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About This Booklet It would fake a book of atleast 300 pages to even began to do justice to the subject matter that is covered only very briefly in this short writing, Every effort has been made to be as clear and through possible, with as few words as possible. There are many folks who will take the time to read this short writing that would never read 300 pages. Please read all Bible references; and know for sure that there is an over abundance of very clear, Holy Ghost inspired, Bible passages to back up the main issues thal are discussed here-in. About the Author Like Peter anc! John, | am quite ignorant and unlearned. See Acts 4:13, My qualifications are very close to what Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 1:25-31. Not mighty, or noble, or wise after man's ways. An uneducated, weak, base, despised, nothing, describes me quite well. What know is by grace, and revelation from God. God knows that | am very simple minded, so He reveals things to me in their simplicity. He told me that men have complicated His Word and Plan so that an expert would be needed. Experts can always charge more for their services, and they usually are in control. | have been a student of God's word, and His ways, since | was in my early teens. | began by studying to prove my pre-conceived Pentecostal Doctrines; but in 1981 | began to study to see what God was really saying, The Bible Immediately became a diferent book. One by one old ways of thinking was replaced by very clear and well documented things, right from the Apostles and Prophets. | have discovered from my Strong's Concordance that “Thinking Differently” is exactly what New Testament Repentance is meantto be. ‘My vision and goal is to share as much of this very clear, and very sure and simple understanding of God, and His Word, with as many folks as is possible, with the few years that | have left. if you are in any way enlightened by these things, please help pass them on to others. Our lime requires “A Different Way of Thinking”. It seems to me that we have come to the place that Jesus called; “Repent, {Think Differently) or Perish”. Willie Cripps P.O, Box 73 Rhinehart, LA 71363 Phone 318-355-3605 Blaspheming The Holy Ghost ~~~ ~ Versus~ ~~ ~ God’s Enduring Mercy Blaspheming the Holy Ghost has been made into a Monstrous Dragon, which it is not, so that it can dwell among us as the Subtle, Lying Serpent that it is. In fact, 8 we will soon clearly see, Many of Christianity's Foundational Doctrines are from these Blasphemies. tt Vilfies God's Character and hinders His work by Contradioting His Word, It affects our opinion of God, and ‘our concept of His opinion of us, which affects how we five and love. It is ultimately the cause of all evil, and ‘every one of mankind's hurts. As we will soon see, this sin separates man from God; not God from man. It needs to be, in fact it can only be, “Set Aside” by man. God's partis “Finished”. This writing is not just about “The Problem”, it is mainly about “The Gospel”, or “Good News” which is “The Solution”. God's evertasting mercy, which comes out of His unconditional love, tumps all bad news. The fact is; “He Has Concluded Us All in Unbelief (ie. rebellious) so that He Can Be Merciful To Us AN”. See Psalms 14:1-2, Romans 3:9-22 & 11:32, and Ephesians 2:1-22. Evil’s Purpose For almost 50 years | kept asking God why He aliowed sin and all ofits evils and hurts to existn His creation, in 2008 He allowed me to see not only why, but also how it happened. Knowing this has unlocked the answers to many other things that | had always wondered about, including this sin of blaspheming the Holy Ghost. 'l share this insight with you fst. | hope itil bless you as much as it did me, and will also help move us all toward the healing of our many hurts. Let's look. * Habakkuk 2:14 says: “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters covers the sea”. The heavens, and all of creation, does declare “The Glory of God, just as King David said; but what about God's Character? Is it mean, contrary, hateful, and evil? Or is it oving, kind gentle, faithful, joyful, peacetul, meek, longsuffering, and good? What Could Fully Reveal God’s Character? (King David Sure Knew the Good and Loving Neture of God's Charaoter, He Spoke of God's Enduring Mercy, which comes out of His Great Love, more than any other Holy Prophet. This is probably why he was called: “A Man After God's Own Heart”; and Jesus was called “The Son of David”. See Psalms 19:1, 136:1-28, & Ephesians 2:4.) No Amount of Glory From A Physical Creation Gould Ever Fully Reveal God's True Character. This could only be revealed if there were Creatures that could Relate fo Him Iniolactually, who would also Act Contrary to His Will, So, God made Adam a Living Soul, connected directly to Him through Tho Spirit. (This was ike a TV being connected to a clear Signal from God's Wil, by The Holy Spirit) He then made Adam, and every person after him, subject to “The Vanity of Thelr Own Wil”; fore-knowing every evi, hurt, act, that would come out of this Vanity. This Vanity was Entered Into Freely By Adam and Eve's Own Wil in eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evi which folks are stil doing, out of Thelr Own WII (“Man's Own Wil” is tke the TV being Disconnected from God's Spiit which Showed Them His Will, and then being Connected to The Human Wil, which Performs out of the Vanity of Men's Camal Sonsos and Desires.) See Isaiah 45:20-25, 43:10, and Romans 8:19-9. God Made Creation Subject to Vanity, but not without the Hope of Being Delivered from the Bondage of Comuption, into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God. This Vanlty Happened in such a way that Nobody can ever honestly blame God for any of these evils and their hurts because they have all come out ofthe Free Expression of Man's Own Wil. The Good News is: God Could Not Be Stonped From Tekir Himself, val With ra the Blame oe Nade Han Sublet To. and than ‘Paving The Ful Pen For All Sin, Once For Al, He Is A Just God and A Savior; 0, The Juatice of His Character Required Him to do this. Ho dd It for His Name's Sake. Vanity and Sin Presented The Ideal Opportunity for God fo Reveal His Good and Loving Character; which He Positively did “When He Put Away Sin By the Sacrifice of Himself, at Calvary; where He Publicly Displayed “The Frult of His Spirit"; whichis: love, joy, peace, faith, fongsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temporance. This Public Display of The Fruit of God's Split, Very Clearly Reveals His Good and Loving Character; ‘and is The Best Documented Fact in All Recorded History. The fact is; The more Contrary to God's Will Men Act, ‘Including Blaspheming The Holy Ghost; the more Vividly the Fruit of His Spit Will Show. Shall we Do Evil that Good May Gome? NO Ill Sin Is Very Hurtful To Mankind; but It Has Never Hurt God in Any Way. In Fact, its Actually Serving His Ultimate Purpose In Grestion, Page 2 ‘The Problems are Many and Great; but the Solution is Much Greater, His Grave 1s Sufcient. His Strength Is Made Perfect in Our Weakness. If you see the value of this; “Call To Repentance”, Please join us in sharing “This Knowledge of The Glory of God”. Please spread the word every way that you can. If you are wiling to put out these booklets door to door, we will send you as many free copies as you are willing to get distributed. Pemmission is here-by granted to copy it, fax it, e-mail it, or whatever else mey work, Honesty requtes that it be dane in ful, and without any changes. Let everybody that you are in contact with know about the web site. You might want fo consider placing an add for the web site in your local news paper; of on Radio or T.V.; or Puting signs with the web address in yards like the Polticians do. (This avidontly works because they continue to doit) Consider bilboards, and any other places that wil reach a lots of folks quickly, ‘Why Not Talk To God About Helping To Spread ‘This Message to our Hurting World In A Big Way ‘Mor an anythi Ie tts ino Your Ou the point In Receiving God's Love, a Pesuing On To Even You Know and See, Offerings of any amount, whether one time, or on a regular basis, will also be a great help. They will be Greatly Appreciated, and Used Efficiently. If you are interested in investing a large emount of finances into this effort, and would fike to oversee it personaly, we will gladly give you cur help in finding the most effective way. Instead of being a Professional Preacher | have spent 30+ years in business for mysolf, | have had a lots of experience in advertising and promoting a service, A Free Service of Helping Hurting Folks is really what this is. | will gladly discuss any questions that you might have over the phone, or in person. My time belongs to God and this Message; so when its at all possible, | am avallzble go where-ever for a Comprahonsive Bible Study on these Subjects with you individually, or wih your group. To request written materials, or to discuss this, andlor other related matters; call me at 318-792-0468; or write to me at: Willie Cripps. P.O. Box73 Rhinehart, LA 71363. Or you can visit ine, and e-mail me from the web at: www blasphemingtheHoly Ons CO awww Page 23 Awakening To The Vision of All Ikaiah 29:9-24 says; God has poured out the spirit of slumber, and deop sleep. The Prophets, Leaders, and Soors were covered, and “Tho Vision of Ad”, has been as a book that is sealed. This is the Passage that helped sme to not be angry with anybody who did't see “The Vision of All. _| realized that it was God who had poured out the Soitt of Sumber and Sleep, ‘This time of blindness has caused folks to Honor God with their Lips; but their Heart has been far fom Him because of the Teachings of Men, We can surely kok aheed with Great Hove because In due time: Lebanon (this Hebrew word means the trearf) will become a very fruitful feld. In That Day The Blind Wil See, and The Deaf Will Hear The Words cf The Book, that has been Spoken By The Holy Ghost, The ‘migek will increase theie joy inthe Lord. The Terrible One will ‘be brought fo noua. All that watch for iniquity. and make ‘tan_an offender for a word wil be cuf off They who erred in soft will come to understanding, do hope thet you will be in the First Fults of hose who Awakelll Our “Inability To Read and Understand The Vision Of Al” has Cost Us Dearly. Surely All of the Evils and Hurts that has come out of this “Time of Slumber and Deep Sieep” Will Cause the Goodness of His Character To Shine Even Brighter When {t's Known, May This ‘Awakening Happen To US ALL Real Soon!!! Esalms 100 is addressed to All Lands. I says: God has trade us. We are ALL the Sheep of His Pasture; so. We ALL Can Enter into His Gates With Thanksgiving. (Tho Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine and retrieves the one that was lost.) When All men comes to know in their wart that God fas not charged any of us with sin, they will surely enter into what God has already done for US ALL “With The Voice of Thanksgiving’. The earth will then be fied with the Knowledge of the Glory of God, as the waters cover the sea. Through this Knowledge of God's Glory, We Will Have Grace and Peace Multiplied To Us; Ail Things that Pertains to Life and Godliness; and We Will Freely Partake of His Devine Nature, Just as Habakkuk 2:14 and 2 Peter 1:2-4 says. Then instead of Any Heart being Deceitful end Desperately Wicked, Every Heart Will Be Established in Grace; and We Will Al Serve Ged and Each Other in Love, Cur Hurting Generation Desperately Needs the Positive ‘Changes that this message is bringing. Especially those who have been, or are being raised in broken homes; or as foster children; as woll a8 those who have gone through bioken marriages, and ate the casualties of wer. Thete are aiso those who are having emotional problems; the edicts and substance abusers; and those who have been, of, are incarcerated, etc, etc, ete. Pege 22 God Declered the End from the Beginning, and Will Do All of His Pleasure, Nothing is “By Chance” with God; and ‘Man's Chance is Yery Limited. if God had A Dreamy Wish, or A Desiro, that would “Be His Fleasure"; which “tie Declared He Will Do”. See isaiah 46:10, 48:9, 53:1-6, Hebrews 9:26, 10:1-18, 1 Timothy 2:3-8, Galatians 5:22-23, and 1 John 2:1-2, 4:14, Please read all Bible References, Believing that the Cross “Gives Men A Chance” to have Right Standing with God by some Act of the Human Wl, is *Frult from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”; vihich only produces tore Vanity, Sin, and Evi. Believing that the Cross was “God's Chance, or Opportunity”, to Reveal the Glory of His Good and Loving Character by The Fruit of His Spirit, is “Fruit from The Tree of Life”. (Wir. Reason’s book, Unlimited, Unmerited, Unraquostod Atonement, gives 2 very clear explanation of this, and several other related subjocs. You cen recd tom the wob; at You can print it out free; or vitite to me at the address on the last page, and 1's send you as many copies as you want, free, and post paid.) 4 John 4:16-19 says; Knowing and Believing the Love that Ged has For tis, (which comes out of The Goodness of His Loving Character) Makes Our Love Pesfect, and Casts out the Fear of Judgment, which has Torment. ‘Our Love For Him ts Because He Loved Us First. Love Never Fails; nor Works Any Il! To Others. “lf Everybody Knew and Believed the Love that God Has For US.ALL*: Everybody's Love would be made Perfect, Then We Would All Serve God, and Each Other in Love, which Would Cause Every Evil_and Hurt in Our Society To Disappear, When We Stop the Hindering Blasphemies that are Vilfying God's Loving Character, the questions willbe What do we do with the police force, the prisons, the psychiatrist, the rehab centers, the armies which brings unspeakable hurts, ac, elc., etc. See Romans 13:10 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. (To Soo the Healing of our ifany, ‘Many Hurts, is the Only Goal, of this Writing.) These Desirable and Positive Things Will Definitely Bring Mankind Lots of Healing from our Many Hurts, However, ‘These Desirable ane! Positive Things can only Happen when ‘The Contradictions that are Blaspheming of The Words of ‘The Holy Ghost that is being discussed in this writing; and all that has been hatched out of These Contradictions, has been deait with. For this to happen, there must be some Major, New Testament Style of Repenting; the Kind that was First Spoken of By John the Baptist; then Jesus, and then The Apostles. (New Testament Repentance is A Mejor Key, so we vil ook very closely into the Uso Of, and True Maening of This Greek Word, ster in this wating.) Are you ready 77? If so, read on Il! Page 3 AVillain ~ ~ & ~ ~ AHero knowing the simpliied meaning of; and the common use of the Greek words for, forgiven and blasphemy; wll make it simple and easy to know and explain exactly what Jesus ‘meant in His somewhat Dark and Troubling teachings on this subject in Matthew 12:31-32, and Mark 3:26-29, ‘The Greek word for forgive is aphieme; which means, "To Set Aside”. Blasphemy iteraly means; “To Villy", {ts from a compound Greek word, blapto, which means; “to hinder"; end phemi, which means; “To make known by saying”. (Seo Strong's # 984, 987, 988, 989, 5345, & 5946) Blasphemy literally means: “To Create A Villain, With Hindering Words®. (No amount of physical force can over hinder, confuse, and hurt the masses of folks as much as mixing a Lite Eror, with Puro Truth) ‘Men's Hindering, Contradicting Words, which Tums the Words of The Holy Ghost into “A Villain’, also Creates, “A Hero”, which must be fithuly folowed, and supported, regardless ofthe cost. This is like Refusing fo Eat from the ‘Tree of Life, and then Eating The Forbidden Fruit from The ‘ree of Knowledge. Viliying, Contradicting, and Hindering ‘The Words of The Holy Ghost Hurts Us Allin the Nasty Here and Now, but Ulimetely it Wil Serve God's Only Obvious Purpose in Making His Creation Subject To Vanity and Sin; which Was To Reveal His Good and Loving Character, hich is “A Past Tense, Finished Work’ on His Part. When ‘You Hinder God, You Hurt Yourself and Others; So, Why Do 1k When Wo “Set Aside” This Sin, Mankind Wil by that ‘Same Action Beaan the Process of Healing Our Many Short ‘Comings and Hurts. Choosing to make the Very Clear Words of the Prophets into “A Villain”; and then Accepting Men's Words as “A Hero”; wil certainly result in A Walk In the Flesh Instead of the Spit. The Works of the Flesh will be the Only Possible (Outcome; causing Man's Ethics and Actions 10 continue being Sinful end Hurtful; causing Our Needs _for law enforcement, rehab centers, psychiatrist, prisons, and wars, etc. etc, etc., to continue to arow. Any Blaspheming, Vilifying, Hindering, Contradictions To The Words of The Holy Ghost is a Sin that Separates Man from God, Not God from Man; So, Ultimately It Can ‘Only Be “Set Aside” By Mankind. They do Vilify His ‘Good, Loving Character, but the Real Problem is with their Very Hurtful Affects To All of Mankind In The Here and Now. ‘This will all be crystal clear when we get into our Main Soripture Texts, which is Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:12 & 10:17, Isaiah 53:1-12, Micah 7:16-20, John 1:29, and 2 Corinthians 5:19. 1s Hinderis mntraciictie Words, Do God's Opinion of Us. m is; {hey Affect Que Opinion of tim: which feds Cur Conduct Page 4 So, Being Mothered Again seems to Heppen when Our Knowing and Believing God's Love For Us All, Delivers Us Out Of Bondage to this Fear of Death and Judgment, into the Realm of Perfect Love, Where There Is No Fear. Please contact me If you can shed any further light on this. 3, Jucigment And Punishment. There are a great many references tothe issue of “Judgment and Punishment” in the New Testament; but Jesus gave us A Clear Summation of “All Judgment’, in John 12:31-32. He said: “Now Is the Judgment of This World. If be Lifted Up, (speaking of The Cross) 1 Will Draw (this Groek word iteraly means fo DRAG) All To he. Some translalions puts "ALL MEN", in this passage; however, In its Full Context; and The Context of this Ente Chapter, Jesus was Clearly Speaking of Dragging (Indicating that He Wouldn't Consult Anybody) ALL JUDGMENT, and ALL PUNISHMENT, For ALL MEN To Himself, This Judament_and_If's Punishment, is certainly “Past Tense* by over 1900 years,_and is the Best ‘Documented Event in All Recorded History, “The Biblical Penalty for Sin*, as Pronounced By God, “ls Death’, 2 Corinthians 5:14 says: “One Died for All, So All are Dead.” Hebrews 2:9 says: “Ho Tasted of Death For Every Man" | could go on and on wit many more Soripture References if there was space. The Sure Fact that “God Placed Upon Emanuel (Le Himsel) The Iniquities of Us All”; and is “The Full Payment For the Sins of the Whole World”, and has “Put ‘Away Sin By the Sacrifice of Himself"; and “Is Not Imputing Trespasses To The World”; and “Remombers Sin No More”; Soltles Every Possible Issue of Judament and Future Punishraent 1!) Why would God Judge someone whom He Remembers Nothing Against? Why Would He Punish Those Who's Legitimate Penalty, Which Was Death, Has Already Been Paid In Full. Specking from the Cross where He was Suffering the Judgment and Punishment for The Sins of The ‘Whole World, which Father God Had Laid Upon Him, Jesus Said; “IT IS FINISHED*, (10, “Paid In Full”) What could He have been refering to, excent “Sin’s Debt”, wich was Death, and was charged to Every Man? He was obviously saying; “Sin's Debt Is Pald In Full". His Words has Settied ‘Once For All, That “There Is Absolutely No Balance Due From Anybody, On Sin's Debit ‘Sin has it's Ovi Very Sure Judgment and Punishment. It {s called “Sowing and Reaping’ All of the Very Obvious Hurts in our present society tells us that this Harvest is ‘Abundant, and is Hurting US ALL; however, Knowing and Believing God's Love for US ALL Will Make Our Love Perfect, there-by Saving Us From This Hurtful Problem, ‘even in the Nasty Here and Nowll! Page 21 and Made Heits according to the Hope of Etemal Life, Once again The Holy Ghost is abundantly clear on al that really mattars for Us To Fully Understand this Washing of Regeneration, or Re-Fathering. The passion was His Mercy. Th is the Int ina Adam's death sentence, and the hei etemal ife, So, just as sure as Man's Wil, nor Works, had nothing at alto do wth their First Generating; ithad nothing tb do with this “Washing of Regenerating” into the Spirit Realm, The Son realy is “The Everlasting Father, just as the Holy Ghost said in isaah 9:6, To say the Re-Fathering only heppened To Some, would leave All Others Out, if this was trus, God's Mercy was “Limited Instead of Abundant’. Not only that, but ALL Died In. Adam, and All, (.¢. Every Men) are Made Alive In Christ To sayy that it happens to only those who Ask for it would ‘eave out All Who Don't Ask. Let's See Here: Nobody has ever bean Born into the Natural Realm By Asking; Nor docs any BBible Passage ever sey that Anybody Is Born Again, oF Fathered Again, By Asking. It was Clearly By, and At The Time Of, The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, So, Neither of these concepts fi, Thank God we don't have fo figure it out. We can just accept it ike the Holy Ghost has ‘said It Is; just as we must aocept our natural birth. See 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. Remember, this New Birth Is like the wind blowing; which it always does at it's Own Wil, without Asking Anybody's Permission. ‘The Mothering Happens sometime after The Fathering, This ‘Happening is not quite so clear, so | can only give you my opinion, Gelatans 4:22-31 tells us that Abraham had two sons, One by the Bondmaid; which was compared to the Jerusalem that was in Bondage. The other was by the Free ‘Woman; which was compared to the Jerusalem that is Free; Which Is The Mother of US ALL, ‘This Bondage evidently has to do with Fear; which bagan with Adam's Fear of Death, because of God's Judgment and Punishment for his sin, Hebrews 214-16 says; Jesus took ppart of flesh and blood, that through Death, He might Destroy Him that Had (past tense) the Power of Death, that Is the Devil; and Deliver Them Who Through Fear of Death, Were All Thelr Lifetime, Subject To Bondage, 1 John 4:16-19 says that Knowing and Believing the Love that God has for Us, Makes Our Love Perfact and Cast Out the Fear of Judgment; which has Torment. He that Fears is not Made Perfect in Love. So, those who are living in The Fear of Deeth and Judgment are living in Bondage to that Love to be Made Perfect, and Casts Out Fear; which Allows Us To Come Out Of The Bondase To Fear Just As We Came Out CF rs Page 20 A Guide To All Truth Jesus plenly sai; The Purpose of the Holy Ghost fs, “To Guida Us Into All Truth.” Blaspheming The Holy Ghost by Contracting His Holy Words, Prevents men from being; “Guided Into A Truth’; there-by Hurting Man; so, It Needs To Be; In Fact, Gan Only Be; Set Aside By Men, for Man's Sake; Not God's. Common senso says its not 904, nor profitable, to make the ONE who is suppose to Gulde Us into Alt Truth, into A Villain; especialy when that “ONE", isin Fact God, See John 16:13, What “THE TRUTH IS”, is Very Clearly Defined By What “THE TRUTH DOES". ' THE TRUTH, MAKES US FREE. (Tho Truth iS Jesus Christ; The Word Made Flesh; Emanusl, God With Us; The Creator; and The Devine Expression, in Human Form) See John 832-36, 14:6 & Hebrews 4:10. What ” of God's Lovin and His ine Our of Knowir lievine 2 ith ” Will ming Our: von of God; whlch Ulmtely Decides Our Ethics and Conduct 2 Peter 1:1-4 says; “Through Our Knowledge of Him, We hhave Grace and Peace multiplied to us; All Things that Pertains to Life and Godliness; and we Partake of the Devine Nature”, The prevailing conduct of our present society surely does not come out of, “Partaking of the Devine Nature”; so there is very obviously “A Lack of Knowledge of Him Who “Is The Truth"; because men’s words have made the only one who is really qualified to “Guide Us Into All Truth”, Into A Villain, and Men's Ideas hhave been made into A Hero, which Must Be Faithtully Folowed At Any Cost, Without Any Questions. (The Utimete Goal of tis writing is to Holp Our Generation To ‘Know, and Belleve The Truth About Him Who is “The Truth’, so they cen Have Grace and Pasco Multipliod fo Them; and Partake of the Devine Nature.) ‘The Greek word that is translated as Free, is eleutheroo, See Strong's # 1659, It means to be exempt from all oral, mortal, and ceremonial lability. his Examption From All Liability is ours only because The is Jesus Chri liable in our plece, This became a Historical Fact at ‘Pilates Judgment Hall’, and “Galvary’; where "Emanuel, God With Us", who knew no sin, was made to be sin for us, and became the Advocate for ‘Any Man (ie. Every Man) Who Sins, and the Propitiation, or the Full Payment, for the Sins of the Whole Word. (it is obviously between man and God only; never between man ‘and mar.) He did this for His Own Namo’s Sake; and Out OF The Justice of His Good Character; simply because tt was He, or The Truth, who Made Men Subject to the Vanity that brought Sin's Liability upon Mankind in the first place, See Isaiah 45:21 and Hebrews 1:1-1-10. Page 5 Addi smallest ect on man's part in order to have ighteousness, (Lo, tanding with God) Rejects a1 ‘Abandons God's, lership of TI {nto “All Truth"; “making the Words of ‘Ghost nds of men are A and al cost, It also takes Jesus, ‘nust be followed at any and all cost, (Wino 1s The Truth) Completely Out ofa Life. This Exemption from All Liability was surely not given so men can do evil without consequences. That is Not Possible. As You Sow, You Will Reap. All Works Of The Flesh; which are adultery, fomication, uncleanness, envy, Grunkenness, wrath, strife, hatred, lewdness, murderers, idolatry, heresies, and such ike; Ara Very Hurtful.) 2 Corinthians 3:17 says: “Where tho Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty’. Liberty is from this same Greek Word. So, where the Spirit ofthe Lord is there Is exemption from all liability, also. Any Doctrine which makes the flesh liable in even the very smallest way, Destroys this Liberty, arid prevents Folks from ever, “Waiting in Tha Spirit’, and bringing forth its Fruit. The only other possible altemative is, "The Works of The Flesh”. We certainly have these ‘Works of the Flesh” in abundance; so this “Liberty” is surely being violated. Being Filed with the Holy Spirit 's one thing. "Walking in the Spit is something else. May those vino have Boon Fiied with The Holy Spirit, come to understand and accept this “Liberty” so they can also “Walk in tha Spc, and bring forth its Frit) Galatians 3:10-14 says; Christ has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law. Hebrews 8:8 says; The Fault Was With ‘Them, Not With God’s Law. They Broke The Covenant, Colossians 2:13-15 says; The Handwriting of Ordinances ‘that were contrary to us, and against us, were “Taken Out Of The Way", being Nailed to His Cross. This Act of Mercy Spoiled, (ie. it Un-Armed) the Principalities and Powers, ‘Triumphing over them in it. When these Written Ordinances are Taken Down From His Cross, these Principalities and Powers are Re-Supplied, and will Continually Triumph Over Us. (There is only One Place where God's Law, which Is Love, is “Out of the Way"; and that Is inside The Heart, where It Can Be Given Away To Others, This is where it 41s In the New Covenant) Under Law, of Liability To Perform, the Heart is Deceitlul above all things, and Desperately Wicked. (Jesus isthe only ‘Humen Being to ever bear the Full Liabilly of God's Law. Seo Jeremian 17:9, Psaims 14:1-4, & Romans 39-20) Romans 4:15 says; “The Law Works Wrath”. (The Grook word for Vira is: “orge”, which meens a passionete desire; and is offen used fo describo passion parties. See Strong's ##3709,) Law Creates A Pesslonate Desire fo do whatever 'Usays not to do. ‘There was only One Law in The Garden, ‘Adam and Eve “Broke It”. Men cali itreverse psychology, Page 6 2. Belag Born Again. This is a two fold happening; “The Fathering Again’; and “The Mothering Again”. {Not ig has led to and ‘many delusions.) The Greek word for bors gennao; which is from the root word genos; which means to procreate, properly of the father, but by extansion of the mother. Strong's # 1080 & 1085. “The Fathering Again” happens first, and isthe source of our inheritance, which is utimately the most important thing in this subject. Jesus tells us that @ person must be “Bom Again” in order to see, and to enter info the “Kingdom of God”. Jesus told His Disciples that the Kingdom is not here or there, but is within you. He also taught us to pray; “Thy Kingdom Come, Try Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven’. Paul says. the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Evidently this is the Kingdom that Jesus was refering to. He then ‘cornpares this New Birth to the wind blowing. See John 3:3- 12, Matthew 6:10, Luke 17:21, and Romans 14:17. Has Anybody But Jesus Ever Imposed Thelr Will On The Wind? “Has anybody ever boen born into this world; or chosen who thelr Parents would be, by their own will? Birth and Parentage is not by man's wi inthe natural ream, ‘80 how can it be by men’s wil inthe spintual realm? With ths in mind, lets ook at Two Very Clear Blble References, to *Being Bor (ie. fathered) Again”. “According to God's Abundant Mercy, He has Begotten Us Agaln (Le. fathered us again) by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ irom the dead, fo a fiving hope and fo an Inheritance inconuptble, undefiled, and that don’t fade away’, See 1 Peter 134. The Holy Ghost is abundantly clear on all that reelly matters for us to understand this “Fathering Again". The motive and passion involved was nothing more than, nor less than, God's Abundant Marcy. “It Was By, and At The Time of The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ’. which was 1900+ years ago, The results is a living hope and an inheritance thet 1s incoruptible, undefiled, and don't ever fade away. As in Adam ALL Die; ‘even so in Chist shall All Be Made Alive; Every Man In His Own Order. Adam's Sin caused Every Man's Inheritance to be Deeth. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Caused Every Man's inbertance to be Life. See 1 Corinthians 18:20-28. ‘So just as Men's ss had nothing to do with the ‘Natural Fathering, it had al othing to do I Fatherad Again. It happened to US ALL by God's Will; and by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Titus 3:47 says; Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done; but aocorting to His Mercy He Saved Us, by the Washing of Regeneration, (ie. re-fathering) “and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which was abundantly shed on by Jesus Christ our Savior, Being Jusifed by His Grace, Page 19 ie. given Right Standing With God by The Faith of Jesus; (Justification Speaks of Positional Right Standing with God.) Just Actions will como out of A Saved, Justified Heart, Romans 3:3-4 asks; “Shall the Un-Beliof of some make the Faith of God without effect? God forbid”! Verse 22 ‘says; “Tho Righteousness of God! which is by Tho Faith, (le. Faithfulness) of Jesus Christ is UNTO ALL”. Just as ‘Adam's Un-Feithfulness brought Wrong Standing with God, and Death, “UNTO ALL"; the Faithfulness of Jesus Christ brings Right Standing with God, and Life, “UNTO ALL”. But, The Righteousness which Is By The Falth of Jesus, stil does not Save the Troubled Heart. ‘So, Paul says; itis “UPON ALL That Believe”. The Faith of Jesus Produced Right Standing With God for US ALL; but “Our Faith” Must Do The Receiving; which will cause His Gift of Righteousness to be “UPON US”, Believing that ur Faith Will Produce Right Standing with God, Leaves the Heart Troubled; but Believing that the Falth of Jesus Christ has Given Us Right Standing with God, (and Saved us from Wrong Standing) Causes this Fact To Be “UPON US"; which will eventually Clear A Condemned Heart of It's Condemnation, and, Un-Trouble it. This “UNTO ALL” is lke A Lange Circle that inckuies Everybody; while “UPON ALL” is tke A Smaller Circle Inside the Larger Circe; which includes only those who believe that they were Given Right Standing With God by the Faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Does Un-Bellof Give Anybody Wrong Standing in The Eyes of God? God Forbldll!_Men’s Unbelif, or their Perverted Beliefs, only Prevents Their Own Heart from Receiving God's Saving Gift of Righteousness, Causing the Thoughts and Intentions of their Heart to Remain Deceiful and Desperately Wicked. See Romans 6:12-24 and 1 Corinthians 16:21-28. itis Very Important that we believe that our Right Standing is By His Faith, or Fatthfulness, beceuse This Inside Circle of Un-Troubled Hearts Positively Does Not Include Anybody Who Believes They Have Right Standing With God By Thelr Own Feith, or Any Of Their Own Actions. 1s@_do_ni wur_heart will 1e ‘You wil Act out of the depths of your Sub- Conscience Mind, According to the way you Instructed it to Peresive, and Believe by your Conscience Mind. in Philippians 3:4-14 Paul tls of his claim to right standing with God by Being an Israelite; and by his Zeal for Keeping the Mosaic Law. Then he says he counts all these things as Dung compared to the Excellency of Knowing that he had Definitely Been Given, end had without any doubt Received into his Heart, the Saving Knowledge of the Right Standing that he had with God by “His Own Faith” in "The Faith of Jesus Christ”. Selahit! Pege 18 Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ and is about men Receiving God's Love for US ALL into their heart and then giving it away to ALL others. (LOVE FULFILLS ALL. OF GOD'S LAW) You can't give away what you dont have; but those who Receive God's Love by the Tons wil be Witingly, and Enargetically Giving Away Hundreds of Pounds to thelr family; to their fiends; to their relatives; to strangers; and even to their enemies. The Gift is already there, just like having Bilions of dotiars in the bank, whether its ever Received, and Given Away, or not. Recelving God's Love is not a Liablity, but is an Opportunity to Receive the Dearest, and Most Sought After thing that any porson can ever possess, which Is Belng Loved and Accopted Unconditional, by another being. See John 1:17, 13:34, Romans 13:10, 4 Corinthians 13:1-13, and Hebrews 13: Obviously this Exemption ftom All Licblty was given so the Holy Spirit can Deliver (Le. save) Men's Heart from being Deceitful end Desperately Wicked, into “A Good Thing”, by Establishing itin Grace. The Heart ls the place of our thoughts and Intentions, so it must include both the Conscience Mind, and the Depths of the Unconscious Mind. Grace Is The Undeserved, Unmerited, Free Gift ‘of the Truth, which has Made US ALL Exempt from All Moral, Mortal, and Coremonial Liability, So We Can Walk in The Spirit. See Hebrews 4:12 & 13:9 The vely second a heart comes to Know and Beliove what “The Truth” (fesus Christ) really meens fo US ALL, it wil certainly, with no exceptions, cry out to Father God with Thanksgiving for His Loving Kindness and His Enduring, Tender Mercies! Giving Thanks wil eventually cause A Heart to Be Delivered from being Deceitful and Desperately Wicked, into A Possession of God's Love;_there-by being Established in Graog; thus being “A Good Thing”, Giving Thanks must not become A Legalistic, Ceremoniat Liability; but must ie the Expression of Our Knowledge Of; and Our Feith In, God's Love for US ALL. Thanksgiving is the only Biblical Insiuctions | know of for Entering into God's Presence, where there is ‘Fullness of Joy’, and "Pleasure for Evermore.” It was given “To AM! Lands”, Psalms 16:11, 100:1-5, and 1 John 4:16-19. The Holy Ghost Has Spoken To Us By... “Tho Prophecies of Old Time Came as Holy Wen of God Spoke as they ware Moved On By Tho Holy Ghost". See 2 Timothy 3:13-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21. (They have also ‘bean confirmed by \ i Blaspheming, \ilfying, Contraditing, and Hindering these Words causes Every Man To Be Right in His Own Eyes; and to perform in Their Own Will. Reigious systems do this by teling folks Their Way is the only Right Way. This would be OK i i ‘was true; but they often Contradict Many Very Clear Words ofthe Holy Ghost, given tous by The Holy Prophets. Page 7 Many folks study the Bible simply to confirm pre-conceived, Denominational ideas, and vigorously resist anyone wo dates to question those Ideas; even when they Contradict many very clear words of the Holy Ghost, given fo us by the Apostles anc! Prophets; and Confimed by Well Documented tistory. This Approach to Studying God's Word has ‘Surely Created POVERTY To The MAX. it Can Do Nothing Else. | did this for 20+ years. In 1981, | began to study God's Word fo sea what the Holy Ghost was actually saying to us. It became a totally diferent book. You can be Very Popular, and ae in this worlds goods, dt ds gots nlf be sil be ‘poor. bind, Hold ofthe enol St eee ee od Sink "Prom ises of God”, rea Surely Cure Our Hurts, The Holy Ghost has made "The Promises” of God Very Simple and Easy To Understand, and To Lay Hold Oflt! Even Jesus’ 12 Closest Disciples didn't seem to have a clue to, “The Process”, Please Consider the sad and hurtful state of the many ‘broken individuals and families; the confused, the emotional wrecks; the addicts; the substance abusers; the prisoners; ‘the hungry; the violated; and the many casualties of wars; tc,, elc.; in our present wicked, and adulterous society, before you decide against the Following Very Clear ‘Words giveni to us by The Holy Ghost; through the Holy Prophets, and the Apostles. Thay Clearly Reveal The Goodness of His Loving Character and Will Eventually Accomplish His Devine Purpose in His Creation, The Holy Ghost wil only give us something that's good for Us. itis man’s Blasphemous, Hindering, Contradicting Words ‘hat are hurting us. The Most Hindering Blasphemy ‘The Holy Ghost Clearly Said; In The New Covenant, “God Will Remember Their Sins No More”. See Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:12, and 10:17. These two writers have Given Us A Double Witness to some of The Clearest, and Easlest Words To Understand, ever Given, ‘To Men by The Holy Ghost. ‘The Book of Hebrews is writen to the Son's Hairs, which is US ALL. By Abraham's Seed, which is Jesus Christ; ALL ‘The Families of the Earth are Now included and Blessed in All of the Promises Made to Israel, just as God Promised Father Abraham. See Genesis 28:14 & Hebrews 1:1-4 Remembering Sins No More, Reveals The Enduring Mercy ‘of God's Loving Character; which Will Eventually Be Made Manifest to All of His Creation because of the Historical, Public Display, ofthe Fruit of His Spirt at Calvary. There are Many Bible Passages, and Lot's of Well Documented History ‘which most Certainly Verifies, that in the New Covenant, God has Chosen of His Own Will To “Remember Sin No More”. 1 will only refer to four at tis time. Poge & ‘Must Be RE-THOUGHT and RE-SPOKEN. They are Adversly Affecting men's ethics. and the General Site of Being, of All Human Society, The Quicker they ars Dealt ‘With the Better, (There are way too many to mention here, ‘but we will look briefiy at three, that are multi-faceted) 4. Righteousness, Justification, Sanctification, Faith, and Salvation, The Bible clearly speaks of fighteousness and Justification (They ere both the same thing. fram tne seme Greek words.) In two very diferent ways, One is By Right Conduct; which Only Jesus Christ has ever accomplished. The Other Is Positional, or Right Standing wit God, Positional Righteousness is the Only Hope that mortal men could ever have of Being Saved From Sh's Guilt and Penalty. Conduct Can not Be imparted; but Positional Right Standing, or Justification, was Imparted TOUSALL, AtHis Resurrection. Sae Romans 4:1-25. Hebrews 10:1-10 says; Jesus Did God's Will; by which We Are Sanctfied (ie, made Holy by The offering of His tbody, Once For All, Acts 26:18 says we are Sanclified by ‘The Faith of Jesus. So, as we shall see, Righteousness, Justification, and Sanctification, are all the Past Tense, “Finished Works of His Cross". They were all Produced and Given To Us All, By The Faith of Jesus, The act of these things being Received Into Our Heart is A Present Tense, On Going work of “Our Faith", ‘The New Testament speaks very clearly to us about two completely diferent Faiths; The Faith of Jesus Christ; and Our Faith, His Faith Produced. (past fense) Our Faith Receives. (prasert fanse) Salvation is “By Faith”; and is also “Two Fold”. From God's Perspective it is, A Past Tense, Finished Work, Produced By His Faith, From Men's Perspective it is A Present Tense, On Going Happening, which must Bo, Being Received into Our Heart, By Our Falth, Mey we Quit Trying To Get the Salvation that Is Already Ours by the Faith of Jesus; and {Got on with Recolving the Salvation that Our Heart Needs, and Gets, when we Put Our Faith in what His Faith has. Already Produced, This Wil Un-Troulsle Any Troubled Heart. The following passages will make this very clear. Galatians 2:16 says; “A man is not Justified by the ‘Works of the Lav, but by the Faith of Jesus Christ. We have Believed in Jesus Christ that we might be Justified by the Falth of Christ”. So, Justification was Produced By The Faith of Jesus Christ, Our Faith is very Important when it is Rightly Placed. It is what allows us To Receive into our Troubled Heart, the Justification that His Faith has Atready Produced. Men's Conduct, Good or Bad, Uimetely Comes Out of What Our Heart Perceives Our Position With God To Be, So, When cur heart is Saved from the Perception of having Wrong Standing with God, to Knowing and Belleving that we have been Justified Page 17 Why do we even dare to think that A Special Batch of Forgiveness of Sins is Mixed Up and Doled Out on an Individual Basis when a person “Repents of Thelr Sin’, ‘or for any other reason? Requosting the forgiveness for sins on a personal, individual basis, is really just a futlo attempt to make “The Almighty God into A Handy Man Sorvent’. Should The Supreme Master Respond to His Subjeots; or Should His Subjects Respond to Him? Should Man Be Asking God to Respond to them; or Should Men Be Responding to what the Holy Prophets and Well Documented History, tells us He has Already Done for US ‘ALL? Any such acts are Contrary to The Biblical Principle {or dealing with sin, beginning with Adam. Giving Thenks that He has; “Put Away Sin Once For All, By Sacrificing Himself;” and thet "He Remembers Sin No More”; Truly Acknowledges and Expresses Our Faith In Him as Our Lord and Savior, which altows our heart to Serve Him and Each Other out of Love and Appreciation for what He hes Already Done, instead of attempting to persuade Him to “Get Up Off of His Throne, and Serve Us with A Special Dose of Forgiveness”. See Hebrews 9:11-28. ‘The Noctrine of doing and repeating penance, in order to keep God ftom punishing folks for their sins, began used by the Pagan Priest before Abraham's lime. Lots of FEAR was used in ifs presentation in order to Control the Laity. This Concept, and its FEAR TACTICS, isthe Bass of the Doctrines and the Deeds of the Nicolaltans; which God hates. The Greek word Nicofatan means; “To Be Victorious Over The Laity”. See Revelation 2. God Hates these Doctrines and Deeds because they are A System of Control, which is aivays Un-Godly. God Leads. You Strengthen to Lead. You Weaken To Control. God Will Not Weaken You, He Wil; “Put Strangth in You", See lob 23:6. This Pagan Concept, and it's Abundant Fears has brought much Confusion, and Many Hurts, to Many Folks, both Directly and Indirectly, for Many Centuries, ‘May it stop with this Generation, ABSOLUTELY and DEFINITELY, has been FOOLISHLY TRADED for MAYBE, or, MAYBE NOT, by This Vile and Blasphemous Contraction of God's Good and Loving Charecter; and “The Finished Work of His Cross. These Hindering Doctrines have Weakened Folks in every way; (mentally, emotional, and in the general display of human charecter) just so there can be @ Pagan Systam of Control Over the Laity. This System of Control, which God Hales, has brought Us its Hurts, and Evils, Long Enough. May it ‘Stop Right Now, With You and i. Beyond These Blasphemies The Expouing of these Blasphemies will surely bring Many Vile, Hindering Contradictions To Light which Page 16 ‘salah 53:6 says: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have tumed everyone to his own way; and the Lord lald (on Him the iniquities of us all. (‘Him is clearly, Emanuel, The Almighty God With Us, in Human Form.) Micah 7:16-20 seys: The nations (ie. the Gentiles) shall ‘see and be confounded, He will have compassion on us. He will subdue our iniquities, (L¢. Israot's) and will cast afl their sins Into the depths of the sea. (AM! their sins obviously means Ail of the Gentile's sins. John 1:2, John The Beptist said; Behold the Lamb of God, which Taketh Away The Sin of The Wortd. 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 says: “To wit, God was in Christ, Reconciling the World unto Himself, not imputing thelr trespasses to them. He who knew no sin, was made to bo ain for us, that we might be made the righteousness ‘of God in Him, (In i's full context, this passage can only ‘mean that Al Sin Wes Charged To Our Lord and Savior,

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