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Name : Cindy Menda Perbikana Br Ginting

Nim : P010311120089
Class : D-III Gizi 1C

Writing 4 Tenses
1. Simple Present Tense
My Brother live in Medan.
My sister go to bali last month.
2. Present Continous Tense
I am eating pizza.
I am reading book.
3. Present Perfect Tense
They have been here for two weeks.
Nina has written one short stories this year.
4. Simple Past tense
Cimen went to bali for holiday last week.
She joined English club class at school last week.

Insert pharases in chats

Writing 4 Tenses
1. Past Continuous Tense
Cimen was talking to me when her mother called.
I was preparing for the exam in December.
2. Simple Future Tense
My father will buy me a new phone.
I will use another product.
3. Simple Past Future Tense
My sister told me that she would buy a new camera.
He should pay the bill.
4. Simple Present Tense
They enjoy the sunset.
I read one magazine every month.

Insert pharases in chats

Writing 4 Tenses
1. Past Perfect Tense
The bus had left when I reached the bus stop.
I has fed my cat before I left.
2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Rony had been listening to music for an hour when the train finally arrived.
My brother had been sleeping all day ehen my mother knocked his door.
3. Future Continuous Tense
I will be leaving for bali tonight.
I am going to be taking the exam tomorrow.
4. Future Perfect tense
You will have done the same work for 5 years.
They will have stayed at the sibayak villa until Sunday.

Insert pharases in chats

Writing 4 Tenses
1. Simple Present Tense
I am happy with you.
It is amazing.
2. Present Perfect Tense
I have seen her today.
Roni has eaten two apples today.
3. Future Perfect Tense
She will have left work at 13.00 pm.
He will have arrived in the office at 08.00 am.
4. Present Continuous Tense
My brother playing football now.
My mother cooking rice.

Writing 4 Tenses
1. Present Perfect Tense
I have stayed in my grandmothers house.
Romi has finished his homework already.
2. Simple Past Tense
I was born on medan.
My mother cooked soup for my birthday party.
3. Past Perfect Tense
I had lunch whem my mother called me.
She had bought the ticket before it was sold out.
4. Simple Present Tense
You Are the Winners.
It is a new bag.

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