy,
everybody wants a piece and more and more people are coming in. But guess what, just like I
said, there's a bunch of sheep everywhere. And just a few wolves winning and trading is
simply having knowledge over here, the know people that are in the know, and all these
sheep over here are like what the fuck is going on? Right? And that's why it's so easy to take
money from them, because they don't know what the hell's going on. And that's what we're
going to teach you today, or in this program, overall, is how to become in the nail because it's
like stealing candy from a bunch of fucking idiots that have no idea what's going on. They
just see the shiny object and they throw their money in the basket and they're like, Is it going
to go up or is going to go down? I don't fucking know. You're like, Okay, thank you. Thank
you. You're dumb. You're fucking stupid hates you. You're an idiot. Thanks again, I'm going
on vacation. That's what's basically happening every day in the stock market every day in
crypto every day in forex. It's just a transfer of money from stupid people to people that
actually put some time to actually learn this stuff. So anyways guys, that's we're going to
learn about in today's program, that's just a short little introduction, and I can't wait to show
you guys what else we got going on here.

Part 1.2 - Why Bitcoin Rules The World - But Altcoins is Where
We Trade

Alright guys, Next up, we're just going to look at a few different simple concepts and
understand why Bitcoin runs price action as a whole Bitcoin works a little bit different than
the stock market. Now, when you look at, you know, the market sentiment of everything in
the entire crypto industry, all you have to do is look at what Bitcoin is doing. Bitcoin runs

everything, if bitcoins going up, then the market sentiment and the likelihood of other alt
coins in Ethereum going up is much higher. If Bitcoin is eating shit, basically, a lot of the
other Altcoins in the entire market across the board has a much more likely probability of
going down. Okay, is this basically an indication of where is the market's current sentiment?
Right? Should I be buying? Or should I be selling whatever Bitcoin does, everything else is
going to follow. So this also happens in the stock market like this is the Dow Jones Industrial
30, which is a little bit different, because this is just 30 of the largest companies in the US
basically, index of what's their what they're doing. So if you look at the Dow Jones Industrial
index, if things are going up, the probability of all these other smaller companies that you're
trying to trade are probably going to go up as well. But if the Dow Jones is doing this in
eating shit, then most likely it's probably not a good idea to be buying up a bunch of
companies are thinking that a bunch of small companies or small caps are going to go up. So
in the stock market, you look at the Dow Jones and then when you're trading, you're usually
trading small cap stocks, it's usually stocks under $5 per share, because they're the ones that
have the most momentum when you're trading Bitcoin in crypto, we're trading Altcoins Okay,
and all coin is simply any other coin other than Bitcoin, right?

So Ethereum, which is also the number two market cap can also be potentially essentially
considered an altcoin. But relatively fairly closely follows what BTC is doing, there's 1000s
of other alt coins out there, a lot of them are worth completely, absolutely nothing, some of
them have a lot of cool things going on of which we'll talk about momentarily. But
essentially, when we're looking at what's going on, we want Bitcoin to be going up or have at
least some sort of upwards trend. And that's going to give us a lot more confidence that our
alt coins could potentially go up after we buy them. If Bitcoin is eating shit, then we should
probably be a little bit more cautious about loading up and having a bunch of exposure in alt
coins, because they're probably going to go down as well. So that's something to know it is
something that I have always used in the stock market. If the Dow is bullish, it's probably a
much better idea to be buying small cap stocks that are on the verge of blowing up. If bitcoins
eating shit it's probably much more likely that you know, all our coins are going to reverse
just for example, we just saw a quick reversal off the top of Bitcoin after we hit 40k and just
in the last you know, our two we just saw these like big pull backs on Bitcoin and Ethereum
and what happened a lot of our alt coins is absolutely ate shit off the top right, I sold my Kava
up here in the 180s and I went all the way back down to where I bought it initially at 142.
Same with you and I USD a lot of things is pulled back another one that I'm in and I'll talk
about in a moment, one inch I got in up here and then it is pulled back heavily from 150 all
the way down to $1 per coin all because Bitcoin and Ethereum had a massive pullback of a
ton it wasn't a massive the tiny little move, but when Bitcoin starts to pull back, it was just
this little move right here.

And also this one right here, both of these positions when Bitcoin saw these big little selling
spikes, all of a sudden everyone freaks out and gets super emotional and starts panic selling
in the Alt-coins. Okay, and then everybody starts buying again once Bitcoin starts going back
up, when you're looking at what's going on and having a general market sentiment when you
see selling like this on Bitcoin, you're going to see selling across the board and a lot of the
Alt-coins. as well. But when you look at the overall trend, especially like on the weekly chart
of Bitcoin, things are extremely bullish, right. So this doesn't mean that it's not a good not a
good time to buy Alt-coins. as the overall bullish trend is very, very bullish. But when you do
see these little blips of selling pressure in on Bitcoin, you see a lot of selling pressure on alt
coins as well. So you need to know that there is a correlation if you want to know what the
current market sentiment is just look at what bitcoins doing and everything else is most of the
time going to follow through on what's going on there. Next is what is d phi d phi is kind of
like the new hot shiny object which was going which is what is going on decentralized
finance is an experimental form of finance that does not rely on central financial
intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks, and instead utilizes smart contracts
on block-chain, the most common being Ethereum. And this is why ETH could potentially be
bigger than Bitcoin someday because defy is fucking massive, and it's all based off of ETH
technology. And we're going to talk about this later. Especially being an American, I can't
trade a lot of coins that are on cracking but I can trade them by using decentralized exchanges
such as one inch.

Okay, so I just recently bought into what I get I got into SRM which is also a decentralized
exchange and I also bought into one inch, which is a decentralized exchange. So this is this is
one inch right now which I'm actually using to purchase those tokens as well. Okay, and
actually just bought into one That's the one that I just said, ate shit after Bitcoin actually saw
that massive dip or not a massive dip, but Bitcoin just had a little bit of a sell off. And this
sold out from 150 down to $1 per share. Okay, so I got at 149 and I added at 130. And I was
at the gym and saw this was like holy shit, but I actually would have added down here
because this is a an overblown sell off on you one inch, I think this could potentially
definitely go back up to two, three potentially $4 per share once things kind of settled down,
and we actually start moving up, okay, so that's what d phi is, is basically taking
decentralized tokens that we have already with Bitcoin. And going further, you don't need a
fucking broker, you don't need an exchange, you don't need a bank to you know, have tokens
in your wallet, you do basically just use in Ethereum smart contracts cost a little bit of
money, you know, it's going to cost me It cost me $55 to this latest transaction, but it's a way
to get around me not being able to trade some of these tokens because cracking doesn't allow
me because I'm a US citizen. Okay, so d phi is big unsnap is another huge one, I actually
have about 3500 tokens of unsnap at about 350 it just hits $7. The other day, I used to have
6700 tokens, but I took profits along the way up we just look at the unit chart here. As you
can see, I got in here about 353 70 and went as high as $7 shortly thereafter. So these are the
kinds of patterns we're going to look at and we're just looking for keywords where's the
money going? How do we become a wolf and identify these patterns before the sheep and
come push it up for us because I'm selling the sheep up here grass what can they buy up here
and like sure, here's my tokens I'm going to lock in profit you take this you fucking sheep, I
got gains and I might buy back those coins later if we dip back down But anyways, that's just

a quick overview of why Bitcoin runs everything, how to look at current market sentiment as
a whole by looking at Bitcoin and understanding that a Bitcoin goes up, all coins are going to
go up, Bitcoin goes down, all coins going to go down. And we're seeing that defy is huge,
especially if you want to trade coins that we can't on some of our exchanges.

Part 1.3 - How to Open Up A Crypto Broker and Wallet To Trade

Alright, so next guys we need to talk about opening up an account to have a crypto broker
and crypto wallet what places I actually recommend currently today to us and kind of
understanding the lingo of what's going on inside of the account because it can get a little
confusing and also talk about how to actually fund your account and then how to actually buy
crypto inside of your account. So first of all, what you need to understand is what is Fiat
you're probably going to hear that word like what the fuck is via What is that? To be honest
it's something that I never really knew until I started trading crypto even though I've been in
stocks for so long. Yeah, is this the fiat currency so that is either the US dollar the British
pound, the Euro, the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Japanese yen, Chinese one, all those
things. Those are all government currencies, which are called Fiat crypto currencies are
things like Bitcoin Ethereum, ripple XRP, you know, all the other alt coins are out there.
That's crypto. And there's also different forms of crypto Fiats essentially, and these are
basically they're called stable coins. And they're basically pegged to the US dollar or pegged
to the British pound, but you're going to see this sometimes a lot and in some places like
binance calm when you're putting money in your account, they're going to ask you if you
want to do it in B USD, or you can do it in USD T. So b USD is this finances version of what
the US dollar is. So USD T and the B USD artists cryptocurrency formats that track exactly
to the current price of the US dollar. So in other accounts, like finance, you're probably going
to see B USD or USD T. So sometimes if you're in your by Nance account, and you don't
want to swap into another crypto, you just put it in B USD, and that basically just means
you're holding the US dollars, so you're not going to see a bunch of fluctuations, EO and
you're just trying to hold cash in your account but essentially, these are all currencies and so
my current favorite places to open up an account are one cracking if you're a US citizen
cracking is definitely the number one place to be that's where I do all my current trading right
now pay forex is also a partner broker. But hey, forex calm is mostly for trading forex trading
pairs like the pound versus the Dollar or the Japanese yen versus the USD write for forex,
traders inside of there, you can day trade Bitcoin, Ethereum Lite-coin OMG Neo USD. So
there's a small list of cryptocurrencies that you can actually day trade inside of there, but it's
not a broker that I recommend to trade what how I trade crypto because I mostly trade Alt-
coins. smaller ones in Hey, forex is mostly if you want to day trade, the big ones like Bitcoin
and Ethereum, you can definitely do that. If you're outside of the USA, I would definitely
recommend ftx or by Nance, calm. And then there's also defy exchanges, which we'll talk
about later. And I use some of these I use one inch, I use uni-swap. And I use meta mask,

which is also a wallet. And the reason why I use these is inside of cracking, sometimes I can't
buy a certain krypton. Just for example, in every broker, these are all exchanges, so I can only
trade what cracking has available. So this is the list of coins that cracking has available on
their exchange for me to trade which there's only 58. Okay, there's a lot more coins out there
than 58 coins, these are just the only ones that I can trade as an American citizen, the crack in
exchange, but there's something called a metal wall, which we'll go over later. And so when I
have a metal wall, I can trade other ones like SRM one inch as well that I'm in now. But I
can't trade those through cracking. So I actually have to move my money to another place on
a defy exchange. Basically, an intermediary is basically gone. And I can actually trade other
ones that are not allowed on the crack and exchange. Let's just talk about cracking here first,
because that's most of you guys are probably American, I would imagine. But we'll also talk
about sex and violence as well. So if you're opening an account as an American cracking
would be the best place to do it. So you'd go to cracking comm sign up for an account. And
inside of there, you're gonna want to hit the fund button and then do a wire transfer. So you
go to cracking, go to funding and inside of here, you would go to US dollar and say deposit.
And then you would do deposit method, just signature bank wire, okay, I don't even know
what these other things are. Maybe you do, but I just did a signature bank wire. And this wire
money into my account is going to take a little bit, but you're also going to have to do all the
verification processes first, in order to get to this point of actually being able to wire money
into your account. So once you have your money wired into your account, you basically have
under the balances, this is basically called a wallet essentially, as well. And you can see
Currently, the only thing I have in my wallet at the moment is uni-swap, USD, I used to have
6700 coins of it and I've sold a bunch for profit. And now that's worth $20,000.12 $1,000 in
cash left over here. And I also have an open profit of about $17,000 in this account. Now the
thing with with cracking is that inside of here, the only thing that shows in your balance in
your wallet is if you paid cash for that now also in cracking, you can have upwards of 5x
leverage that simply means that you can if you have $1,000 in your balance and you want to
trade and you want to buy bitcoin, if you want you can buy $5,000 worth of Bitcoin on 5x
leverage, but they only do leverage on certain tokens like uni-swap. do two is probably
because it's a smaller alt coin they won't let me do anything. leverage, I have to pay cash,
which is why it's in my wallet. But if I go into my positions, you can see here I have ETH,
which I bought on three to one leverage. And I currently have a 95% profit on here, I bought
do t on three to one leverage, I currently have a 70% profit on here, and I bought at a on three
to one leverage, and I have a 59% profit on that right now. And you don't want to go too
crazy with leverage. The only reason why I like to do leverage with about a three to one or so
on here is that allows me to have more free cash to diversify more in my portfolio without
only being able to use cash on my account. But sometimes I can only do cash on these like
either swap SC USD, which was 100% Ripper nano, which rips, you know, 500%, after I
bought at 116, down here, I was only able to pay cash, okay, so those were all going to show
up in my balances, but they won't show up in my trades or my positions level. But you can
also click this button over here inside of cracking. And that's going to open up a trading
platform can show you exactly where you bought where you sold. And it'll let you know if
you can go on leverage or not. So, you're gonna click this Connect trading button over here.

And this is going to give you a little bit more of a breakdown of your positions inside of here.
So just taking a look at like nano and oh USD, you can see this is my initial purchase at 116. I
sold some here, here, here, and I sold again at 247. And then it absolutely fucking ripped up
to the upside. And I'll also show where your trades were placed. And if you want to buy or
sell inside of here, you click, you simply click the buy button. As you can see, it shows my
total balance here is $12,000. So I have $12,000 worth of cash. If I want to buy this with
cash, you can see usually there's like it'll show how much leverage I want to buy, if that's
available, but with nano USD crappies allow it but I can select how much do I want to put in
50% 75% 100%. And then you would just select where you want to purchase. If you want to
do a limit order on a limit order you select what is the maximum amount of what is the
maximum price that you're willing to pay for this. So the current bid price on this is 435.
Okay, so if you didn't want to spend more than 435 on this, you would say a limit price of
436. That's the maximum amount I'm willing to pay for this, okay, so you won't pay over
436. But if you want to do market order, and you're like no, I'm ready to get in now, I don't
care if I pay like a percent or five cents more than the current price, it's basically just gonna
fill you that whatever best price possible, and that's going to be the fastest way to enter. But if
they're low volume, low liquidity, it's called slippage. So it might the current price might be
435, you might get filled at 440. Okay, so that's the risk of using a market order versus a limit
order a limit order, you're setting the maximum amount you're willing to pay for that price.
The problem with that is if something's moving fast, you might not get filled, because you put
a limit order and then that price might go up without you there's risk on both sides limit
orders, you might miss your entry market order, it means you might get filled at a five cents
above or below where you're trying to get in. Right. So it's called slippage. So you have to be
aware of that, you know, and then if you want to sell it is click sell and say if you wanted to
sell just you know, 50% of your position, or 75 or the whole thing, right, because I like to
piece out my position as it's going up because I don't know, you know, I bought 116 Next
thing you know, the same day it was at once to six, I was like fuck, that was like a 50%
move, I'm gonna lock in some gains here. What if this is all we got? Okay, but I had no idea
it was going to go up to 529. So that's why you want to pick out some profits along the way
up. Because this is a very, very unique situation, have it go up so quick, a lot of times you're
going to buy something right here, it might only go up 5% and then start sliding down. And
then you never see anything higher than that. Which is why it's important to take profits on
the way up as you have profits in a trade because you don't know if it's gonna go up like this
or you don't know it's gonna go down in there, I promise you, there's gonna be way more
times when you buy something. And it's definitely not going to do this. And there's going to
be a bunch of opportunities to lock in gains and you don't next thing you know, you're back at
00 profit and you're like, Fuck, why didn't I lock any profits on the way up so it's always
important to be locking in gains on the way up, but if we look at like Bitcoin, or ETH, you
can see now under the leverage here, it'll show me if I wanted to 5x leverage this right? If I
had $1,000 in here, it would let me buy $5,000 worth if I did 5x leverage so you want to be
careful when you're using leverage because just because you have it doesn't mean you should
use it such as Ettore just sent out an email to all their clients saying don't fucking we're
banning leverage on all alt coins and cryptocurrencies because people are probably getting

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fucking crazy out there and being fucking idiots. Okay, so you definitely don't want to do that
too crazy on leverage. You know, I use it a little bit. You know, I use three to one leverage,
just not even on big positions. $10,000 $5,000.06 $1,000 I didn't go anything crazy. I just
wanted to have free capital inside of my account here for when I wanted to do it. But like I
said, you know, sometimes you want to trade other things that cracking doesn't have I'm
going to talk about in that minute. So let's just go back to what I was talking about here
because I kind of digressed. So once you wire your money in that's going to be then pushed
into Fiat and you're gonna have USD in your account. Now. You can Decide, okay, this is all
basically now in your crypto wallet aka the balance here. And then from there you can either
buy or sell or start swapping, converting or exchanging and all swapping or converting
exchanges mean because first you're going to buy something right? So if you wanted to buy
bitcoin BTC, and then you're like, Okay, I'm in Bitcoin now and but you decide, hey, I don't
want to sell it for the US dollar, I actually just want to transfer my Bitcoin and convert it with
Ethereum. Right? So that would be the keywords for that would be a swap convert or an
exchange. So what would you do if you want to convert you go to the buy crypto button, and
you click Convert? And then from here so if I wanted to swap my uniswap for Bitcoin, okay,
I would select my amount and you can say convert max because that's how much uni I have.
And I could swap my uniswap for Bitcoin and it would give me I don't know how many
bitcoins whatever that is 30 $500 worth but it would preview or we can do preview convert
so what it would give me is point 561 Bitcoin so I could convert that just like that without
having to sell it for USD then go to from USD to then buy bitcoin I could convert it if I
wanted to. So that's multiple ways you can do things if you wanted to just okay, I have US
dollars and want to buy bitcoin you can also just go up to here and say x bt USD hit trade.
And now to select how much Bitcoin you want to buy, do you want to buy one bitcoin that's
$38,000 holy shit Can't believe is that $38,000 Okay, so and then you just hit by SB t. So
that's essentially how things work inside of cracking here. And again, if you want to go to the
actual trading platform, you just click this and then you're inside of here that you can see a
little bit more about what's going on, like check out Kaaba USD. This is a recent trade that I
got in and out pretty quick. And you can see I bought right here actually stopped out right
here and I re buy it again right here at about 149 sold at 180 and then sold at 163. And so, this
was all in cash. Again, you can see they won't let me do anything leverage here. So, a lot of
times inside of cracking, you can't use leverage and a lot of these Altcoins but cracking
definitely has the widest selection of Altcoins if you're a US citizen So anyways, that's how to
open cracking funded and start trading.

Part 1.4 - How to Buy Tokens That Are Not on Your Exchange

Alright guys, so next we're going to talk a little bit more about defy in the big issue of what if
there's a token that you want to buy, but your exchange doesn't have it. And this is very
common if you're an American, and you're using cracking. Now, if you're using exchanges,

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like finance, or FTX, you're not going to run into this problem nearly as much. But as an
American, such as myself, there's lots of tokens that I can't buy, because cracking doesn't list
them on their exchanges. Why? I don't know that's just the way fucking life goes sometimes.
So, we got to go through some loopholes and use defy decentralized exchanges to actually
purchase them. And the way that actually works is through Ethereum smart contracts. So
that's why defy could be so big and why I'm bullish on defy and why I'm very bullish on
Ethereum. And why Ethereum could potentially be bigger than Bitcoin is because there's so
much use cases for Ethereum. And so much use cases for the finance, let's just talk about how
that would actually work. First thing you need to do is go and sign up for a
account. So, the website for that is, you would just click download now. And it's
actually just a Google Chrome extension. As you can see here, once I click this, this is my
Google Chrome extension meta mask, I have $500. In a theory, I'm in right now. $10,000
worth of SRM. $16,000 worth of one inch exchange and $6,000.50 $400 worth of USD T.
Like I said before, USD T is just the crypto form, it's called tether. And it's basically tethered
or pegged to the US dollar. So, it's basically just like holding the US dollar in this account,
because you can't hold physical US dollars in this account. But you can hold crypto on this
account in the USD T is basically pegged and tethered to the exact price of the US dollar. So,
it's basically the same exact thing. So, you want to sign up for a wallet using metamask. And
from there, you want to buy Ethereum inside of your cracking or whatever broker your
dealings. Okay, so what you would basically do is go up to trade on here, select Ethereum, on
your cracking account, buy whatever amount of cracking Say, say if you're wanting to buy
one inch exchange, okay, this one-inch USD is the ticker. But you can't buy this on cracking,
because it's not available to most American crypto accounts, but you want to buy it, because
I'm very bullish on it, maybe you want to join me on this, okay. So, what you would do is buy
Ethereum inside of your account, see, if you did do that, I'm not going to do it, because I've
already done it, but it would show up in your balances over here, then you would select
withdraw. And then you want to click Add address.

And then under the address here, it's gonna say Ethereum address right here, you're gonna
want to open up your meta mask, and you want to say by Ethereum, and you want to directly
deposit Ethereum. And when you click this view Account button, a little pop ups gonna show
up and it's going to have your actual address for your a theorem address inside of your
metamask wallet, and you want to copy and paste the address inside of here to the address
right here, make a description for it, click Save address, and then select how much you want
to withdraw, it's probably gonna ask you for an email verification for that to make sure this is
really you and you verify, then you go back into the withdrawal section, you're going to have
that address saved, withdraw however much Ethereum you want to withdraw into your
account from there. So that's what we're basically doing right here. Withdraw ETH from your
broker into your meta mask wallet. And then once you have it inside of your meta mask
wallet, you can optionally swap it for USD T instantly, the thing is you are going to get
charged a fee to swap it for that the benefit of doing that is what if Ethereum is on in freefall
right now and it drops like 10%, that means you're gonna lose 10% of the value while you're

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holding that in your wallet. And right we're not trying to buy Ethereum right now we're trying
to buy a different token. Once it's in your metamask up here, you can click simply to say
swap, you're going to have shown your balance of Ethereum swap and then you want to
select token and is say USD T say point 01 or whatever the fuck it is. and say get quotes
checking one inch exchange chicken pair swap. So, this is actually checking to see what the
best rates are for me right now. Okay, inside of meta mask, okay, it's going to tell me I can
convert at this, it's going to give me a fee of $37 estimated network fee of $25. Okay, so it's
going to cost you money to do the swap. So, you don't have to directly swap it instantly. If
you don't want to, if you just want to hold it as ETH you definitely can. But if you want it to
be more stable while you wait and decide what you want to do with it, you can swap it to
USD T if you want and it's gonna be a little bit more stable. Okay, so now we have these
coins in here. As you can see, I have 60 $400 of USD T waiting for me to buy something that
I want to buy more of. Okay, I already bought one inch already by SRM. And I have a little
bit of ETH in there and I pulled the ETH in there because it costs money to do these
exchanges. And you have to pay in Ethereum and it's called gas fees. So, once you do that,
you want to use one inch exchange to swap your ETH or USD T if you transfer that to
whatever token you're trying to purchase. Okay, do you want to go to one inch dot exchange
What a weird name and then your meta mask is going to be connected here. Once you sign up
for here, it's going to ask you to connect a wallet and then you can connect to your You click
this button up here, once you sign up and you connect your matamask to it, it's going to
automatically sync and recognize how much money you have in your meta mask for each
coin that you have in your meta mask. So, you can see if I want to transfer USD T for SRM.
It shows me that I have 60 $387 of USD T in this account right now. And I can swap it that's
60 $400 for 44,468 tokens of SRM, okay, then you click unlock token, blah, blah, blah, do all
that. And you can see it's going to cost me $47 to do this.

So, it does cost a lot of money. And this is not streamlined at all, is why we're so primitive.
And so early in the crypto game is that you have to go through all these loopholes to buy
some things. And in three to five years, or now, this is not going to be the way it is. But right
now, that's just the way it is if you do want to buy tokens on a different exchange. And now
as you can see, cracking wouldn't let me do it. But I did go through this process. And now I
bought SRM. I bought one inch, as you can see there. And actually once you're going to be a
little scared here, because at the at the beginning, when you do this, it looks like he has lost
your money, or you lost it or got stolen, but you want to go into the contract interaction under
the contract interaction, you want to click this and you want to click this, copy this address
right here, you want to click copy, and then you want to go into assets. Because once you do
this exchange is not going to show up here, you're going to be like what the hell this
happened, you want to go to add token and then click custom token and then paste that
custom address there. You can see this token has already been added. And once you add that
address in there, just click Next. And then then your money and your token and how many
coins you have are actually going to show up inside of your meta mask and all that jazz. And
then if you want to sell that SRM say if you I'm already in SRM, so now I wanted to get out

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of SRM. Okay, I have a balance of that of SRM 3500 tokens, and I wanted to exchange that
back for the US dollar. Once I'm ready, get out, I would exchange that for USD T, basically
exchanging it back for the US dollar price and okay, it's going to cost me $54 to do that.
Okay, so I do have to have a theory in my account to be able to pay for that. So yes, a little bit
complicated, but this is currently the only way to trade some of these alt coins that you can't
normally trade on an American crafting account. But again, if you do have binance, if you do
have FTX and you're a European citizen, Australia, Canada, if you're not under all these
regulations at the user and you can use those to freely buy a lot of these tokens like SRM in
one inch.

Part 1.5 - Non Usa Citizens - Opening an Account with Biance or


Alright guys, so just want to do a quick video for people who are not American citizens and
want to open up an account with FTX or finance two of the most popular ones very simple to
do when you sign up, if you want to get your money quickly in your account, you can
actually use a credit card or debit card if you want, or you can do a swift bank deposit
transfer. Okay, so those are probably the two most likely you're going to use, and I don't
recommend using credit card, but you can if you really want to, or just use a credit card and
then if you have cash in your bank account, just you know quickly pay it off right afterwards.
And inside of here, you can go straight to Bitcoin, if you want, you know, if you want to buy
you know, $5,000 worth of Bitcoin, you know, you can, but again, with binance they have a
different form of the US dollar and it's called B USD, or you can buy USD T both are exactly
the same thing. They're both crypto currencies that are pegged to the US dollar. So, buying
those are basically meaning you're just depositing US dollar, okay, so you come in here buy
B USD, and inside of that be USD.

Now you would basically have 44900 USD, so they're probably charging you, you know, $99
to make this deposit with your credit card, it's probably cheaper to do it with a wire transfer
or a swift transfer, but that's how you would do it inside of binance. In FTX I think it's a little
bit different if you go into your wallet, and you know, I'm not exactly sure how to do it inside
of here to be 100% honest, okay, they have USD and stable coins, I do have a $55 balance
just from affiliates, but you would come in here and basically deposit to USD the USD
deposit USD T so it looks like if you want to do an actual wire transfer inside of FTX, you
need to do a level three identification deposit do to do a USD via wire and all that's going to
mean is you're going to have to show them your passport, show them your identification,
prove who you are potentially even prove your address and then send you physical mail to do
all that. The other option is if you do have crypto and another wallet somehow that you open
up whether it be through meta masks, maybe even pay pal now that PayPal is enabling that

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you can just deposit another one of these coins such as USD T, you can see deposit USD T
over here as well or if you have Bitcoin in another wallet you can deposit in there and then
bring that into your account and then transfer into B USD or USD T and go from there. Now
both of these have a lot of options to trade. As you can see both these probably have one inch
in SRM on here.

Yep, they have one inch on here. So, a lot of these other brokers that are in the European
Union don't fall under all these other regulations that the US does. So you guys have it way
fucking better than Americans do when it comes to trading crypto, you can instantly trade
now inside of binance if you want to go straight to the advanced charting in buying sell area,
you would go to trade and then go to advanced and again similar platform to cracking that I
showed you can do buy or sell and use a limit order or market order and select what you want
to actually purchase inside of here. And then it's going to show your open orders order
history, trade history and funds and all that jazz inside of here. So, a little bit different but
you're much better off if you're using by Nance or ftx than you are if you're an American,
trying to do all these things on defy to try to get coins that we can have access to

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